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Posts posted by coach33

  1. As pointed out by another, you may have the wrong Connaughton. The senior ( # 67) starts at left O tackle. The sophomore ( #65) I believe only plays D line. I'll look at the tape again, but I want to recall the sophomore played a fair amount against Highlands. It was certainly more than a play or two.


    OOPS....Sorry, my mistake (kind of embarrassing, actually).... so are there two Shumates as well?

  2. Shumate doesn't play varsity at all.


    The younger Connaughton is a sub on the varsity.


    So, why wouldn't they play?


    FWIW, and just to make sure I wasn't crazy, I checked the Enquirer. Both Connaughton and Shumate are listed as "Players To Watch" for CCH. The link:




    Still find it hard to believe these two aren't playing much varsity.

  3. Shumate doesn't play varsity at all.


    The younger Connaughton is a sub on the varsity.


    So, why wouldn't they play?


    I have only seen CCH play twice, versus Ryle and Beechwood. From what I recall, Connaughton started on o-line and Shumate started on defense. At the Ryle game, in fact, I sat near Shumate's former coach with the Spartans and noticed his name was called all night because his former coach commented on what a special player he was. In fact, I think he had a sack of Ryle's QB at one point in the game. Didn't notice his name at the Beechwood game, but I was on the Beechwood side and couldn't hear the announcer. Because Connaughton is on the o-line, I wouldn't expect to hear his name. Find it hard to believe those two aren't playing much varsity, but I guess you would know better than me......

  4. fd12, I agree with you about the music and the clock, but disagree with you about the flag thrown on the CovCath td called back. The flag I saw thrown on the play came out very early and was thrown by a sideline ref. I had a great view of the play and it was definitely a hold for what it's worth. Kid grabbed and held a lot of cloth.


    On an unrelated matter, the younger Connaughton is a big boy and looks like he'll be a nice football player. He was overwhelmed in the varsity game on Saturday but looked good last night. Shumate looked good punting the ball. I've got a feeling he might be doing the punting for the varsity in the near future or next year. Kid has long legs and fully extends his punting leg.


    I'm surprised that Connaughton and Shumate were playing JV. CCH must have wanted this one pretty badly.

  5. Boone-Ryle game of the week. Whatever ! Ryle wins this game by what ever score they decide! Boone is floundering this season.


    Beechwood and Bellevue will be a war, I think whoever has the ball last will determine the winner in this game. Beechwood is too well coached not to be in it and Bellevue coaches are equal to the task at hand of getting their players ready for the showdown! Going to be worth the price of admission I think!


    Does anyone have any clue has to what the playoffs will look like for the winner or loser of this game! Will they meet again?

  6. This game is going to be a war! It could become one of those games fans talk about for years. Both teams have obvious strenghts and obvious weaknesses. What team will be coached up enough this week to take advantage of the others weakness.


    I think everyone who follows football will give the edge to Beechwood, but there is one huge factor that I think will push the favor to Bellevue, FIELD CONDITIONS! Beechwoods speed will get neutralized in the mud and Bellevues big hogs and piglet up front will take advantage in the trenches.


    If you like high school football you need to go to this game that is for sure.


    Oh yeah hey front row did you hear any stats for Wills agaisnt Ludlow? I watched it on TV I think he was 5-8 or 9 105 yards one TD, and had about 60-70 yards rushing and 1 TD.

  7. Saw Ludlow play Taylor early in the season, then Brossart later. Looked like two different teams. Ludlows quaterback has to be the man tonight for them to do anything agaisnt Bellevue.

    I think Bellevue will Roll big in this one, but looking forward to seeing their linebacker match up with Bellevues lineman and Buckler, Slater, Sullivan and Livers coming out of the backfield. If the weather is decent I bet even Bellevues quaterback Wills gets in on the action!

  8. Would love to go to the game, I think the weather conditions favor Bellevues style of offense, but when it is muddy the ball can always take a funny bounce here or there.


    Coach Ecksteins 5 yards and a cloud of dust style has been turned into 5 yards and a puddle of mud the last couple of weeks!

  9. No reason to get personal there Bigben but I think Mr. Buckler deserves all the credit and respect he gets. Have you ever rushed for 4,000 yds in a career or did you even play. Probably not! But I am sure Bellevue coaches and players will use your post as some motivation on the field tonight, as if they will need any more anyway!

  10. At the high school level we must remember that we are dealing with 15-18 year old kids that have their minds on many things and at any given time you do not know which item they are on. It is a huge challenge for a coach to overcome. So when I hear the term flat i'm thinking the mental state of the kids.

  11. #5 What is the issue with the score. Look at the entire state score board I am sure there were many more scores more lopsided than 47-0.


    As far as Bucklers yards go if you have an issue why don't you have it with the defense for Walton, he broke two tackes at the line and flat out ran two players who had pursuit angle on him!:bunny:

  12. In response to #5 and futurecoaches last two post. Hope you were at the game.


    1. Bellevue ran just a few plays on offense in the 3rd quarter. Buckler had only 17 carries in the game, he has been averaging over 25.


    2. It is not an opposing coaches job to worry how the other team feels after a blowout, tough loss or a victory. Coach Eckstein would do anything and everything for his players and students, never ever question a man character or his classiness if you do not have any knowledge about who he is or what he stands for.


    3. As far as the Bearcats go, they need to get better. Period. They evidently had discipline issues and injuries crop up that week they played Bellevue, not Ecksteins fault. His job is to get his players ready to face Playoff caliber teams, they played a tougher early schedule than most of the other 1A teams they paly outside of Beechwood.


    4. If I was a coach that was playing a rival which now Walton is because of district play. I would bury them every chance I get, Keep them down, because if you let a team think they can play with you, they will, Eckstein and the tigers found that out last year against Gallitin County.

  13. Are you saying that you think the talent level on the team is less this year than last? The only player on last year's team that seems to me to be greatly missed is Van Sant. They played a lot of juniors and sophomores last year, so with another year of lifting/conditioning and with a year of experience under their belt, those kids are surely better this year than last. Plus they've added a talented sophomore class this year to the squad. I'd say there is more talent overall on this year's squad than last year.


    Sorry, Oscar, but I'd have to agree with LN and Clyde. I don't know how you can make the "talent" argument because it is so subjective. However, your statement prompted me to look at the results so far: Last year, the CCH defense gave up an AVERAGE of 37.5 points per game during the regular season (in fact, they gave up a staggering 45.4 points per game to all teams not named Scott or Holmes). This year, the defense has given up an average of 25.8 points per game. If your argument is that the offense last year was better (and more talented) than this year, last year's offense averaged 22 points per game while this year's offense averages 28.4 points per game.


    LN, you asked in an earlier thread why there is so much optimism surrounding this year's CCH team. The "warm and fuzzies" are nice, but the simple answer lies in the results so far, and don't forget that this has been accomplished with players (many of whom didn't get a chance to play on the varsity level last year) learning a whole new system and getting to know a whole new staff of coaches. This year, CCH has been competitive even in its losses while last year the CCH varsity starters were still playing at the end of hopelessly lost games against the opponent's JV team.....

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