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Perfect Practice

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Posts posted by Perfect Practice

  1. I think Brown is going to have a very solid season. As stated previously, Earls is not a preferred post player just because of his tendencies to want to pop out. He can shoot the ball at times as well, and likes to. Brown is a pure post player and has that big body and skill to move people around. I could easily see some double/double games in Browns future (10/10). He's tough to guard down there because of strength and size.

    He'll come in used to moving people around too, playing TE for that Boone County football offense and moving people out of Quainoo's running lane.

  2. Agreed. Montgomery, Gabbard, Popp, and Cotton all fare better in open court because of their spead, court vision, athleticism, and quickness. Earls is better suited for open court too. He runs the floor well, and his strength/tendency is not post play. Brown and Lay are more suited for half court. Boone also has a couple of other small senior guards who can't create their own shots but can knock down some threes in open court. Overall, I think Boone's players are more suited to open court, vs full court. I thought the same was true last year too. McFarland was best as a slasher. They are not especially big or strong inside.


    Montgomery may be better offensively in the open court, but lots of atheltic guys, such as these are. However, Montgomery can play defense in the halfcourt. The kid has long arms and legs, which allows him to get a wide base, and can keep his hands active in the opposers shot pocket. He also has solid recovery skills and the ability to get up and block shots.


    In regards to halfcourt offense, give Montgomery some time against the varsity squads around the state and to work within his own varsity squad and he'll be fine. The kid can be a difference maker. I think he also has the ability to take over games (he may not need to as a junior with popp/gabbard), but this will help Boone in his senior season.

  3. :deadhorse:


    Does it matter if they played a healthy GRC? Every program in the state goes thru bumps, bruises, illness and injuries over the course of the season. The top programs practice hard, play hard and injuries are just part of the road that needs to be traveled.


    There is no guarantee that a 100% healthy GRC beats Mason Co in the finals because you have to play the game. No one wants to see teams playing at less than 100% but it is a fact of life in all sports.


    Mason Co beat the team that GRC had on that night end of story.


    This is exactly what I said about Scott Co. losing last year even though Phares was out. No matter how you chop it up, the players on the court have to play. And, Im pretty sure if you asked Guyn, Euton, Jackson, and even Flannery if they could win every game... they would say yes. Good players have confidence and find ways to win.


    A team is not one player. A team is a group of players that work in sync to win basketball games.

  4. All of this Mason County slamming is getting old! Mason County basketball is the standard of 10th region basketball and one of the top five high school basketball programs in the greatest state to play the sport! The people in Maysville love the sport and develop talent with the Boy's Club and the YMCA that any community wanting to win should have to grow talent. Mason County wins and wins big with a relatively small school and student enrollment by being smart with player development. Mason County basketball is one of the driving forces of any school in this state who wants to measure basketball success.


    Mason County has very good talent. They have Setty, Pawsett, and Gilbert. Whats the old saying... 2 cant carry 3, but 3 can carry 2. Well Mason County has 3 really good basketball players. Pawsett and Gilbert also appear to be very strong mentally. Setty and Pawsett can be inside/outside guys, which is tough to guard.


    Mason County will fair well this season IMO. Love the game of those 3 Juniors.

  5. I'd bump Pangallo down some and put Stauffer in there about 8. I see Pangallo as a top 15 player but not top 10. Interesting that O'Conner has a D2 offer and isn't on the list.


    There are also other players who are getting a lot of college interest who aren't listed.


    I agree about Stauffer. I could see O'Conner listed in the top 15 or 20, but I dont know about 10. He is a good player though. Stauffer is probably top 5 overall players in his grade in NKY. If Kellen Smith made the list, I think Stauffer should have as well. Both really good players.

  6. Obviously you are probably an AAU coach or involved in AAU. I think in general it has not been good for the game of basketball. That is my opinion and you can say whatever you want about it. I am a big fan of basketball in Kentucky. I choose to go to a lot of high school games. I live in Lexington so I see a lot of 11th region games and also a lot of 13th region games. I attend the state AAU tournament every year in early May to see most of the good players in the state. Ive also attended some bigger events in Cinncinatti and Louisville. The intensity in an AAU game simply does not compare to that of a high school game. I like hearing about guys like Stephon Curry who didn't play AAU and was a top 10 draft pick this year. He spent his time developing fundamentals.


