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Old School

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Posts posted by Old School

  1. Bottom line...WV feeder program developed by Coach Sullivan...players loved game, improved every year, rarely lost on court, & kids outside of WV wanted to move into program. They now reach jv & varsity level...kids frustrated with system, top talent leaving, & WV losing on court to same teams & players they have never lost to.


    This should be years WV is dominating on the "A" level & seriously competitive on big boy level. Instead program in decline. Just very frustrating for everyone who helped develop these players & program. I'm sure very frustrating for coach Trame also.

  2. Khalid....your post is most uneducated I have seen in this thread. Coach Miller & Trame are high quality people & I personally have never heard a WV parent say different about them personally. If I was looking for teacher of life for my kids both would be very high on that list.


    Ironically both coach the same over coaching, non-adjusting system of basketball. Just look at results of WV girls program with a completely different style of play utilized by staff after coach Miller left.


    Both quality men but if I'm searching for a basketball coach neither make my list.

  3. Don't get me wrong, nothing personal against coach Trame, one of most top notch, class act gentlemen you will ever meet. But it just seems he has an old style Bobby Knight like system & attitude. Blames alot of his troubles on AAU coaches. Talented players play timid & indecisive because he tries to control every move on the floor. He never stops yelling on sideline....cut, pass, dribble, shot, pick...if you miss one of these instructions your out.


    In basketball a kids confidence, aggressiveness & natural instincts are atleast 75% of game....you have a highly talented kid looking over his shoulder, playing timid & indecisive you have made him very average. Players can only get better when allowed to make plays, play with instincts & confidence.


    Hard to watch talented players leave the program while coach is unwilling to change his system to match this talent. Instead we get to watch coaching staff give standing ovations to role players diving on balls or taking charges when WV is down 30.

  4. Natives have been restless for 4 years. Talented kids don't want to be jerked in & out of games every 2 minutes & have every pass, cut, shot on each possession dictated from sideline. Burns, mcneil, & mccubbin left for greener pastures because of this.


    What could of been..with hargett, juniors this yr Burns, Mcneil, T. Moeves, Helton, Mccubbin....loaded sophomore class. This was the group that should be dominating All A region, competitive for "A" state & big boy district & region titles for about a 4 year run. Instead has fallen apart like "a soup sandwich".


    Could of been enjoying same success as girls program when reigns were handed to former "AAU" coaches who use a system to match talent & doesn't try to change talent to match system.

  5. He was a complete non-factor....he did foul out, but #5, Young I think was Henry's best player last night. W/v sophomore Cody Catlett & junior Danielle tilley did a nice job on Jeffries, straight up, didn't have to double. W/v did also press alot & play 2-3.


    I really don't remember him getting more than 5 shot attempts or rebounds. First time I had seen the Transy signee this year, I expected more against w/v lack of size. Just an off night I guess.

  6. If you guys call this good def & enjoy this style of basketball then you probably among the few who enjoyed last yrs sweet 16.


    The total pts/game in last years sweet 16 was 100.6/game. This was the lowest by far since 1948 when it was 96.5 pts/game.


    Just for comparison 1988 what many consider one of best sweet 16 ever...Ballard with Allan Houston & clay Co with Richie farmer...sweet 16 avg total pts/game was 143.5. Back in good ole days we played basketball in & mot rugby...lol.


    Spindoc...I agree ours views not that far apart..if I may ask what region are you watching that is calling games so closely?

  7. Spindoc...also agree if defensive player moves feet & has position nothing wrong with using body...but a less skilled slower but stronger kid can use atleast one hand & alot of times get away with 2....huge advantage defense.


    Just get the hands off...both hands... clean up post play say 25%..would put skill back in game. Teach kids to play defense with feet & body position not hands.

  8. Spindoc..completely agree with your NBA & ESPN comment. But I'm sure you & like all of us were taught to play defense feet & portion & not use your hands. In today's game a 6'0 linebacker on fball team has advantage guarding a 6'3 skilled basketball player.


    And I guess obviously we are watching games in different regions....nothing ticky tack being called 8th. Once again Anderson Co. Playing pittino style with 2 1st half fouls...like the barnyard games....no blood...play on!

  9. Basically the hand checking & physical plays has ruined the game last few years. Now suppose to clean it up.


    In the 8th region I have seen nothing different. To call 2 team fouls in a half on a team that plays a style like Anderson Co is ridiculous. Then in 2nd half the refs are yelling at the players because the play got extremely Chippy. Well guess who set that tone in 1st half!


    I completely agree with comment about Bernie, not only talk to you but also set tone early. Which makes today's situation even more head scratching considering he is director of officials in 8th region.


    Another one of my pet peeves...waiting to see if ball goes in or not before calling a foul. Like someone stated earlier a foul is a foul when it is committed. Call it that way players & coaches will adjust. The "flow" has been ruined by the physical play not too many whistles.

  10. .Spindoc...I would argue today's ky high school game much closer to the peach basket days than say 15, 20, even 30 yrs ago.


    Avg totals pts/game in last yr sweet 16 was 101...in 1997/98 avg total pts/ game 131 with a championship game score of 89-78.


    Today's game not skilled basketball....battle of most physical...it is not enjoyable to watch & attendance @ sweet 16 proves that point.


    I would guess yr S/K won state or mason Co or clay Co days in late 80's scoring per game even higher without 3 pt line. Plus I'd say attendance back then atleast doubled last yr sweet 16.


    Hand & body checking in today's game make it impossible to run a half court offense & very non entertaining game.


    Had a parent tell me he was the hack guy who used his 5 fouls to frustrate the other teams best player. His quote "in today's game I would never foul out & be 1st team all-state".

  11. This is not basketball, closer to rugby. The Anderson/Walton game got completely out of control last night.


    Anderson Co. presses pittino style non stop, uses 2 hands to check perimeter ball handlers, extremely physical in post, & body checks cutters that would make any NHL coach proud. That is style they must play to compete & that is fine, but to play that style & only have 2 team fouls in a half is not basketball.


    The college games I watched yesterday not 10% as physical as this game. If allowed to play that style Anderson Co. would break Nerlens Noel in half.


    Agree with earlier post....not nearly as important these daystwo to teach kids how to play the game as it is to spend hours in the weight room.

  12. Snider and Hatton are 1a and 1b in this class. Have been since they both reclassified in middle school. Brandon is deadly from anywhere on the floor and has improved his ball handling and is considerably more aggressive getting to the rim. Obviously, Jody is being Jody and continuing his bias against NKY athletes. Snider has always been the better ball handler and better defender.


    Glad to see Schulte on the list. Kid works hard, has a great motor and isn't afraid to compete.


    Hatton great kid & player but not close to player Snider is at h/s level or college level. Snider hits big shots, runs team, makes teammates better, on ball defender, ....stood out against best in country. Wish he was heading to Lex & not the ville.


    Jody good at reporting high school info but does have some bias to his rankings.

  13. First of all no doubt the kids on the braves team played extremely hard no o e can question that fact. I have never spoken to coach Hicks, never seen a practice, but hear all the complaints from many in community...the unfaithful...which may explain the small # of GC supporters at regionals.


    The kids on the GC team all talented hard working kids. But my question for the GC faithful is....why in your opinions are so many other talented, hard working kids no longer playing ball for GC? Why have so many kids quit or not even coming out for the team?

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