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Posts posted by BigDP

  1. In my opinion, volleyball is the new soccer for the girls (and hopefully not to far away, boys).


    10 years ago, if you drove a mini van you were parked at a local park on a Saturday morning and your daughter was out there playing soccer. Now, with the success of the women's national volleyball team (Olympic medalist almost every olympics) and the sand volleyball (AVP in Mason, Kerri and Misti, etc.) I feel a lot of young girls are taking up the sport earlier and earlier. Plus, there seems to be a lot more of the college volleyball on TV so the younger girls are being exposed to the sport.


    I believe it is a matter of time before more of the public elementary schools begin teams/leagues for the girls to compete in. I'm surprised there are not more public schools with teams today.


    All that needs to happen is a parent to step up and put a team together at the elementary level. Then just calling around to see if they can put their team in an existing league or work with other elementary schools on forming a league of their own. I'm sure the school would support the sport for the younger girls. I believe this is what was done when a parent of a boy formed a local elementary boys team.


    'If you build it, they will come'......


    Just my thought.

  2. I have no dog in either of these discussions. However, I know several people who graduated from both Cov. Cath and ND. Cov. Cath grads have great memories in and out of school. It builds brotherhood. That brotherhood went well into adulthood with business contacts as well as support for Cov. Cath.


    From the people I know, Cov Cath does an exceptional job of building unity among their students. There is nothing wrong with ND either, but I have never felt the same strong sense of unity in the people I know.


    It is the little things that add up to the total experience. I think TOG is absolutely correct. I guarantee you that one of the reasons why Cov. Cath has such great support from the alumni.


    Now, back to the thread. Good luck to the Pandas.


    Well said Beechwoodfan!!!:thumb:

  3. I know that times are tough. But, there are lots of opportunities to do fund raising. It is not easy (I have slept in a fireworks tent in the middle of Louisville). But, in my mind, it is a small price to pay to help my sons achieve their dreams.


    I could not agree more.


    In talking to different college coaches in different sports.


    I've been told more than once that 'The easiest kid to recruit is the kid that wants to come to your school'.


    At the end of the day all you want to do is give your child the oppurtunity to continue their career at the next level if that is what they want.


    All you really need to do is get your childs name / information in front of the coach or assistant coach. Heck, you can send a letter (or even an email) to the coach or assistant coach of the school your child wants to attend or a variety of colleges that they have an interest in. If you provide them with your childs schedule, stats, 'resume', etc., who knows, they may show up.


    I agree that it helps to play on the top AAU teams and in the Sweet 16, however, kids get recruited that do not do either. You just want to do what you can to get them noticed and their name out there.


    Sometimes you just need to do some of the leg work!


    Just my two cents worth.

  4. paNDA - Great job again with the pictures!!! Nice job of getting a pix of Mr. Panda doing his P A N D A (no 'S' please) cheer!!! Rumor has it that he doesn't even practice it, he has it memorized!!!


    Congrats to the Panda coaches and players on winning the region!!!


    NDA v. Green Co @ 1pm Friday.


    A little background on NDA's opponent on Friday. There have been no common opponents between the two schools.


    It looks like Green Go upset(?) Bethlehem in the regional finals in two games after losing to Bethlehem in three earlier in the year.


    In the second round, it looks like (if both teams win) it will be NDA v. Paul Laurence Dunbar.


    There have been a couple of common opponents between NDA and Dunbar:

    Boone County, Ryle


    Both schools won their matches over these teams this year.


    This match may be more competitive than some may think. However, my friends money is still on the PANDAS!!!!


    Go Pandas!!!!

  5. Montgomery may be better offensively in the open court, but lots of atheltic guys, such as these are. However, Montgomery can play defense in the halfcourt. The kid has long arms and legs, which allows him to get a wide base, and can keep his hands active in the opposers shot pocket. He also has solid recovery skills and the ability to get up and block shots.


    In regards to halfcourt offense, give Montgomery some time against the varsity squads around the state and to work within his own varsity squad and he'll be fine. The kid can be a difference maker. I think he also has the ability to take over games (he may not need to as a junior with popp/gabbard), but this will help Boone in his senior season.


    :thumb:I agree Perfect Practice


    And he can jump out of the gym!!! With his height he has the ability to see over the defenders with the ball in his hands in the open court or in the half court set. He has made some sweet no look passes to his teammates.


    If anything, I think he needs to be a bit more selfish and look for his shot more!

  6. Mertle is a legend at NCC and in Northern Kentucky. With that being said, Vicki has done a very good job in her first season as head coach. NCC has a strong core group of sophomore players right now that will undoubtedly only get better over the next two seasons.


