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Mama Bear

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Posts posted by Mama Bear

  1. I've got a question MB, now that you've seen both Somerset and Estill County play your Bears, what prediction do you make for Somerset at Estill first round of the playoffs?


    I didn't get to go watch the Somerset game. Listened to it on the radio. The Bears made a bunch of silly mistakes against Somerset and let them make a game of it. Estill should win this one easily, especially against "a bunch of 14 and 15 year olds" as Cobb said. ;)

  2. How many miles has your team traveled this year, I'd say Harlan County is setting the record.


    Away Games:


    Letcher County Central - 112 miles

    Lynn Camp - 148 miles

    Lee County, VA - 50 miles

    Fleming County - 372 miles

    Powell County - 266 miles

    Somerset - 238 miles

    Grayson County, VA - 302 miles

    Taylor County - 356 miles ***Assuming this is the first round opponent.


    1,844 Total Miles (Roundtrip)


    That is the cumulitive of driving to Las Vegas, Nevada.:scared:


    How many miles has your team logged onto the odometer of the yellow taxi this year? Just use mapquest, it is easy to calculate.


    HOLY COW!:scared:


    I have GOT to get my oil changed and new brakes! My car smells like...... football season.

  3. Another thing, after Harlan Co. allowed Estill to score I'm sure our defense was pumped and ready to stop that run and NOT allow them in the end zone. It was muddy, slick, and raining and they dug in deep. Estill had ran all night. Estill never passes and I don't think they had passed all night to my recollection. So what did Estill do to score that 2 point conversion??? A pass. It was risky, but it worked. So the Bears march down the field getting first down after first down to stop that clock...........time ran out on the Bears, but they never quit!


    Too bad "almost" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

  4. Here was the situation Koach,


    Estill 21- Bears 20


    Estill up by 1 with 1:45 on the clock and they were in the red zone. Allow them to score and then that would make the score 27-20. The plan was to NOT allow the 2 point conversion, but it failed. The hope was to stop the 2 point conversion, rush back down the field to score 6 then put the ball across the goal line for the two point conversion. It could have been 28-27. Estill was just gonna eat the clock and it was our only chance.

  5. What would/should a head coach do when the team mom is openly bashing the head coach to the players and won't send out positive e-mails-only negative ones, the webcast play by play guy constantly has a negative tone in his webcasts, a parent and former peewee coach takes his assessment of the coaching staff to the AD and constantly spreads uninformed negative propaganda, and a former equipment guy openly bashed the head coach on the sideline of a game??????????


    Three of the four no longer have kids at the school, but their mission in life is to destroy the head coach due to disliking him from the beginning, holding a grudge against him because his son got beat out at a position in previous years, and the fourth one is mad because he was told he was not welcome in the program because he tried to fire a new head jr. high coach with no authority to so.


    Tell "team mom" that "former pee wee coach" said she looked fat in those jeans and her chilli tasted like garbage. Sit back and watch the fireworks.;)

  6. First you jinx the Bears by calling it an easy game. Then you choose Halloween over football.


    There's no doubt whose fault it will be if things don't go well.



    Now HDE, you need to read better. I used the word "maybe" when referring to the younger Bears getting to play. Therefore I did NOT jinx our team. "Maybe" is a loophole.


    This same little 7 year old who we are taking trick or treating cried for 30 minutes last week because he WANTED to go stand in the cold rain instead of going to his mamaw and papaw's. He made his papaw turn on the ball game on the radio. I will counter act any jinxing of missing the game by making everyone where their lucky Bear shirt under their costumes. We will be home before kickoff.


    Please tell me that you are covering the game this Friday. It's common knowledge that when Jarrod covers the away games we don't play as well. So if something goes terribly wrong it will be all your fault! :creepy:

  7. I would second this. I have tried this before and have been unsuccessful, but I challenge someone to drive around Lexington and find "Lexington Catholic Middle School." It does not exist. The KBA has not allowed Lexington Catholic to play in their middle school basketball state tournament for that reason. It's middle school playoffs. Hence the name "school."


    Perhaps they are a consolidated team of the middle school's in the area like Bell County is. It's not uncommon to have more than one middle school make up a team that feeds their high school team.

  8. The three middle school teams in the county have bought into this defense and seem to have adapted to it very well. I think the Bear's defense is looking really really good. It's just a matter of each player doing their job every play. The thing about it is, if there's a player that doesn't want to give their all EVERY time, there's 10 kids on the sideline standing who would LOVE to have a chance at their spot. It's this kind of competitiveness that's gonna push these boys to work harder on and off the field. These boys want to win. Good things are gonna happen to them!


    Go Black Bears!!

  9. This one hasn't jumped, I have 2 nephews that play, I'm just stating facts...


    Let's hope your nephew's don't share your lack of commitment to our team as it will show on the field if they do. I'm sure that your nephew's have worked hard during those hot sweaty Summer practices and have weathered the cold rain with the rest of the boys! Don't jump yet!! They need your support!!!!!! Our season is far from over.

  10. Go Bears! I ain't jumping anything, just waiting on next Friday. Estill played a good game and did what they had to do. However, I must admit whinatcg them play is like watching paint dry but they did win so good luck. Now lets go Bears and we just might see you again ------ One never knows?


    I agree that from a fan's point of view that their offense is "boring", but they run it so well and it works for them. You'd think the play was over and all of a sudden....here comes somebody leaping over all these bodies for some yardage. It was good to see Russ doing so well. Just wish it wasn't against us.


    We've still got a lot of football to be played. We'll just have to play it on the road. Go Black Bears!!

  11. Dang looks like all the fans in Harlan Co. have quickly exited the train. Many posters on here tried to warn them they were not going to build a powerhouse over night. HC will be a 3 seed going to were in the playoffs??


    You couldn't be further from the truth Leon. Nobody thought we would build a "powerhouse overnight". Our season is not over yet and our team improves every game. 5-3 so far. I think for our first year being consolidated that we are doing just fine. We've still got some football to be played. Don't count the Bears out just yet! Do I wish we'd won every game? Sure! But most teams aren't undefeated at this point in the season.;)


    Make no mistake about it though, Coach Larkey IS in the process of building a powerhouse program!

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