    We will just have to agree to disagree. We have gotten way off topic so if I can manage I am going to try not to discuss this again in the thread.


    How can you say that playing basketball is not good for the game of basketball? You said something previously about not being able to practice. Some of the best experiences come from in game experiences. If these kids didnt play summer AAU ball, they would be sitting around from April til November without any game experience. AAU has dramatically increased the talent in high school. Generally, this is because the best talent from each highschool team plays AAU, which means that every time you step on the AAU court you are playing the best of the best. How does that not improve your game? That is much better than beating up on some freshman or sophomore in practice if you are an incoming senior.


    And, this is always an exception. Steph Curry was very much the exception. Then again, he did have a father that played in the NBA who I am sure worked with, and coached him up every day of his life. Not every kid has that luxury.

  7. I believe that Jackson got offers from Xavier and W. Virginia via AAU ball as a freshman. I think one or more of these offers came directly after the Adidas it Takes 5 AAU tournament. Ricardo may not be flashy, but he is very good. I believe good coaches will notice talented players in AAU, even if they are unselfish. Vee Sanford played for the Shining Stars. I bet that Georgetown first found out about him and became interested through an AAU tournament. I think those are all excellent players. How could they not be noticed in AAU? If I'm not mistaken, Phares played for Derek Smith and had offers as a result of his play with them.


    I don't agree that AAU is a polar opposite from all college teams. It really depends on the college's preferred style of play. For example, there are a lot of players taking their man off the dribble and attacking the basket or kicking out to 3-point shooters in AAU. Some colleges also have this style (even if they aren't always big colleges), and they look for players with these qualities who fit that type of system.


    Some player's skills are more suited to and and highlighted by AAU ball's faster, open game, while others stand out in a defensive or more deliberate, slower-paced, half court game like many high schools play. Most high schools don't have the number of good athletes and depth to play consistently at a fast pace like an AAU team does. I think there is more variety in college. There are certainly teams like the old Loyola Marymount team and UNLV teams who prefer the fast pace, high scoring games and to try to outscore their opponents by scoring 80+ a game instead of trying to win by holding their opponent to the 50s every game.


    It's fun to debate. In the end the college coaches pick the best players (except the tall ones solely picked on potential), regardless of whether they see them in high school or AAU.


    I agree with you here. I think it really depends on the college team and that coaches preferred style of play. The slow paced, half court game of high school can take away, or not showcase the ability of some kids. AAU can bring those talents and potential to the surface. If anything, I think the half court set up of high school ball, hurts the athletes (or, doesnt show their abilities) like AAU can.


    Plus, the AAU scene is crawling with coaches and scouts, you dont see that as much anymore in high school. Most of the recruiting takes place in the AAU arenas.


    I have seen AAU teams run many different types of offenses, I think the coach has to know the type of players he has. The coach has to utilize his players talents and potential. Not every coach or team uses a run and gun offense. I have seen many half court sets, read and react, motions, transitions, along with run and gun.

  8. In full agreement with you. Post was not meant to say ONE negative thing about anyone. Like I said, I did not want the post to be misconstrued. Should of just found a better way to say that Conner should be competitive this year with losing an impact player. Let me make if very clear, Avery is a great kid and a VERY good basketball player who should have a very positive impact at Holmes. Was not trying to air any dirty laundry.


    I dont think your post was airing any dirty laundry at all. I have heard this as well. All though, it is just speculation. Avery is a FANTASTIC player! The kid can be lights out and can get to the rim. Avery would have been Conner's senior leader, with him gone the team will have to really, REALLY pull together. The leaving of Avery could really hurt Conner, or as previously stated, could make them band together as a team and build great chemistry. They will be fairly young. We shall see. No dirty laundry. No harm, no foul.


    Looking forward to Avery at Holmes. I think he gives Holmes another great shot at a state title.

  9. Really like the Stauffer kid alot. He has lots of upside and will be fun to watch the next couple of seasons. If someone steps up and becomes a solid PG for this team, then IMO they can be really good. I have my reservations about McLeish being the point?? I look for Ryle to battle it out with Conner for a regional berth.


    I like McLeish, think he will be a really good player for Ryle this year. If he runs the point, which it appears he will, he'll be the oil that makes the machine run smoothly. He can do it.

