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Perfect Practice

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Posts posted by Perfect Practice

  1. You obviously weren't at that game then. Stauffer didn't start scoring and playing well until the switch was made to put Rice on him and put Elijah on Coleman.


    This seemed to give Bobby a spark and he played well in the second half.




    How did Stauffer have Pittman frustrated? If you were at the game, you'd know that Pittman scored 7 of Holmes final 9 points and also took the final shot for Holmes from beyond the arc. For a kid being frustrated like you say, he sure played well down the stretch. Pittman always jaws. Doesn't mean he's frustrated...that's just his game.

    And Pittman isn't an older senior. Both he and JJ are actually younger seniors. Age wise, Jeremiah Johnson should've been a junior this year. Ricardo is the one that's an older senior.


    As far as him getting dunked on, I simply stated that it got Bobby's confidence down some which caused him to struggle in the first half. When Rice was put on him in the second half, it seemed to give him a spark and he responded well.


    I stand corrected then. On that, I could only go by what I hear. And, I am not saying that everything I hear is correct.


    Also, as for Pittman jawing... He isnt used to many players jawing back and I just meant that Stauffer is generally not intimidated by anyone. I was not at the game myself, but I know many people that were. Not one person told me that Stauffer got the best of Pittman, nor did anyone say Pittman got the best of Stauffer. Actually most everyone I talk to said it was a good matchup. Pittman is a really good player, dont get me wrong here. Just saying that for a junior, going up against a "star" senior, I have heard this was a decent battle.

  2. Look at Pittman's numbers against those guys...I wouldn't exactly say they went toe to toe with him:


    Holmes v Newcath:

    Pittman- 23 pts, 8 rbs, 3 blks

    Geisler- 12 pts, 8 rbs


    Holmes v Ryle:

    Pittman- 18 pts, 8 rbs, 4 blks, 3 ast, 3 stl


    Not sure of Stauffer's numbers but I know the majority of them came against Rice with Pittman defending Coleman since Ricardo was in foul trouble. Stauffer played very intimidated against Pittman after being dunked on twice in the first quarter.


    Stauffer had 16 points and I believe had 10 rebounds. Stauffer got dunked on, so what. Jordan Crawford dunked on Lebron James. It's basketball. You said that like it was a big deal. Who hasn't Pittman dunked on. And, from what I understand, Stauffer had Pittman pretty frustrated as they were "talkin" much of the game.


    Also, lets not forget that Pittman is a Senior (And, isn't he an older Senior?). You are talking about Junior players. I thought both of the Juniors played him pretty well for how intimidated most players respond against him. Give them another summer and highschool season and both may be able to outplay him. But, I guess that wouldn't matter if they get dunked on....

  3. That makes Thelens numbers even more impressive because after the first month of the season it was pretty common knowledge that CovCath guards were struggling shooting the ball. Teams could collapse on Thelen and Wellbrock and make it tougher to get the ball inside.


    Thelen shot 57% from the field for the season and was the leading offensive rebounder in N Ky and 3rd best defensive rebounder in N Ky and top 10 in blocks.


    CovCath went from a 9 or 10 win season to an 17 or 18 win season and a regional semifinal appearance.


    Think they are all good players and will get an opportunity to play at the college level but to say Thelen only gets his numbers because CovCath runs everything thru him? He still has to make the shots and go get the rebounds.


    Dont get me wrong, I said that Thelen is one of the top 3 big men in NKY's 2011 class. I just think that Geisler and Stauffer bring more to the table. I saw Thelen play Stauffer last summer and Thelen had nothing for him. Stauffer was much to strong and was able to beat him from the blocks.


    I like Thelen. I am really hoping he gets a good college opportunity.

  4. Neltner was Mr. Basketball with a good offensive game.


    The kid from CovCath that you mention is a walk-on at Vandy. Heck, he didn't even get off of the bench in his last high school game. Great young man but lets not use him as a measuring stick.


    That's my point. Neltner was Mr. Basketball, and was from NKY, and played D1 college basketball. So, it's not far-fetched to think a kid from NKY can go D1. Also, the kid may have walked on at Vandy, but they must have seen something to have a spot for him. Some of these NKY kids have potential. Potential doesnt mean you will go, or will play, but all it takes is for a kid to get a chance.

  5. Charlotte Court is fielding teams this year, and they will be very competitive at each level. Their program may not be considered elite as they do not try to lace themselves with the the States top ranked players, but thier player development is one of the best. And they do it for the right reasons.


