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Posts posted by Legacy23

  1. You have to remember LaFever's job is to bunt in the lineup. If Siemer was to take the 2nd base spot, the fielding % would improve but Seimer would not hit above .250 IMO. This summer for the KY Kings I believe he struggled to hit .200. Although maybe improving in on the D, I cannot see him contributing to the Colonels lineup offensively.


    I don't see why seimer can't bunt. From what I have seen of him he is a pretty decent bunter. Also, with his speed he might even be able to get some bunt hits. The Colonels, last season, didnt have trouble scoring so I would have to say that's not the issue. Especially with Maile, Darner, and Isler's bats. They can always DH for Seimer if he doesn't hit well. Imo, you go with defense first since that seemed to be the problem last season.

  2. Grat post! BTW, Holocher's fielding improved immensely towards the end of the HS season and over the summer. If this continues, he will do a nice job in the field next year:banana:


    I will agree his fielding was better during the regional tournament. However the last two years his consistency throughout the season to make routine plays has been quite poor. I have not seen him play much this summer but if he can cut down his errors it will only help the Colonel defense.

  3. The only reason I would say he would not come back is because his true spot is the infield. He's a great Shortstop and great 2nd baseman and him looking at last years regional final 27-10 team (I think) he might find it hard to believe he could get either of the spots or even play unless he was to play the outfield. If not that he would 100% get the DH spot and be most likely the 2nd or 3rd best average hitter on the team.


    Seimer will compete with Lafever for a starting position. Seimer has good range and makes very few errors. Although his bat is a conern I wouldn't make it a big one. Lafever, according to (http://preps.cincinnati.com/team.aspx?sp=102&tid=1123&y=2008&b=1) didn't even hit .300.


    In addition, Holocher I believe led the team in errors and had one of the lowest batting averages around .200. Last years team had problems with their middle infield. This team was carried by Maile, Darner, Isler, and Nuntuni.


    BTW, if Mitch Shover decides to return to play baseball this season, (don't count him out is what I am hearing) he is my starting second baseman and lead off hitter.


    I agree with the Old Guy and his sources have always been credible given how close he is to the program.


    It appears to me that if they want to contend for a state title why wouldnt you want another player who could help out? Every team needs to have as much talent as possilbe. In the past 2 years Cov Cath was favored to go to state and came up short both times. Although CCH24 pointed out that their record was 24-10, which is a great record, they still fell short.

  4. Krumps number two batter has been usually a sac man (read good bunter) and or a person who hits the ball to the opposite field, to move the runner along. It has been his "MO" for years and years, and that is why LaFever was batting second. In almost every game that I attended if Maile was walked, got a single, LaFever got up and then moved him or tried to move him to second to set up Darner and or Isler for the rbi. Never made much sense to me, especially against teams with weaker catchers, why not steal second, then bunt the runner to third, but.... then again Krumps has over 700 victories and I don't have a one as a coach for CovCath....


    Indeed Coach Krumps does have over 700 victories and is one of the best coaches in nky. Not to take anything away from him but cov cath is loaded with talent year in and year out especially these last two years. It escapes me that they've lost 2 consecutive years in the regional finals? Anyone explain what the deal is?

  5. I have to agree, I dont think some of the decisions and things Coach Krumplebeck makes are very wise. CovCath has had the best talent in the region the last 2 years, but they cannot win the region, IMO alot of that is on the coach not just the players.


    This does not even count the additional talent walking around the halls, choosing not to participate for a multitude of reasons. If you searched hard enough you could find those missing pieces. Names that come to mind ....Grimes, Bondick, Darpel, Gerwe..........

  6. Welcome to the politics of playing High School sports at an all boys school of 1400. I can assure you that there are kids walking around that school who can play as good as alot of the Cov Cath players. Im not saying Luke Maile but alot of the players. When you have the numbers they have its hard not to win. It also comes from teams like the KY Kids 2 years ago and beyond. I find it amazing that the same kids who were making errors years ago still are and everyone acts shocked.:sssh:


    Names that come to mind are Bondick and Grimes who played freshman year.

  7. You can't forget, although an excuse, a valid one. The starting shortstop (captain), the head captain senior captain DH (absent), and the team spent nearly 2 hours getting the field ready to play this game. They were physically and mentally drained.


    I agree, probably should record this game in the record books with an *.....

  8. Poorly executed game offensivly by Covcath.They left way too many runners on base. Defensivly there isnt much too say, Ryle put the ball where Covcath wasnt, Ryle didnt hit the ball real great, they just kept it in play. Also a few misjudged balls in the outfield and a line drive to the third baseman that was dropped, cost Cov Cath some runs. But overall it just wasnt Covcaths day. Nice win by Ryle


    Who hit for CCH besides the usual suspects Maile & Darner?

  9. No need to get defensive. Just stating the facts from what I have heard and the middle infield seems to be the focus this year. I'm a fan as well but don't seem to know as much as you. If any of my information is innaccurate please feel free to correct it at once.

  10. Not like he went in the hole with a backhand and threw across the diamond,

    it was a slow roller.


    and the ball was lined right at the second baseman with the runner stranded half way. That's like saying a routine fly to the centerfielder was a web gem because it ended the game.....give me a break


    Starting to see solid glove play like everyone expected.

  11. Tyler Holocher, who has taken a lot of heat from some fans about not only his fielding but his lack of hitting, answered those critics with an outstanding game in the field and at the plate. In the bottom of the fourth with the bases loaded of Raiders, a Ryle batter #28 hit a slow grounder to Holly who charged the ball, scooped it up, and then gunned the runner down at 1st. In the top of the 5th, Holly sent a shot down the left field line and showed his speed, by turning it into a double. That hit sparked the Colonels to score all there three runs of the game in that inning. An outstanding game by a great kid.


    Another kid who has taken some grief so far this season second basemen Brandon Lafever. All he did was to get a RBI, and ended the game with a nice catch that he turned into a DP.


    It appears that the raiders were simply outmatched in this one. Especially the middle infielders with both bats and gloves.

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