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Posts posted by h-dothework-c

  1. Ya know.......I'm not the only one who feels this way. But I am the only one who will call it like I see it..........


    Your right, you do call as YOU see it, and many others do the same thing with their opinions. Now although Coach Koz does over run and doesn't untilize his talented WR's/Backs/QB's in the pass game doesn't mean he is a bad coach. I mean he gets 50 or 60 kids total to come out to play on a team with very limited resources and only a 9 year history and we are competing at a higher level already than most 2A/1A schools around here and are in the mix this year to really stir stuff up. So although he doesn't throw the ball nearly as much as he could, it doesn't make him a bad coach.

  2. Defense for Hc still looking strong even with the injury of Brad Herald. From what I saw Scott didnt even get past the thirty yard line after the first drive. On the other side of the ball Hc running game looked solid, still a little shaky with the pass though.


    The protection wasn't nearly as good as it was last week. But I have a feeling coach Koz will whip his lineman into shape for North Laurel.

  3. Boy how quickly people seem to forget. Now all of a sudden Dayton, Ludlow and Bellevue are lollipops. I remember when those lollipops beat HC like a drum. I don't recall reading where any of those schools referred to HC as a lollipop.


    The reason I used "lollipop" was in no way to degrade any of those teams, just to show the difference in scehdule of HC and Lloyd. Again, I never said they didn't USED to pound us, back when we were a 5 year old program with 50 kids coming out for each level. None of those teams have been scheduled in 2 or 3 years. I speak the truth, I guess some can't handle it. I wouldn't be surprised if in a Highlands thread we were chalked up as an easy win.

  4. Its just that I dont care...


    You and some might think I'm taking this to far but I mean are you kidding. I mean you don't have to have any personal connection or anything to understand thats what he did to live animals is just as bad as almost everything below murder of a human. The fact that you would even say " he just killed some dogs" blows my mind. If I had to guess I would say your some young kid messing with the thread to stir up talk.

  5. :thumb:

    What I think is being overlooked is that this kid was considered a phenom as a 15 year old. Holds age world records at 15-16, 17-18. The knock on him is that in the past, prior to training period for these Olympics, he was lazy and didn't train hard. He appears to have actually worked to capitalize on his natural talents. What he did was phenomenal.


    I, for one, hope they test him to prove whether or not this performance was enhanced. I will go on the innocent until proven guilty side and just admire this performance until proven otherwise.


    I really question the '90% of all' track athletes are doping assumption. Where do these numbers come from? Also, where does the human limit of 10.08 in the 100 meter come from? I have never read anything like that before where science has proven that this is the limit. Every human body is different and this would be impossible to say IMHO.


    I also remember competitors just ripping on Carl Lewis when he was dominating the track and field world and setting records stating that he 'had to be juicing'. Here were are, 24 years after his best Olympic year and he still has his name in the books.



  6. h-dothework-c how can you possibly say Lloyd has a weak schedule when HC plays almost the same schedule. Since the poll is by the coaches I really think they know what they are talking about. I will agree Lloyd's team last year went 3-8 thru alot of controversy and all they held it together and became a team at the end of the year. Lloyd's coaching staff has put together a nice team and they will be competitive. For the ranking of # 10 it maybe a stretch until they go thru the first four game's of their season. Its not like HC blew Lloyd off the field last year. JD


    First of all, read my post and respond to it the way it is written, don't assume things. I never said we (HC) play a hard schedule. But we also don't schedule llolipops like Dayton, Ludlow, and Belleuve. And all though we didn't beat Llyod very convincingly we still did what matters, we beat them....twice. Please don't take this as me looking past Lloyd this year, because I'm not at all.

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