    Charlotte Court has a very nice program. The team is always talented and I also like the way they do things. The boys on the team always seem to be very respectful off the court at tournaments, and seem to have good gamesmanship on the court. There are a few other teams like this as well... Team Kentucky, NKY Bulldogs, WKY Elite. These are the teams I enjoy watching, just because they always seems to have the work ethic players. The kids that go out and give it 100% all the time.


    Dont get me wrong, SSS has these players too and they are a great organization. But, because of the array of names, you dont always get to see each player on the floor.


    Will Marcellus Barkesdale be playing for the Court this year?

  6. Sounds like a strong lineup. I am guessing the Seneca kids are Stone and Fluellen. They were good when they played for the Louisville Lakers. This team will miss Gilbert, but they look to have reloaded nicely. Good luck.


    I think they will miss Gilbert greatly. Pawsat was a nice inside/outside threat. But, the SSS is almost always a competitor. I wonder how Thelen fits in here. Will Trevan Brown be on this team as well? With Geisler and Thelen....

  7. If Elijah Pittman (a really good highschool player for Holmes) is the status quo for a D1 player, then we should consider Geisler and Stauffer has prospects as well. From what I understand and saw, both of these gentlemen went toe to toe with him and gave him all he could handle.


    I really hope Pittman does get his chance somewhere one day!

  8. Hodges is a solid player, but I just don't see him at the D1 level. Against the more athletic big men (Ex: Elijah Pittman), Hodges has struggled mightily. At the D1 level if he plans on playing the small/power forward position, he'll see players like this night in and night out.


    Down low Hodges gets pushed off the blocks because of lack of strength and outside he doesn't handle the ball well enough to be a guard and isn't quick enough to defend a guard.


    I think some of you aren't realizing what it truly takes to play at the D1 level.


    Here is what I do know... Any player that is 6'8" or 6'9" that has any type of skill set is going to garner more attention than any 6'4" or 6'5" guard with the same skill set. Hodges led the state in blocks as a sophomore, and last I checked led the state in blocks as a junior. He averaged probably 10 pts/game and may be 7 or 8 boards. For a junior, these aren't bad numbers.


    Also, not every college team is made of stars. No one is saying Hodges is going to the NBA, but he could be a role player on some D1 level.


    Neltner out of Highlands played at Vandy, and the kid from CovCath went to play ball at Vandy as well. If they can do it, Hodges has a chance. You can't rule it out. Especially not just because one guy on a blog says he can't do it.

  9. IMO. The highest ceiling in NKY has to be Hodges. He has height and athleticism that is sought after at the D1 level. Word is he may end up being 6'10" and has the potential to be an excellent wing player. He does need to hit the weights. His numbers would be slightly different if he were not utilized as a center on his high school team. He doesn't have the strength to be a center at any level. If he has a good summer and developes physically, he will attract alot of attention.


    If he hits 6'10" he has a decent shot to play at a bigger school. He definitely has talent. I agree that he should not be used as a center. However, I think that he has to get more agressive. A kid that is 6'8", rumored to possibly hit 6'10" should be attacking the rim and going head to head with and dunking on players at the highschool level. Strength and natural progression are key, i agree with you on this.

  10. Wouldn't you also have to say that Thelen's numbers were skewed because he didn't play with very good guards? Wouldn't Geisler numbers be better if the offense didn't run thru Pangallo first? Giesler doesn't even get to practice basketball until December due to the football playoffs?


    They are all good players and each brings something different to the table. Good players who will get a chance to play at the next level.


    I could agree with you on the Geisler argument. But, I completely disagree with the Thelen situation. That entire team is run around him. Thelen gets the numbers he gets because they dont really have a ton of talent around him. Don't get me wrong, CovCath has some decent players, no knock there, but they don thave a McLeish and a Coleman, or a Pangallo.


    Thelen numbers may be skewed, but they are skewed positively for him IMO.


    My opinion, Geisler and Stauffer are the two best bigs in NKY.

  11. Question:


    Why did all of the coaches and players from the DSAS program go to the SSS program?


    You'd think that having arguably the best team in the state at the 17U level and possibly one of the better teams in the country, they'd want to keep everyone intact for their final year.


    Can anyone shed some light on that situation?


    Excellent question that no one seems to have the answer too.

