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Posts posted by thegooch

  1. I have a few questions/comments.


    1. People who disregard the authority of the Pope- do they disregard the authority of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekial, Elijah, etc.? According to many, their relationship with Jesus does not need a go-between. They can foster their relationship without one another.


    2. People like to rely solely on the Bible. A lot of people rely heavily on the words of Paul in his various letters to different Christian communities. Why is this valid, if you can have a relationship with Jesus without a go between? Furthermore, if Paul's words are divinely inspired (which I do agree with) why can't the words of the Pope be divinely inspired as well? Because they are not in a book that was assembled and carefully selected by early Catholics?


    The Priest at Mass put it greatly today. He said when Pope John Paul I became Pope, he went to the school where he was and handed out pictures of him. He asked the 1st graders if they knew who the Pope was and what he did. A little boy in the back row (who turned out to be from a Southern Baptist family) answered "The Pope is the head preacher in the world". Does anyone take argument with that idea?


    Thoughts/comments on my very unorganized array of thoughts/comments?


    1.Does it really matter? No

    2.Will this thread bring any new idea, or perhaps a resolution to the table....No.

  2. You often advocate polices here that are at odds with the principles of the Libertarian Party. I think many "liberals" assume that they are more "libertarian" because both words share a common root. You cannot be a true libertarian without believing in economic freedom and as small a government as practicable. Economic freedom (i.e., capitalism) is a cornerstone of the libertarian philosophy.


    The Libertarian Party shares many more values with the right wing of the Republican Party than with any part of the Democratic Party. That is why Barr, who was one of the most conservative Republicans in Congress, had little trouble making the transition. Conservative talk radio hosts Neil Boortz and Michael Savage also fit in the libertarian mold pretty well, although both of them have clashed with libertarians on national security issues.


    Part of the reason that the Libertarian Party has not grown into a major national party, IMO, is that many of its members are so intolerant of individuals who do not subscribe to all of the party's positions. I respect the dedication to principle that is typical of libertarians but I also believe that many of them need to be just a little more flexible so that the tent can be made a little bigger.


    Libertarianism is a far cry from "Democratic Socialism" or any any other brand of socialism for that matter, including the kind espoused by Barack Obama and his mentors.


    Thanks for that Aces. I guess I subscribe to the personal freedom aspect of the Libertarian party.


    Micheal Savage lost all respect from me, when he announced on his radio program, that Autism was fake illness, and Children with autism just needed to be better controlled.


    Yes, I would call myself a Democratic Socialist.

  3. My question is, if Obama can't stand up to Hillary and tell her no concerning the convention, how can he stand up to the leader of a foriegn country when they try and run roughshod over him?


    Obama really has to finesse the Clinton issue. Half of her voters are still undecided on whether they will vote for Obama or McCain. As my grandmother used to say; you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

  4. As I said in another thread this convention could make Obama or be the final nail in the coffin.


    There is NO BUZZ about him at all leading into the convention. The buzz is ALL ABOUT Hillary. The runnerup. The first loser.


    So, either, he will come out of this thing

    a) looking like he is awesome as there is very little expectations for him on this thing, so even been good would come across as awesome;

    b) the Clintons and their po'd supporters will so dominate it that he won't get the usual bump in the polls.


    Usually the candidate dominates media coverage. I would almost bet that Hillary and the Clintons will get MORE media coverage this week than Obama does.


    And then right when the convention is over, McCain will attempt to steal the spotlight with his announcement for VP.



    I think that, or hope that, the Clinton's will use the convention to push the spotlight from themselves, to Barack.


    Anyway, it is going to be a fun week!

  5. I agree that Obama's incompetence and recent gaffes in the foreign policy arena played a big role in Biden's selection but the Obama campaign has made it clear that one of the main reasons for selecting Biden was his potential appeal to the voters that handed Obama resounding defeats in battleground states like Pennsylvania. That is the reason Biden is emphasizing his Scranton (a city in Pennsylvania) roots so much. If you disagree, then you should take it up with Obama's campaign because I am paraphrasing his campaign spokesmen.


    IMHO, he was chosen for both. As much as you disagree with the choice, you have to see the logic behind it.

  6. Is McCain starting to run a competent campaign?


    The McCain campaign has some good strategy meetings, after Grandpa falls asleep.


    Speaking of that, does anyone remember the Seinfeld Epsiode, where Jerry's dad starts working for The Jay Peterman company; so they schedule the meetings for the later afternoon, hence he will be too tired to attend them.

  7. Absolutely Agree.

    And Obama not vetting Hillary will be a bigger wedge in the Democrat party than anything that the Republicans could have done.


    I think we can move past this. I really think her having her name on the ballot at the convention and allowing her husband to speak, will bring some sort of closure to her campaign and to her followers. IMHO, I believe the convention is really going to solidify the democrats behind my personal Messiah(joking ;) )

  8. I didn't say he liked her.

    I firmly believe he cannot stand her.

    My point is he had to look at it as I can with with her on the ticket but then I have to put up with her for the next 4 or 8 years.


    I agree with you that he would rather lose without her than have to deal with her AND her husband.


    Take Hillary out of the equation, and Bill is pretty tolerable...almost kinda cool. I would hang out with him...

  9. Why not? Hillary is the only other Democrat who proved that they could bring voters to the booth. That is why I think it will be a bonehead move if Obama names any presidential also-ran to the ticket. Joe Biden has proven that he is a lousy candidate - repeatedly.


    A lousy presidential candidate maybe...


    VP has yet to be determined......


    If I was Obama I would of chosen Wesley Clarke

  10. Anyone can make a coin flip guess at this point and I'm not sold on the bumper-sticker Drudge is showing. Besides being sort of bland, it doesn't follow any of Obama's previous designs.


    I think that Obama will either pick Clinton or pull someone out of left field;we will either be really surprised at the pick, or what ever emotion one associates with Hillary Clinton...a few come to mind.

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