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Posts posted by thegooch

  1. This is what is wrong with American politics. Who is we? Did you run for President? The only people who can win or lose is the nominee. Sadly no matter who wins, the other party will do all they can to sabotage them, or not pass any legislature that shows them in a good light. All of this so they can try and win the next election.


    Seems to me the American people lose every election, no matter who they vote for.


    I am all for splitting the country up into two halves. Liberal America and Conservative America. It is all but like this now, so lets make it official.

  2. Obama is the presumptive nominee and has been working hard under that assumption. Even Bill and Hillary have helped him with his campaign. This would be the ultimate political betrayal.


    Every year we get handed the election, or at least what we need to win the election, on a silver platter. Then every year we find some way to screw it up, or it slips away from us.

  3. Y'know, I find it funny nobody ever questioned the patriotism of the Bill Clinton haters when he was in office ...


    From clips of Hannity that I have seen, he was a pretty big detractor of Clinton when he invaded Kosovo and Bosnia.

  4. You wouldn't know it by what you post on here.....


    Such as? You take my posts as Anti-American. I love the ideas of freedom and equality that we were founded on. It is what men lately have done with those ideas that I hate.

  5. Or, maybe, he is critical of dumb things the US govt. does because he wants better for this country and its people.




    But the fact that you are against pretty much everything that the US does speaks volumes if you ask me...


    So I am supposed to agree with things I don't personally believe in? Jim sums it up, I love this country; I just don't like the way things have gone these last 8 years.

  6. So you are against entanglements that involve us in other nations' conflicts but you are not in favor of withdrawing from the United Nations? If so, then you are opposed to some foreign entanglements but not others.


    I am not in favor of any of the things done in the name of the UN. It is a corrupt organization that absorbs a lot of American dollars and gives us very little in return. If supporting democratic governments that share our values in opposition to communist countries seeking to enslave them is none of our business, then I fail to see why the world's health problems are any of our business either.



    I am opposed to foreign entanglements that result in violence. I guess I am just a wild eyed idealist, but I will never shelve my idealism.


    On the subject of other people's health, I believe if our country has the means to help heal those or cannot heal themselves;then why not help.


    I would rather spend a few million dollars on polio vaccines across the world, then paying a group of fat-cat politicians and bureaucrats who don't do their jobs; or financing there life of luxury.

  7. I agree with you. The best thing that we could do is withdraw from the worthless United Nations and stop wasting money supporting it. This is exactly the kind of dispute that the UN was formed to address and if it is of no use to us now, then it is of no use period.


    I believe in the idea of a United Nations, but the UN in its current form is a failing entity. I have no problem with a UN that raises money to give aid to support Health clinics in rural nations, or to help eradicate diseases(Polio, Measles,Malaria) that should not kill millions every year. A UN that brings countries together to help fix problems, not one that creates them.


    BTW, did you know if we wanted to, the USA alone could wipe out polio and other childhood diseases in Africa.

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