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Posts posted by TheMightySachel

  1. Cooper Basketball is in it's third year of existence. The first two years were pretty rough. These boys have worked hard and been coached hard for three years. They didn't win many games the first two years and I never heard of any of them make excuses and complain. They played and still play hard right up till the very end of every game. Now in their third year these boys (and coaches) are starting to have some success (although improvement is still needed).

    So, please forgive me for thin skin when they do get a victory and it seems to get chocked up to poor play by the opposition.

    I would prefer to think of it as fruits of hard work and determination.


    I did not see him take away from Cooper's win at all...

  2. It's a grade 2 mcl sprain which means there is a slight tear in the ligament. Maurice jones-drew criticized cutler yet he missed the final two games of the season. I just find it surprising that people question Cutler's toughness wen he was sacked 52 times this last season. He never complained, r went out and fought and helped the Bears win a lot of football games. All the bandwagon Bears fans are very quick to forget the years of Craig Krenzel, Rex Grossman and the other 20 qb's that had played since McMahon.

  3. Surprised Bradley from Cooper isn't on there as an athlete. At the end of the regular season he was leading NKY in rushing, was 4th in state in rushing. He also lined up at QB, WR, LB, S, and DE. If that's not an athlete I don't know what is. He also punted in a game the kicker was hurt.

  4. Can anyone else not stand this guy? It seems to me he is extremely quick to bring down a team or player but what did this guy do to make himself a self appointed expert on NFL QB's. I realize he won a superbowl but he won it on the coat tail of Ray Lewis and that Ravens defense. The guy finished his career with more INT's than TD's and had a career 55% completion rate.


    How does everyone else feel?

  5. Mrs C and I went to Chicago to watch the game at one of our favorite bars. Of the 250 people there, I think one person defended him. Cutler is a hated man in Chicago. The bulk of the fan base is a blue collar working class people. They have been known as a tough hard nosed town and for tough hard nosed football forever. To see your QB standing on the sideline looking like he doesn't give crap about what's going on, I'd say it's safe to say a minimum of 95% in Chicago want him gone. I can't see the fan base ever forgiving him.


    Several of the players defended him after the game. That's what team mates do.


    However, if you watched the game, any time the camera was on Cutler, he was all alone. No one was going over and talking to him or offering any kind of support.


    The saddest part of it all to me is that Cutler never went over and tried to support his team mates. He wasn't there trying to talk Hanie through blitz packages, nothing. That to me is proof he is not a team player, and I hope they get rid of him. I would try to get something for him, but if I couldn't I would cut him.


    Even the Packer fans couldn't believe it.


    It's funny because all these people are jumping off the Bears bandwagon. Ask any Bears fan about this season and if they're a true Bears fan, not someone who supported because of the winning, they will say they are happy with the way the team played this year. Yea, they didn't win the superbowl, or even get there, but all the experts picked the Bears to finish behind the Lions! I mean come on! I even predicted the Bears to go 5-11 and was completely surprised by what happened this year. I look forward to next year(if there is one) and seeing what the Bears can do then.

  6. Please all of the uninformed posters on here who are saying Cutler wasn't helping out Hanie on the sideline go to this link




    and click on Hanie on Cutler.


    I think it's funny how everyone is bashing him for not helping out the 3rd string QB yet Hanie says never once did the camera pan to Jay when he was helping Hanie every time he came off the field. Not only that, but it was Cutler talking to Hanie on the headset sometimes. Maybe people should actually check out the facts before saying he wasn't helping or uninterested. The media has a way of showing things to make people feel a certain way.

  7. Listening to the media, Aaron Rodgers is the greatest qb ever. Think that will be enuff motivation for the Bears defense.


    Like Steelers/Bears in the Super Bowl.


    On a sidenote: someone told me this is only the 2nd time that the Bears and Packers have met in the playoffs. If that is true, wow. As long as they these two teams have been around and only the 2nd time, wow.


    And with something like the Superbowl on the line its going to make it that much better of a game.

  8. Actually he hasn't. He's been inconsistent the entire season. He's looked like a pro bowler one game and a turd the next.


    How much have you watched the Bears this year? I can really only think of a few, maybe 3 games where he looked bad. As the year has gone along, the Bears have run the ball more, the line has protected better, and Cutler has played a lot better. He is protecting the ball and running when there isn't anything open. He will force passes as he has the old "gunslinger" mentality but he is far and above better than last year.


    Rodgers is a top 3 QB in my mind. The Bears have done a good job against him though. I think it is going to be a very hard fought game, but the Bears pull it out at home 17-14.

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