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Posts posted by catfan08

  1. The 2-6 teams from each region, adding Lit and Cantrell; without adjusting for the fact that Lit rates a little higher across the board:


    Region 7 82.70

    Region 11 81.52

    Region 9 77.34

    Region 10 75.06

    Region 5 74.29

    Region 4 72.28

    Region 6 71.28

    Region 12 70.71

    Region 2 70.13

    Region 3 70.09

    Region 14 70.06

    Region 13 69.54

    Regin 1 66.20

    Region 16 66.10

    Region 15 62.41


    How about region 8 ???

  2. The 2-6 rated teams in each region, this time using Cantrall:


    Region 7 78.64

    Region 11 77.76

    Region 9 73.0

    Region 5 71.78

    Region 10 70.96

    Region 4 69.32

    Region 6 68.66

    Region 14 68.60

    Region 12 67.68

    Region 2 67.60

    Region 3 67.12

    Region 13 67.0

    Region 16 63.66

    Region 1 63.44

    Region 8 63.22

    Region 15 60.86


    I don't think when your determining the weakest region you can take out your top team! They are part of your region, if you take them out and avg the ratings 2-6, this is telling us how good your teams are that will be battling to play your no. 1 team in the finals of the region.


    mcpapa, how about 1-8 in cantrell ratings??? & Thanks for your info.

  3. Using Litratings, the average rating for the 2-6 rated teams in each region are as follows:


    Region 7 87.0

    Region 11 85.28

    Region 9 81.68

    Region 10 79.16

    Region 5 76.8

    Region 4 75.22

    Region 6 73.9

    Region 12 73.74

    Region 3 73.06

    Region 2 72.66

    Region 13 72.08

    Region 14 71.52

    Region 8 70.04

    Region 1 68.96

    Region 16 68.54

    Region 15 63.96


    If using ratings, there is no way you can think the 16th is weaker than the 15th, and if you look at the avg rating of 1-8, which is hopefully your 8 region teams(not all will be) competing for the state birth, then from weakest to strongest; 15th, 14th, 1st, 8th, 16th (http://www.bluegrasspreps.com/showthread.php?t=175364 the 2nd post) thanks to mcpapa for those numbers!!

  4. The problem is that parents and players think that because they are juniors and seniors that they are entitled to play instead of earning it. I am sick and tired of hearing that it is our senior year and we deserve this or that. Go out and earn what you get. Its the real world people. Nobody is going to give you everything on a silver platter. Play the kids who deserve to play.


    NOw tell us what you really think!!!:lol: I agree 100%, and yes, well said!!

  5. I think what upset me is the fact you have relatives or parent coaching the frosh,jv,or varsity team pulling up their 7th grader which is taking away playing time from a high schooler with just equal or better talent. I do not want to mention the schools that come to mind but I think it is unfair.


    That is also an opinion if the high schoolers are better, the head coach must not think so, if it is equal talent then you play the kid that is in the lesser grade(JMO). I know the school that comes to mind for me and it is the right thing to do by pulling the middle school kid up to play. Not sure we are talking about same school.:popcorn::banana:

  6. I don't agree with kids who are not in HS (grades 9-12) playing HS sports. I may be old fashioned but having gone to HS in Ohio where this is not permitted, and having coached Basketball in Ky I still feel that HS sports are for HS student-athletes. Yes the kid may have the physical talent to compete with older athletes at their school, but what about the talent at their opponents school? And I don't think it is just about talent. You have the emotional side to deal with as well, and as a society pushing kids to grow up earlier than they should.


    I don't want my middle school daughter being forced into the teenage world any sooner than she needs to be. Let them enjoy being kids, there is still 4 years of HS to be exposed to the play and social side. I would be very surprised if there were any kid out there that missed out on a scholarship or chance to go to the next level because they only played 4 years of HS sports and not 5-8!


    I respect your opinion, but here in Ky, your in a very small percentage of people that feel this way.

  7. If you're a middle school kid and you are good enough to compete at the high school level then you should be allowed. Can you imagine Kendall Noble from Breathit County not being allowed to play? She was regional player of the year....as a 7th grader! She led her team to the state tournament and made the all-tournament team as an 8th grader. Breathit most certainly would not have had the success they have had over the last few years if it weren't for her. To deprive her of playing would not only be unfair to her, but to the other kids on the team and the community that supports the program. The best should play, period.


    Very well said!!! I agree

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