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Posts posted by CowboysFan

  1. Yes I would let my son play basketball for BCG. He would be getting a free education and I am sorry if he would have to work hard at practice and listen to the coach try to coach him to the best of his ablity. Most coaches leave what happens at practice on the court anyway. My son would just have to take it and hopefully he would become a better player from it.

  2. The way I see it everyone has an opinion. The other coaches that have been at Owsley Coubty had there reasons for leaving be they right or wrong. Every coach and every fan never see eye to eye all the time thats part of coaching if you can't take that then perhaps they need to get out of coaching. I am at Owsley everyday and I have never heard coach Noble say anything about leaving and I hope he don't because he is first a good teacher, basketball teams are going to come and go. He knows it is going to take awhile for Owsley to get back on top. The guard position in my opinion is the problem on this team too, no true point guard. I also don't think that Evans is a point guard, but that is my opinion. Good things happen to players and coachs alike that work hard and I think coach Noble and his staff will work it out.

  3. UK is my home team and I hate to see them lose. I don't think there is very much BCG can do with what he has. I do think that in the future he will do just fine if given a chance. Whats wrong with hard work outs they just get remove the players that don't want to stay in the first place, and the ones you have left are going to stay with you through anything which is what you want in the first place. Thats my opinion anyway. It will take him or anyone else a few years to build the program up to what they have been.

  4. Yea I have heard that Travis Smith is doing a great job at the fifth and sixth grade level, and Owsleys 7th grade team does look really good so yes I think the future looks good at Owsley. I also think this years varisty team will surprise a lot of people. I just hope people give coach Noble time to build and let the team progress as the season goes by.

  5. I know Powell had a very good team, and will in the future. I think coach Varney is a really good coach. Coach Dean was and is a very good coach also, and I do believe he will do well at LCC. Skarecrow08 is also right when he says LCC might not have made it out of the 56th district, but thats true for any team that played in the regional tournment. I don't know all the reasons behind Dean leaving Powell all I am saying is with the 56th district as good as it is it would have been nice for him to still be there, and I am not taking anything away from coach Varney every young coach needs a chance to prove themselves.

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