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Posts posted by Shamrock7

  1. at the same time, are not open to law enforcement/govt searching your house - even though you're not guilty of anything.


    If law enforcment wants to come search my house, then fine! They won't find anything! There is no reason for them to search my house.


    There is though, a reason to drug test students.

  2. Yeah, if the testing is the reason that the athletes don't do drugs, than it is successful. The goal of testing is NOT to catch people but to prevent.


    Also, there are programs that happen, at least in our school, that talks about the reasons not to be involved in drugs/alcohol. Each athlete in that season is REQUIRED to attend or they are ineligible to compete.


    If the tests stand alone with no educational program, than I believe it is an incomplete program.


    cshs81, thats kinda sounds like what I was saying, no?

  3. The whole idea of drug testing, IMO, is not necessarly to catch the bad guys, but more to prevent the drug habit from starting in the first place. If the kids know that they could be tested, and know the consequences of their actions, then they may never start (or keep up the habit).

  4. I am not trying to dispute any team coach or players. My question is how the heck can they come up with a "National" ranking for High School. This just seems to me that it would be a popularity contest at best and/or who has the most press coverage an in a highly popuated area for there to be a lot of "ink" given to them.


    JMO and question.


    I tend to agree with you. I don't give them much value.

  5. Your thinking that says "I ain't guilty - test me if you want" would lead one to assume that you're OK with the police coming into your residence to look for drugs/stolen property/child pornography because, as you said, "I ain't guilty."


    THAT is the slippery slope.


    I never said I was ok with anyone coming into my home! That is a little different then having a mandatory drug test. The kids shouldn't be using drugs, its illegal... against the law. It's a little more severe then just breaking team rules. If they are using steriods, or what ever the drug is, it should be dealt with accordingly.

  6. How can a kid that lives in Franklin County's east side go to Trinity? Is that legal? I thought that Franklin County was in the arch-diocese of Lexington which means if he was going to go to a Catholic school he must go to Lexington Catholic.


    I don't really have an answer. But I do know that he does, in fact, live in or near Lexington. So I guess it's ok for him to come all the way to Trinity every morning if that's really what he and his dad want to do.

  7. Thanks for the post. It's tough sometimes to sift the wheat from the chaff. At the risk of being excoriated by the T and X faithful for butting my nose in the elite Louisville teams' business (it's happened before), I enjoy reading a cogent and insightful post about the actual game referenced by the thread title. Umbrellas, brooms, and merit scholars are at best tangential to the discussion; at worst totally irrelevant.


    X 24, Trinity 15. Thanks to jimmyref (and to give credit where it is due, there are a few other informative posts scattered throughout this thread), I have some idea as to why the score was what it was.:thumb:



    Just for the record, I posted the number of merit scholars as a joke.

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