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Posts posted by CCH24

  1. My favorite type of sleep is a nap in the middle of the day after class.


    But then you get up and don't feel like doing a thing. Just my opinion on sleep. I'm already lazy as it is, once I'm down, I'm done.

  2. Yup I def. went to bed around 6 and was on and off sleeping untl 6 in the evening. Yikes..


    Beat me. I'm an awful day sleeper. If it doesn't come overnight, it's not gonna happen.

  3. I've been told that Jeramie has gotten an offer from Navy..Hope it works out for the young man..:thumb:


    Wow. I believe Will Shuttleworth of Conner got an offer as well and accepted. They must be really scouting out this area.

  4. NCC will be tough this year, I really believe that. They should have a nice pitching staff, right?


    Yes. But keep in mind when Jeramie Connor wasn't pitching against CovCath I believe CovCath beat them twice by double digits. Other than Connor I don't think the rest of the squad can pull together and get a win if he isn't on.

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