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Posts posted by LittleRoyal

  1. If you build it, they will come. Isn't that how the saying goes. Isn't there anyone out there with the need for a tax write off? Let's start a campaign to increase the size of the Devil Dome, the Panther's Den or the Ice Palace in Brooksville. So they can host the regional tournament. Just to make sure the fieldhouse never sees it again!:laugh:


    Would that make everyone happy?

  2. :lol:

    If we're going smaller because everyone is afraid of Mason Co I still say let's just move it to Mt.Olivet. When you look at a map, you can't get a more central location and surely everyone's not afraid of Deming's home court advantage. The heck with the fans and the money, let's everyone meet in Mt. O. It sounds like the perfect solution to me. :ylsuper:


    For Darius Miller's senior year, I'd say they could play the games on the street in downtown Paris and it wouldn't matter.

  3. Just a thought! If this new gym had been built in Carlise, Falmouth, Mt. Olivet, Augusta, or Brooksville I would be willing to bet this coversation would have never been started. BUT, because it's Montgomery Co. it's now all you ever hear about! IMO it sounds like a little jealously issue.


    By the way, I'm not from Mason Co., I didn't graduate from Mason Co and I have no ties to that school. BUT they do have one heck of a program and a nice facility that I have enjoyed attending the 10th regional tourny in for MANY years! Don't let the name fool you.


    Robertson Co is getting the money to build a new school maybe they will build a gym bigger than Montgomery Co. Then in a few years everyone can debate taking the tourny to Mt. Olivet!!! :D

  4. So its fair to get the luck of the draw instead of earning your seed throughout the year in district games?


    :thumb: That's the only fair way unless they start dividing the money equally among everyone. That big pile of dough just shouldn't always go to the bigger schools. But it sure means alot those little schools even if its just every once in a while.

  5. Are you absolutely positive of that? This is the first I have ever heard of that and unless it is a new policy I am 100% sure that it does not happen on the girls' side. And it seems if they were going to do that on one side, they would do it on both.


    I'm positive they do it. They also get their dues paid as well. I guess the boys tourny accumulates more money than the girls.:cry:


    Let it go to Mt. Sterling next year and fail. When everyone gets hurt in the wallet, then it will come straigt back to Maysville where it belongs. If Montgomery Co. wanted it that bad THEY SHOULD HAVE BUILT IT BIGGER!!!


    Fans don't really care as to how nice the locker rooms are BUT if they drive a hour or more to a game and can't get in then I'd say someone will be dealing with alot of mad fans. And yes there were MANY mad Pendleton fans turned away 2 years ago.

  6. When they seed it gives the more powerful teams a gaurenteed spot in the region but when they have a blind draw it gives the smaller schools(Nicholas and Deming) a little hope.


    Not only hope to play in the fieldhouse, but everyone seems to forget about the financial benefit of playing in the regional tournament. Everyone should have a fair shot at the payout as well. The money means alot to small schools with little athletic budgets.

  7. I heard on of their fans say,"Well it was such a long trip down here no wonder we lost."

    Sorry I been up there with the team and we won a we've few up there.

    Although I don't know why the bus traveled to Maysville on the "AA" and took us 62 thru Murphysville/Shannon when they could've cut thru Brooksville in route 165. It's straighter and not as snow covered that day.


    Sounds like Silver Grove needs to check mapquest! They took the very long way!!!!:thumb:

  8. Mason Co and GRC are the top 2 favorites and Bishop Brossart right behind them, being the top 3 choices IMO.

    The outcome of the game Feb 10th may not tell us much. Last year GRC went into Mason Co in Feb and beat them by 16 at the Fieldhouse, then lost to them in the finals of the region. PC beat GRC by a last second basket in regular season and GRC beat them in the semi of region.

    Do I put alot into who wins on Feb 10th...no ...It is the one in March that we want.:thumb:


    I don't put much into February games either. Last year when GRC beat Mason, they were playing without Brad Pawsat who was in Louisville at another school function. The 2 schools actually split in regular season last year as the royals beat Clark in the South Laurel tourny. We're playing for March as well. GO ROYALS!!!!

  9. Also, the bringing up of an 8th grader has been an issue.


    What is wrong with this? If you recall, Kelly Wells along with Coach Starns brought up an 8th grader to play during tournament time a few years ago. His name is one everyone is familar with today (Darius Miller). This practice happens all the time. The King twins are currently in the 8th grade and playing varsity at Deming. Surely they (JC) wouldn't be dumb enough to loose a good coach over something as stupid as this. I would love to hear the whole story!:irked:

  10. When NKY has thier turn and the 9000+ seat Bank of Kentucky Center is complete-- which is enough seating, what will we have for an excuse???


    RENT!!!! Are the schools really that tired of the tradition that is the 10th regional tournament to pay to rent a facility just because it isn't in Maysville? What could NKU possibly gain from loaning it out for free. I believe UK even has to pay at RUPP.

  11. I struggle with the changes of playing at various sites. For example, last season Augusta finally returned to the 10th region tournament. They entered as the 39th District runner up. How deflating it would have been to play their game at Pendleton County (whom they faced last yr.)? There is no atmosphere better in this region than the Fieldhouse. And as far as what nights the games are played, you're going to get larger crowds for boys than girls. I believe it's been said many times already. It's not mean to say that, it's simply FACTS!!!!! Every year kids at schools across this region dream of making it to the Fieldhouse in March. Please don't let that dream die.


    I believe I said that earlier. Thanks for agreeing!!;)

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