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Posts posted by thegooch

  1. I am not a big fan of his, but in listening to his show he didn't actually say that it was a completely made up illness. He was just saying that the overdiagnosis of it, often with little medical and scientific methodolgy used to do so leads to more people being diagnosed than should be. That is why he was so angry about it, because those people who are not actually autistic who are soaking up the resources that could better be used to help those with Autism.


    I actually happened to be listening the night he said what you are referring to and then his clarification a few nights later. Dropping off the girlfriend and driving home happens to coincide with when he is on sometimes so I randomly listen.


    I will have to dig out my time magazine that quotes him...hold on.


    "I'll tell you what autism is. In 99% of the cases, it is a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out"

  2. If McCain puts Bugs Bunny on the ticket now he wins.


    Biden???:scared::eek:What a horrible choice. This further points out Obama's inexperience. If he had named Clinton, the race was over! Pick Richardson or any of about ten others and Obama is still the frontrunner. I could never vote for someone that would pick Biden!:scared:


    When asked what he thought of the choice, Dennis Miller was laughing so hard, he couldn't even comment.


    There is a pretty reasonable logic behind picking Biden.


    I disagree, Clinton would not sealed the race for him. IMHO, we are blowing the VP choices on both sides out of proportion.

  3. RTS is taking a very difficult unpopular stance.....but he is being honest. I too have worked hard to get a home in a good, safe neighborhood. I would not want to see my neighborhood become section 8.



    No one is saying all poor people are criminals. However, lets face it, the more section 8 housing, the greater the crime in the area. It is what it is.


    Now, who can HONESTLY answer his question. Would you want your next door neighbors to be in section 8 housing?


    After we run them out for being section 8, are we all gonna put on white hoods and burn a cross on the lawns of those other pesky neighbors, or are we going to do this to the people in section 8 housing as well.


    It is a slippery slope when we start kicking people out of neighborhoods for monetary and aesthetics reasons.

  4. Does no one care? Many are calling it the greatest International game ever and it was a FANTASTIC game. Spain in a heck on a team and there PG will be in the NBA in no time to bad he is only 17 right now but he was GREAT. Go to YouTube and check out the Ricky Rubio Mix. Kobe showed why he is what he is..... The best basketball player on the Planet. He came up huge and pretty much put there dagger in Spain with 4 point play with about 3 minutes to go.






  5. OK, getting back to the thread, are you a pro-gun guy and do you believe Obama and Biden are?


    I am not NRA if that is what you are asking. I believe that people have the right to shotguns, rifles, and handguns. I don't like the idea of billy joe next door being able to walk into Wal-Mart and being able to buy a Uzi or AK-47. I think that we need stricter background checks for potential owners. I think safety classes should be mandatory, along with closing the gun show loop hole.


    I believe that Obama and Biden are more towards the middle on the issue, than you would think.

  6. :lol: Wrong, but maybe it will eventually sink in. cch5432 actually understands what I'm saying, he's 100% correct.


    I'm still waiting for your answer. Could it be that you don't want to admit the that I'm right, you don't want them living next to you either?


    You make these people sound like they are germs or a disease. This is the same exact attitude that some people in the mid-twentieth had when minorities moved into nicer neighborhoods.

  7. You couldn't be further off the mark than you are right now. See, I EARNED my right to live in the neighborhood I live in. I worked very hard to get here and I don't think that anyone should be handed anything. I would be more than willing to bet that if you yourself worked hard to buy a house in a nice neighborhood, you wouldn't want someone moving in next to you and trashing the area and committing crime. Bet your tune would change in a real hurry.

    I'm all for helping those in need, I'm totally against giving handouts to those that don't appreciate it or take pride in their home or themselves. If you want those type of people living next to you, take out an ad and by all means invite them.


    Would you have a problem if they bought the house outright, and then trashed it up?


    I really believe we could eliminate all of these housing problems by providing better social programs to those in need.

  8. Do they ALL want help or do some of them just want another hand out?

    I'm still waiting for your answer to my question about them living next to you.


    I am starting to really believe that while you speak out against classicism and elitism, that you are truly one yourself. They have just as much right to live by me or anyone else; as I do to live by anyone I want.(Bear in mind property is available to rent, lease, or buy)

  9. True, but you've been scared into believing that the government can solve problems for us, and they know better then we do on what to do with our money.


    The Patriot Act is certainly an infringement, but you make it seem that the government has the right to infringe on our wallets as well.


    Wow, that is a pretty blanket statement for someone who does not even know me. You couldn't be farther from the truth. I believe that is the government's job to help those who cannot help themselves. I believe that they are there to help lead the effort to change and fix the problems in America. I believe in the government because the government is "of the people, by the people, and for the people." The government is a vehicle in which we can all come together to assert the changes that need to be made in this great nation of ours.


    So please do not make blanket statements as to my mindset and beliefs again...Ok? Good!

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