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NKY Sport Fan

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Posts posted by NKY Sport Fan

  1. Jeff Marksberry had turned a doormat 10 years ago into a state semifinalist. Kudos to him and his staff.


    I agree, Sk deserves all the prise they are receiving on this victrory. I guess Boone lived by the run, and died by the run. Sk was well prepared, the players have all stepped up, and it showed in the ball game. CONGRADULATIONS!!!

  2. Everyone is underestimating SK. They just can not believe a number 4 seed has made it this far. I am just saying they better watch out for SK. They have come along way to get here and are not just gonna give up.


    Sk is a good team , they are where they are because they don't give up. Please look at the schedules that the two teams have played since the Sk game. Sk hasn't played any team ranked in the top 10 in 6a, Boone has played Madison Central, lost in the last 21 seconds, and HC twice, we know that story.Boone also started the season off playing Scott County the first game of the season at Scott. Totally different competition. Boone will prevail in this one, maybe a closer game, but Boone has showed what it can do against the upper teams in the state in 6A. Boone is not a team of stars, they are a senior driven team, and plays as a team. Good luck to SK, and if they win, we all here in NKY will behind them 100%.

  3. And you're sure that had nothing to do with the fact that they were down so far and fast in that game and the rushing game was going nowhere?


    In 11 games this year (stats not listed for the Paul Dunbar or SK games), Boone has completed a grand total of 52 passes. I don't consider it a major point that you can cite one game in which they threw a fair amount or even several games in which their passing game had some effect on the game. They are a running team through and through. And they do it very well.



  4. With Quainoo still not 100% i dont think Boones offense can keep up and score with SK. I know Boones D is good but they showed against Henry Clay that they have a hard time scoring without Quainoo.


    Boone moved the ball on HC defense, which is probably one of the top 5 in the state. Sk defense is not HC. Boone can throw the ball now, proved it Friday night when the game was on the line. I look for Boones offense to move the ball. DEFENSE, DEFENSE, DEFENSE, Boone has the edge in this one.

  5. It looks like Quainoo is still not recovered. If he is not fully recovered, I think SK takes this game by 2+ TD's


    I agree that Oppenheimer is more tha capable of getting the job done, but give credit also to the offensive line and the backs that block for him or Quainoo, which ever is in the game. Defense wins football games, and BCHS is very strong, proved it in the war last night against a good HC team. Good luck to both teams.

    BCHS 28

    SK 14

  6. Sophomore, but plays like an upperclassman


    The coaches of BCHS should be comended. This is a team that represents the word team, they have come together after some major injuries to key players and have found a way to get the job done. Great leadership from their senior class. I wouldn't count this team out. Great to see players step up when needed. Real gut check by BCHS last night.

  7. Boone will win this time. They were flat in the first game after coming off a very emotional district championship win over Ryle. Quainoo didn't play most of the second half either. Rebels 28-14


    Isn't there another running back helping with the ground attack at Boone now? Won't this help with the 51 carries a game by one tail back?

    Boone 21

    Henry Clay 7

  8. I agree Boone needs to have a more balanced offense, but you have to think about what happened. The Rebels were leading the game in the 4th quarter by 2 scores with 4 minutes left in the game. The rebels were pounding the ball down their throat the whole game but MC stepped up in the last minuets to make big plays. What can you say it was ashame either team had to lose that game. Looks like boone can play with some of the top teams around.

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