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Posts posted by playhard

  1. I meant "quit" in the sense that he decided to no longer coach them. Not "quit" in a bad way. I have nothing against what he did with Greysbranch Yankees, actually I commend it. I was just simply pointing out that he may decide to no longer coach Greenup Co. when Billy graduates, to watch him perform at the next level.

  2. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I do agree they must be self-motivated and work on things on their own, but just because they are elite players, rather it be high school or college, that doesn't mean they don't have things to learn or flaws in their game that need addressed. Also, structure should be there when it comes to player behavior and composure, which is very questionable with his teams at times.

  3. I respect him for providing a place for the area standouts to play. Lord knows there should be more people trying to do the same. I would just like to see him put a little more emphasis on developing skills. Just because games may supercede practice, that doesn't mean teaching can't take place. We can't expect these players to "prepare yourself" because like it or not, they are still kids. No disrespect, because like I said he does have the right idea, but perhaps Mr. Lewis should get some more skilled coaches to help, it might make a difference.

  4. If you look at what Paul Lewis does from the standpoint of giving area players a place to play, then he comes off looking good. But when it comes down to it, that's pretty all he does. I'm not so sure he is ALL about the kids because there is no instruction or preparing the kids for the college game, or even the high school game. Its a whole lot of seeing who shows up and making out a lineup. Most of the players end up playing a bunch or different positions throughout the summer, instead of working and concentrating on the skills they need to develop for their next season, whether it be in high school or college. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I commend Paul Lewis for making it possible for these kids to play somewhere, I would just like to see these kids benefit more from it skill-wise.

  5. East is in this position seems every year, yet never seem to get over the hump. They blow thru the regular season with a real impressive record then dont do that well in the post season. I think part of this problem has been adressed with the coco trip but they need to beef their schedule up a little bit to better prepare them for post season.


    Playing in the 62nd district doesn't help them either. I do agree that this year may be one of their best shots in a while at a Region titile. They have the pitching to carry them through a regional tournament.

  6. State was in owensboro at that time, that is a long haul from greenup, we made the first trip stayed a few days, made the second trip for a day or two and then finally got to play the championship on the third trip. Momentum means alot, and a long delay for a team on a roll like that is a killer.


    Well, the other team (P.R.P) had the same delay you guys did. Granted, they had a lot shorter travel to get there, I still think blaming the weather is a little weak. I saw both of those teams play that year, and I DO think Greenup had the better team overall, but you can't use the weather as an excuse for losing. I will agree though, the '96 bunch is the best team I've ever seen at Greenup.

  7. 96' greenup team was dominant, and if it would not have been for the 2 week rain out in the state tourny, they would and should have won state that year. That was an elite group, they remind me of the group @ GC now. That team played together from t-ball on. P.S. I might be a little bias to the 96' team if u know what i mean.


    Just curious, what did the 2 week rain out in the state tourney have to do with them losing?

  8. It's pretty bad if you have to pay admission to be honored for something you worked hard for! Greenup Co. has excellent athletes and the potential to be DOMINANT in the 16th Region in whatever sport, but I'm not sure the administration will ever allow that to happen because it is a circus down there. Just my opinion.

  9. Raceland's weakness IS pitching. Good news is they have an excellent pitching coach in Drew Hall, so he may be able to find something there.

    Can Josh Wilson step up and be the pitcher everyone expects him to?


    Boyd's weakness is inexperience and injuries. They have a couple of key players hurt, not to mention some good players not even playing anymore. They will be very young this season.


    Greenup Co. has a couple of holes to fill from last years team, but they have some good arms on the mound. Overall, they should be as strong or stronger than last year's team.


    Should be a great season in the 16th region, I can't wait!:ylsuper:

  10. We didn't start anything until February 15th @ Raceland back in the day. We did a lot of conditioning in the first few weeks of practice. Some guys would work out on their own in the off season, but back then, that mostly consisted of lifting weights...there weren't too many places to get some quality swings in back then.


    I know Coach Hamilton had a baseball class @ Boyd Co. when he was there and those guys were hitting, throwing, running, lifting almost all year round.


    I wish they would either find a better way to enforce the rules when it comes to offseason coaching and practicing, or just get rid of it all together. I hate to hear about some schools following the rules and others not.

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