  10. Should be a top five team in Northern Kentucky but have some questions.


    Replacing a 3 year starter at the PG position in Ahern. Does McLeish move to the point and if he does move to the point does that take away from his opportunities to score?


    Are the other options at the point like Stinson, Mullins or Perkins ready to take over?


    Is Nichols going to play his senior year or just focus on getting ready to play PAC 10 football?


    Stauffer is a nice player and could develop into a top 10 player in Northern Kentucky along with McLeish.


    Coleman had a really nice summer shooting the basketball and if he continues to shoot like that for Ryle that would give them a nice inside-outside ability to score the basketball.


    For his grade level, Stauffer is all ready a top 10 player in NKY, and likely top 5. He may be a top 10 player in KY allready including seniors. I mean, can you name 10 that are decidely better? If so, it would be arguably. By the time it's all said and done for this kid I would say we'll be talking about him being a top 10-15 player in the state.

  11. Let's hear some opinions about the pros and cons of Kentucky high school basketball players going prep school.


    Names like Twany Beckham, Tony Kimbro, Aaron Cosby, and Jacob Jenkins have all utilized the prep route. What are some thoughts on prep schooling from a Kentucky athlete's standpoint?


    I had an opportunity to see Kimbro a few times this season and I think he has a ways to go. He can get to the rack with absolute ease, but his jumpshot was very ineffective in the games I saw. He was also lacking on the defensive end and needs to gain some strength to be able to box out and rebound a little better. The potential and high ceiling is definitely there! Hopefully he continues to work hard and will succeed!

  12. As were other players. Trinity's Epley, Scott County's Flannery, and Boone's Popp all had good summers on the AAU circuit and have several D2 and smaller colleges recruiting them as a result. They will all play somewhere at the next level if they take care of things in the classroom. Lexington Christian's Evans also had a good summer and is being recruited by several D2 and smaller schools. I would bump him up on the list.


    I don't believe everyone on Mr. Demling's list will go on to play college ball.


    I also believe that there are several others who are not listed who will play college ball.


    Really? Do you know who is recruiting Popp from Boone County? I really like this kids game.

  13. At what part of the game did CC's QB get hurt? Did that have something to do with them not scoring? Will he play this week against LexCath?


    QB or not, Ryle still wins this game. Ryle is just a really tough team this year and I would expect them to compete with Highlands in atleast 1 of their 2 meetings.

  14. You forgot to add one thing. This is YOUR opinion. I don't have a dog in this fight and really could care less who Cov Cath plays on the field but I would think that the coaches would know who to put in the game. This is MY opinion, of course. If a player on the bench deserves more time, then after this FIRST game, I'm sure the coaches will see it on film and make adjustments or the losses would continue and the Mafia will run the coach out of town :) Just joking guys... :thumb:


    I didnt forget to add anything. On this blog, 98% of what is stated is shear opinion. Of course what I post is my opinion. Just like what anyone posts is their opinion.

  15. Look gentlemen, or women, I am not saying that everyone who played didnt deserve playing time, or didnt deserve to start and play the whole game... I am saying that there were SOME guys who played and got more time because they were seniors. That is the bottom line. Again, I firmly believe that all the kids tried their very best, and all of them busted their tails... However, in a sport and at a program where sports are about 1 main thing (winning), there are some kids on that bench that should get much more playing time this season than some of those who started/played last weekend.


    As it's been said before, maybe this will change. We shall see.


    I am sure CCH will right the ship, and I hope they do!

  16. But....you just said in your above post that you can debate the facts, facts are facts, yadda yadda. lol aren't you kind of making yourself look bad with this then? Are you Bart Simpson?


    I think for the most part it was juniors and seniors playing. I think the team has a ton of work, but I think they are putting their best product on the field that they have at this point.


    Yes, the facts are the facts. If you saw the game, read of the game, and have talked to people about the game, you would see that there was talent on the sidelines that should have been on the field. (I wont mention names because all the kids play very, VERY hard, I dont doubt that.)


    I dont come on here spouting off random numbers about how many juniors and seniors played. That wasnt my point. My point was that at the positions where there were both juniors and seniors, and the juniors were better, the seniors may have seen more playing time.


    But, I'll go with the rest of the posters and wait to see if this changes. One poster made a great point and said that maybe Coach Wirth and the staff will see the talent after a few games. It does take time I guess. Sometimes an entire summer isnt enough.

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