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Kansas City Shuffle

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Posts posted by Kansas City Shuffle

  1. I just remember he was really leaning toward Denny Crum and the Cards early, but UK came on strong and he ended up there, maybe I'm dreaming its been along time ago, but I recall reading this somewhere, he liked the Cards style of play at that time better than the Eddie Sutton style.



    That has been said MANY times that Chapman really wanted to go to Lousiville and was pressured into going to UK, by WHO no one really knows, maybe it was EMORY, and I'm a UK fan.

  2. Great win for the lions! expected it anyway. East just isn't cutting it this year. Barnhill is just a garbage player and isn't even in Timmy Knipps league. Knipp has what it takes to go to the next level.


    To make that statement one of the below has to be true:


    1. You're joking!!

    2. You're in some kind of fever stricken sickness

    3. You just have no clue about basketball.


    Let me know which one is true!!!

  3. How can you say that Obama has done nothing? Politically, yes, he may have achieved very little to this point. However, when you look at the fact the Obama is a mixed race person, who was raised in an era when mixed race children were looked down upon...To have achieved what he has is somewhat of a miracle. He earned his way through Harvard and was the first minority elected as head of the Harvard Law Review. He won the democratic nomination for President with the name Barack Hussien Obama. That alone is an accomplishment that should not be undervalued in this unabashedly judgmental nation that we live in. Maybe he shouldn't give a speech at this treasured area, however, it shouldn't be based on his lack of political accomplishments. And, for that matter, give me the name of one major legislation bill that John McCain has been central to in his 30 some years in the major political arena. And, yes, I know the man is a war hero...Move on. Shouldn't Obama be held as somewhat of a hero for overcoming his shortcomings and living the American dream...?

  4. East Carter will be laying down a bluegrass sod surface on their gamefield. The Carter County Board of Education took a big step in approving almost $40,000 in improvements for the gamefield. Along with the sod, the gamefield will also be re-crowned and an irrigation system will be installed. The practice field has also gotten a face lift to alleviate heavy use of the gamefield for practice needs.

  5. I was at half court on the Bair call, they got it right. Barnhill and Bonner beat on EACH OTHER all night. The charge on Thomas down the stretch was worse than the charge called on Johnson, you didn't mention that one. You guys know I am an East "fan" as much as I can be when on the air and root for them like gang busters when I am not on the air. The play was physical but I felt, for the most part, the officiating was consistent. I did mention earlier that the "taller" official was a replacement. If you go back and watch the film, see how many of those calls he made (or didn't make).


    By the way, 2 of those officials who called the East game last night will be calling the game tonight and I am pretty sure there are a few officials from the 9th region who are BGPer's. Fans are not endearing themselves to them by getting on here and bashing!!!


    If that last statement is true, and these officials are reading a message board and having their opinions swayed one way or another then they shouldn't be officiating on any level. Hopefully tonight's game will not be decided by some sanctimonious official with an agenda to get back at fans!

  6. I know this is an argument that I probably shouldn't hop in....but....The officiating last night was Horrible!!!! Terrible!!!! And at times dangerous!!! The low post kids for both teams were beaten thoroughly and the guards for East were hammered in any/all double team traps. Now the quick decision calls (i.e. the charges and jump ball scenario) is where a referee either looks good or bad, and it seemed, maybe through Navy Blue tinted eyes, that those calls were always blown! Sorry, but I would have rather had Joe Billman or Bobby Kouns blowing those calls, at least I would have known what name to scream out in the process of verbally berating them from up high!

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