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Posts posted by repnky23

  1. Hiltons getting no love on here...Hes the only ref in the region that makes consistent accurate calls on both teams.


    The last few games I have seen him referee, which were big district 32nd games, he barely blew his whistle. However when he does decide to make some calls they're usually accurate

  2. He might be one of the better players in the region let alone 6th man. You can't stop his stroke. His intensity is irreplaceable.


    Philpot possibly might be one of the better athletes in the 8th region. Like you said, his stroke.....well words can't describe it, literally. One of the most intensified players of our time.

  3. Ask the last state to convert to the class system - Indiana - what they think of their new-found system. I work with people in Indiana, have relatives in Indiana, and interact with a lot of Hoosiers...I've yet to meet a person who likes the class system...they wish they had the old "Hoosier Hysteria" back. I'm certain that there are those in Indiana who like the new class system - but I've never found them.


    The new class system in Indiana pretty much destroyed a lot of local rivalries, and created sectionals with teams stretched far and wide.


    The fact is that small schools can compete with the bigs more often in basketball (than in, say, football). It's an apples-and-oranges comparison. It only takes 7 or 8 kids who are disciplined and coachable, a good coach, and a supportive administration. And smaller schools have won the KY championship in the not-so-distant past...


    1992 - University Heights ("A" basketball)

    1995 - Breckinridge County (4A football)

    1996 - Paintsville (1A football))

    2002 - Lexington Catholic (4A football)

    2009 - Elliott County ("A" basketball)????? Ranked in Top 5 Whether the Lions win it or not, they've proven yet again that small schools can compete with the bigs, even if not every year. And we can find this throughout the state...in Region 8, the team many are thinking may win the 8th is the North Oldham Mustangs - a football 3A school that is much smaller than 8th Region rivals such as Oldham County, Grant County, Shelby County, South Oldham, and Anderson County.


    The class system in basketball sends all the wrong messages...it says to the kids (of the smaller schools) that "You cannot win. You are inferior, therefore, we're going to grant you the opportunity for a consolation prize, because you can't beat the big schools. But don't worry - we will help you win by changing the rules." It's no different than a tournament manager manipulating brackets to ensure his team gets a shot at some hardware.


    It's the "victim" society, that wants a handout because it's been mistreated by the hand that life has dealt it. Instead of developing internal pride and drive, we look for someone to give us a lift up.


    If sports' greatest contribution to our kids is to teach them some lifetime lessons, then this doesn't cut it. Life doesn't award "participation trophies." I want my son to learn not to shy away from a challenge - whether from a competitor who is similar to his team or one that is much bigger and (perhaps) more powerful. I want him to learn the basic tenant of life: That you can succeed no matter what your circumstances.


    My son goes to a larger school - he's a freshman at a school that plays 5A football and he's on the baseball team. But - despite the school's size - the freshman baseball team last year won just 6 games. They played a brutal schedule that had to have been put together by a psychopath - it was a veritable "who's who" of KY baseball. But the experience was a good one for my son - he's learned that he's not a quitter, and that he can and will battle, regardless of the circumstances. An easier schedule would have resulted in 18-20 wins...but my son now finds that he doesn't want an easier schedule...he's driven to succeed against the tougher opponents. He wants the opportunity (to be the best of the best). I'm proud of his attitude.


    This is not being "against the kids". It's about a system in which everyone has a shot at being the undisputed top dog, a race for a title that means a lot to all. Tradition is part of that, but not all of it.



    Couldn't of said it better!!!:notworthy:

  4. From what I saw, I don't think it would have made a bit of difference. The Braves just don't guard people.


    Is that why very few teams have scored over 60 agianst them? I don't know if you were there for the first game but if Grant played defense the way they did the second half of SK and Grants first encounter, Grant wins by 10+. Grant just didn't guard this time around and it daggered them, and yes not having Cody Kinman on the floor made a difference in the game.

  5. Grant allowed Owen to beat them down the floor and missed some easy shots early in the game that allowed Owen to get out to a big lead. Offense may win some games but defense wins championships. Grant needs to get focued on the task at had. You may have already broke last years record for wins but that is not enough. SK, Walton, and Williamstown all have the ability to beat Grant on any given night if the braves don't start playing good defense and quit dribbling the ball so much. They should take a lesson from their JV kids on ball movement. it seems like most of the time we are one pass and shoot or no pass and shoot. They have great ability and in order to call this season a success you must finish it out strong. You have a good stretch coming up and you must start playing to your potential and get back to what won the games in the early on for you, which in my opinion was good hard nosed defense and ball movement, inside and outside. If you live by the 3 you can die by the 3 and we have great slashers and attackers of the rim. Use that to our advantage. I thought that last night we got intimidated by Owens size and did not attack the big men, they will foul if you take it at them. The big kid for Owen only had 8 points but his presence on defense seem to be more important last night. Not to take anything away from Owen they came to play in this rivalary game and Grant didn't. Get it together braves, this one is over. Learn from it and get back to doing what it takes to get the job done the last half of the season.


    Well said.

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