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Posts posted by BANKSHOT

  1. I see your points but I think now that Billy D has declined all of the candidates being mentioned have questionable areas in their resume most of which have been listed on this site at some point...I just think if were choosing out of a pool of question marks.. I personally see some upside with Antoni.

  2. I think D'Antoni is who we should be going after....imagine the recruiting power to sit in a kids living room and say I coached Steve Nash and crew, we could put up 125 points any night and I will prepare you for the NBA. This guy could be a great college coach. He is the best available option.

  3. Vitale is upset because he feels people in Ky were to hard on Tubby....but when Tubby was hired everyone in the country agreed that UK was the best job in the country....Now Vitale is saying that KY is a terrible job what happened in ten years? Are the fans more passionate and critical now than they were then...I dont think so...If you look at what Tubby walked into and compare that with what he is walking away from Dicky V or anyone else can see that UK's program did go downhill under Smith's tenure. What these guys need to remember is that Smith walked away...No fans, alumni, boosters or anyone else had anything to do with that but him. Tubby is a great solid man and mentor but is only a good basketball coach and KENTUCKY expects greatness. Six straight losses to Florida and four straight to Vandy is not greatness.

  4. These three are nice teams and will probably make repeat trips to the state tourney but I dont see any of them winning it all. Win a game maybe two and that will be the extent of it. Elliot was the feel good story of the tounament this year but if they had Ballard or Scott in the first round they would have got beat by 20. I'm a mountain guy but I dont see JR Vanhoose and Todd Tackett on any of these teams.


    Report: UK Ready To Name Donovan


    March 27, 2007 09:37 AM EDT





    According to Darrell Bird of CatsPause.com, UK is poised to name Billy Donovan its new basketball coach after Florida's final game in the NCAA Tournament.


    According to CatsPause.com, the reported package is a seven year deal worth $3.5 million per year. The report further states there is a $3.5 million loyalty bonus if Donovan completes all seven years.


    The deal reportedly was made last Thursday and Friday during a meeting with Donovan's agent here in Lexington.


    Bird writes on CatsPause.com, "Numerous attempts to verify a rumor through independent sources have all reached the same conclusion. Kentucky is poised to name Billy Donovan its new basketball coach shortly after Florida's final game in the NCAA tournament."


    How can he say he didnt expect this for widespread publication...he knows all people in KY and a lot of people in Gainesville are sitting on pins and needles about this!

  6. I think he said "Right Now" like seven times.....He is definitely going to consider it. Rick Pitino called the UK job "Camelot" and "The Roman Empire of College Basketball" There is a new Ceasar comimg to town and his name is Billly the Kid!

  7. To back up the post that have been made, I have a friend who works as a principal in the Fayette school system he was told Wen evening that a group of boosters had offered Tubby a large sum of money to walk away quietly. The same group of men were willing to offer Billy D whatever he wanted to come to LEX. If this fell through John C was choice No. 2. Again this is rumors but as things unfold it seems there may be some substance to the story.

  8. With 4:07 to go in the fourth Quarter the foul count was SV 12....Elliot 4... Elliot shot the double bonus a few minutes before Valley entered the bonus.. So the foul count was lopsised before SV started fouling at the end...Valley does play a sloppy aggressive defense and by watching the other tourney games I think it caught them off gaurd that so many whistles were being blown. The second game started about 40 minutes late because of all of the whistles. That being said SV coaching staff has to be able to make adjustments to fit that particular game: go to a zone, takes off the press, or just pull back on the pressure so your best players can be on the floor in the 4th quarter. For some of the other things being said SV did play a quality schedule outside and throughout the mountains. They did not play well and before next season they must become more mentally tough so they can handle adversity better. Something that has not been mentioned and I think the key for Elliot was the defense they played on freshmen point gaurd Justice. They kept the ball out of his hands, not that he played a bad game but they forced him into quiet game. After the first quarter SV probably didnt have the starters on the floor together for a couple of minutes so for people outside the Valley, they are better than what they showed last night. All that being said they could have cut it to 3 with 4 minutes to go and blew a cherry.... Elliot took over from that point and closed the game out. Congratulations to them for the win...I think the coaches should put these two young teams on the schedule for the next couple of years.

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