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Posts posted by SPORTY GUY

  1. Thank You! We also look forward to hosting Monroe County.


    FC is attempting to provide the highest caliber setting for this game as possible. I am not going to get into another tired discussion about FC being in TN, KY or wherever.


    The KHSAA recognizes Fort Campbell as a Kentucky school and that is all that matters. Somehow there are nearly 30 KY state championship banners hanging on the wall in the gymnasium which have been accumulated over at least the last four decades in a variety of sports. Where FC is located is not new and at some point is no longer relevant to discussion.


    As Monroe Co. fan do not care where game is played. It will be nice for our boys to get to play on college field. Fort Campbell is a Ky school and winner of thsi FalconvFalcon game will be playing in Bowling Green next week on same playing surface which should help winner next week.

  2. I'm curious about this statement, the one above, in bold.


    How many key players from last year did MC lose? Was it a significant amount? They made it this far last year and if they didn't lose much(in the way of last years key players), how much more have they achieved above everyone's expectations?




    Monroe only had 4 starters back on offense and 5 starters back on defense from last season. Kendall and Wilson were 2 big guns from last year but had to replace a lot of other key players.

  3. Do not think he will leave Florida for Notre Dame. Too much talent in the state of Florida to leave behind. Do know he once said ND dream job but think in the real world he knows he is better off at Florida but he is named after a Pope Urban. As Gator fan sure hope he stays outstanding coach.

  4. Congrats FC Falcons. As MC Falcon looking forward to playing NO. 1 team in the state in 2A. Have great respect for FC players, coaches, and fans. Have a happy Thanksgiving and see you on the 27TH. One more thing as Vietnam Vet have great respect for all the great Military men serving at FC and around the world.

  5. Big win for the Falcons. Green was outplayed and out coached in this game. Problem I have with Green is their coach. He teaches dirty football which is not part of the game. Looking forward to going to Fort Campbell to play NO 1 team in 2A. Have great respect for FC and their fans. We will show up and come to play and hope FC has off night. Great job by Monroe coaching staff. They added a few new wrinkles and Green never able to adjust. GO Monroe CO. Falcons.

  6. Either way please lets all have some diginity before and after this game.


    Agree Monroe and Green have both had good ball teams the last 2 years with Green being good the last 3. I will be pulling for Monroe but hope whoever wins shows claas at the end of game and respect the other team because these 2 teams are very equal in my opinion if played ten times would probably be 5-5 or 6-4 either team with 6. Good luck to both teams and look for a close hard fought game.

  7. Agree with future coach regular season would still mean a lot without enough wins you would not be able to make playoffs. This year there may be more unbeaten teams than usual but in other years there are a lot of 1 lost teams who can make an argument they are best team. All conferences not the same some playoff best way to decide champion.

  8. I am glad that the Cats have become "bowl eligible" again and hope U.K. gets another one. Having said that and I know I am in a minority by saying I think 6 wins in a 12 game schedule going to a bowl is ridiculous at best. Rewarding a team for going .500.....mediocrity is imo crazy. What are schools goals now? Hey guys, we can just be average and get rewarded at seasons end :rolleyes:. I am not just saying it about U.K., that goes for anyone. Six wins/.500 season and going to a bowl is laughable to me. I hope that the Cats can get a couple more wins to make "bowl eligible" be more legit.

    One thing that may show is that there are too many bowl games but as long as the AD's, conferences and t.v. can drag in the $$$$ is all that matters.


    O.K., that was my yearly vent/soapbox rant about mediocrity getting rewarded. Carry on. :lol:


    Agree team need to have awinning record to be in bowl game.

  9. Football unlike basketball is a game of numbers. Basketball only a few real good players 3 or 4 and some more to play with them. Football requires many good players to have a good team. No team from a small conference like George Mason can beat the big boys in football. Take the best 8 or 16 teams and you can have true champion in football. What you are saying No. 1 team at the end of the year should be champion. All schools not in the same league so tha really not a good case for picking your champion.

  10. Yes regular season games mean a lot with BCS but lose one game and you are quite possibly elimated from chance to win National Championship. With playoff teams could still lose a game and have chance to win Championship. This year you could have 5 unbeaten teams but only 2 will get a chance to win Championship if you think that is right do not know what your reasoning would be.

  11. I understand that Murray has big and powerful lineman, but I will take speed anytime over size! IMO FC has more speed than any team in 2a, and speed wins ball games. Just a little reference to last year, but NCC was huge and a not as quick FC dominated them....food for thought!!!


    FC by 3 td's


    Go Falcons!!!!!:jump:


    Agree speed is the key if you cannot catch them you cannot tackle them. For Murray to beat Fort Campbell they need to be a top ten team in state just do not think thet are that good. As Monroe Co. fan good luck to the other Falcons and hope to see you on 27TH of November.

  12. I can give a little insight to this one.....Feeder programs!!! Monroe and Greens little league and middle school programs are getting the kind of attention that good programs need. Not saying that this is totally it, but when you build from the ground up it is easier to see and utilize talent. Plus when you have a good sqaud that excells with good coaching staffs the players come out of the woodwork to be involved in this program and its recognition from the community. Both Monroe and Green have huge fan base's, this in turn gets a lot of individual involved in the programs...just my thoughts!!!!


    Agree both schools have good feeder programs and both have excellent fan support. But another thing both teams have had some real good talented players on the field the last few years. Talent is the key without it your team is in trouble. Right now Green and Monroe have good talent and Glasgow will be there with them next year some real good young talent there.

  13. Agree Bardstown and Danville are just average teams at this time and Monroe and Green are best teams in region. Bardstown has a fine player Garrett and will give their team credit played hard whole game. Danville fans are going to have to get used to fact they are nor the Danville of old. Also add Glasgow to the mix next year because they played mostly under classmen.


    My bad called NO. 6 for Bardstown Garrett instead of Harper. Harper is a good player on both sides of the ball. My mind already on Green and their Garrett sorry to the Bardstown player for getting his name wrong.

  14. You mean Harper...he was number 6 and the kid seemed to me that he was Bardstown's deadliest weapon. I hope he decides to go on and play ball at the next level!


    My bad got Green Co. on the mind . Yes Harper is a real good football player on both sides of the ball. Right now all I can say is beat Green Co.

  15. A good win for the Falcons. We ran the ball at will and made a few passes to keep Defense honest. A little flat on Defense to start game but picked it up as game went along. Bardstown hung tough for a while but after fumbled kick-off seems like the wheels came off. Bardstown played hard teh entire game and Garrett is a fine football player.

  16. And Danville might just put up 61...???


    I am sure this statement was made that Danville might put this number up against Green...I am pretty sure that this was the exact number the Dragons put up against the Ads!!! It is completely obvious to a lot of us that District three is a little better this year, not saying that this is true every year, but this year yes! Green beats Danville 61-22, Monroe beats Bardstown 49-14. And Bardstown beat Danville for the District title....:ohbrother:

    Looks like another Falcon-Dragon Regional!!! :thumb:


    Agree Bardstown and Danville are just average teams at this time and Monroe and Green are best teams in region. Bardstown has a fine player Garrett and will give their team credit played hard whole game. Danville fans are going to have to get used to fact they are nor the Danville of old. Also add Glasgow to the mix next year because they played mostly under classmen.

  17. Based on talent alone, their chances should be as good as anyone's. They should be in the hunt, but as bugatti said, the odds are not in the favor of any single team prior to the season.


    Agree Kentucky has the talent to win it all but except for last year when North Carolina won every game without much Problem there are usually a few games in which team was lucky to win because College B-Ball has a lot of teams that can beat one another.

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