    As for the Camels, congratuatlons on another fine season. Coach Ballinger knows the game well and always gets the most out of every team that she coaches.


    I believe Bredwinner said it best a week or so ago when the COY was announced that it occurred to early!!!


    If you would have told me that NCC would win the 10th region at the beginning of the year with everything they lost (including Coach Mertle), I would have had a hard time believing it.


    Congrats to the Breds and Coach F. on winning the 10th region.:thumb:

  7. I am in error here, I was told that NDA won the region in VB but I understand that they play Scott Saturday for this championship. Is that right? Sorry for the mistake. I hear that Scott is very good so this could be a great battle.




    You are correct, NDA plays Scott Saturday night for the regional final at Ryle @ 7pm.


    They met earlier in the year and NDA did pull out the victory, however, it should be a very competitive match with both teams big hitting stars (Tibbs and O'Connor vs. Wulfeck and Barton) going against each other. In the end, I think NDA's 'other' players are stronger than Scott's 'other' players. Especially when you have the POY Schellhaas patrolling the back row for the Pandas.

  8. NDA has to defeat Scott first and if they do I would t6hink that they would be the favorite to win State since Assumption is gone and they have beaten both Sacred Heart and Mercy already .


    One hint to Scott If you want to win Saturday night , don't bring Balloons to the game .


    Agreed about the Scott game Saturday night. First things first....


    The NDA matches versus Mercy and Sacred Heart both went 5 games and were 15 -12 and 15 -13 in the 5th game. However, NDA did win both matches!! Hopefully, NDA gets a chance to play and beat both these teams again next Saturday. Also, if memory serves me correct, against Mercy, their 'star' player went out early with an injury (Mercy's star player that is).


    Don't bring balloons?:isurrender::idunno:

  9. IMO, this will be an area of concern with Boone. I would venture to say that this team will struggle to find anyone who can knock down 3's at a 40% clip or better. Also, I would be stunned if McControl (McQuery) will unleash any of his talent. I think this is why you see certain players on Boone's team "push back" against his system, and this causes moral issues like they experienced last season. Just my two cents worth.


    Agree! :ylsuper:


    Sometimes the coach needs to adjust to his players and their strengths. I just don't see that happen at Boone this year or in years past.


    If you've got the horses, let them run and in my opinion, Boone (and Holmes) have more stallions than anyone in the region.


    It would be nice to see if Popp, Montgomery or any of the other outside shooters for Boone were given the chance to display their outside talents without having to look over their shoulder at the scorers table if they miss an outisde shot.

  10. Which NDA team will we see? The "first game" NDA team against BW and HC? If so, SHDHS has a chance. If not, might be over in 2.


    The 'first game' NDA team against BW and HC didn't show up last night as you can tell by the score. I thought that was a big key in NDA's victory last night.


    It was pretty impressive when, before 5pm the whole NDA team was already on the court dressed and stretched out in preperation for the match.


    It looked like they were much more ready to start the match than St. Henry, IMO.


    Congrats to NDA and St. Henry on fine seasons and good luck to the Pandas Saturday night against Scott. :popcorn:

  11. NDA beats St Henry in two 25-12 an 25-22


    Wow, NDA came ready to play last night, Coach Lanham had her team firing on all cylinders!!! Especially in the first game where, in my opinion, I thought the Pandas thoroughly dominated the Cru in every aspect. The second game was much more competitive.


    Congratulations Coach Lanham on a job well done. You deserve a tremendous amount of credit for working through all the injuries your team has sustained this year to get back to the regional final!


    Also, it looks like Assumption got beat last night in Louisville which really opens up the State Tournament next weekend at NKU.


    The winner of the NDA/Scott match Saturday night has a very legitimate shot at reaching the semi finals of the state tournament where they will more than likely play Louisville Mercy.

  12. Montgomery is a very good open court player and is extremely athletic. He tends to struggle in half court offensively and defensively just due to lack of upper body strength.


    If Boone plays that patient half court game they played towards the end of last season I can see Lay and Brown getting a lot more minutes. If they go to a more uptempo style I can see Montgomery getting more time.


    Style of play can determine minutes as much as ability in some cases.


    Good post! I agree :ylsuper:


    It seems Boone has the horses to run up and down the court. I thought they should have done that more last year when they were deeper and more athletic than most of the teams they played. It looks to be the same type of team again this year.


    Against Holmes and some of the other more athletic teams, I agree that playing half court games may be the way to go, however, with the athletes/players that Boone has I think it would be some pretty exciting basketball if they were turned loose.



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