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To The Fellas Playing Their Final Football Game Tonight...

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Tonight's going to be great football weather around the state. Enjoy the night, and try your best to avoid focusing too much on the "this is the last time" part of things...but don't ignore those feelings all together either. Those are the feelings you get as a chapter of life comes to an end. That's just another one of those life lessons you will have learned through the game of football. And don't be afraid to cry once the game is over. Lots of us did the exact same at the end of our final games - I did. No one will think any lesser of you.


Regardless...thanks, guys. Thanks for loving the game of football. Thanks for putting in your time, your sweat, and your emotions. And lastly, thanks for letting us watch you enjoy the game every Friday night.

Edited by Colonels_Wear_Blue
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