  12. Agreed....pretty good assessment on each of the players. Would be surprised if any of these players received any D1 offers. All could possibly play at the D2 level but would have to be the right situation. Daniel O'Conner of Scott ended up at nice D2 in Tusculum and I think each of these players is a better prospect than O'Conner.


    Look at how the roster at NKU is changing and that will give you all you need to know about the changing landscape of recruiting at the top levels in D2.


    I agree that each of these mentioned players has more potential than O'Conner. Pretty significantly in my opinion. O'Conner is a nice player, but i like what these boys bring to the table.

  13. Intiguing prospect but all of the players listed above have produced significantly better numbers. You really can't compare his resume to the players listed.


    Physical players on the interior give him problems.


    Only shot 15 threes for Conner last season and shot a decent percentage. More turnovers than assists so it's tough to say he has guard skills.


    College coaches value production as much as they value potential and since it has been tossed out there about D1 potential where is the D1 production?


    Hodges will play at the next level but in my opinion it won't be at the D1 level.


    Not that either of them do, but believe that Smith (a 5'11" or 6'0") passer has more "D1 potential" than a 6'9" shot blocker that can play on the wing. No way. Guards are a dime a dozen. Many coaches want tall, athletic, kids that can provide defense on the interior and on the perimeter. Notice... WV put the 6'9" Ebanks on John Wall yesterday for a bit.


    Not comparing Hodges to Ebanks, but same principle.

  14. Hate to disagree with you but there are not 4 kids in Northern Kentucky getting D1 looks, mid major, low major or high major and if there are 4 kids that get to play and get their education paid for at the D2 level that will be a lot.


    The top 4 juniors in N Ky are Stauffer, Smith, Thelen and Geisler in any order you want to place them. All of them have decent resumes but not any more impressive than Gabbard, Kowolonek, Flannery or Jacob Rieger from the 2010 class.


    Gabbard, Kowolonek and Flannery played on a high profile AAU team with multiple D1 signees that did not lose a pool play game in any tournament that they played in last year. It would be hard to imagine that anyone in N Ky played in front of more college coaches than this group. Rieger also played for another Shining Star team that played a great schedule and had arguably a better high school career than anyone on the list.


    So who in 2011 has had a better high school career or more exposure than these players?


    Only Mikey Gabbard on this list still has a shot at playing D1 and I don't know how good a shot that is at this time. Kowolonek and Rieger are looking at D3 and NAIA. Flannery apparently has an offer from Walsh which is moving up from NAIA to D2.


    Its okay to disagree. But, this info isn't just pulled from thin air. There is backing. However, Im not saying that either will actually go D1.

  15. Ok.,for those of you splitting hairs,the numbers may not be exact.I personally feel the quality of H.S. basketball and the quality of skilled H.s. basketball players is not close to the level in the state of Ky. that it was in the mid 70's and 80's. Please if you have only been a fan of the sport for a few yrs and never saw state wide ball at that time,dont post a comment.We are now clear.


    This post is filled with nothingness. Please elighten everyone who you are talking about. That's all we ask.... The level of ball being played in the state of KY is alive and well in my opinion.

  16. My point exactly.There arnt many,The level of skilled basketball players in the state of Ky has dropped drastically in the last 15 to 20 yrs.There are teams playing the state tourny that couldnt have gotten out of the district 20 yrs ago. Its not even close to the calibur it has been in the past.


    Talk to us about how many there were 15-20 years ago and who were they exactly? Please.


    There are teams right now that have loads of talent that cant even make it out of regionals... Lousiville-Eastern!

  17. What 3 kids from N Ky in 2011 are going to offers at the D1 level? Class of 2011 in N Ky has turned into a solid class but there are very few years where any class in N Ky produces 3 D1 any level athletes.


    I am not at liberty to say at this point. I know there are 3 or 4 right now that have significant looks. This is not to say that all will go D1, but there is a solid chance. I am also not saying they are "big time" D1 looks, but D1 is still the top level of basketball. We shall see what happens this summer... and maybe some of their senior seasons.

  18. Look for at least 3 kids from N. KY alone to get D1 offers/looks this summer/year. With a few others with the potential/athletic ability/height/speed/skill to do make it happen.


    Granted, maybe not "major" D1 programs, but I dont like the "mid-major" stereotype anyway. Try telling Xavier that they are a "mid-major". They are relevant every year.

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