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Posts posted by LUVTHEM&MS

  1. Believe me I am one of the Highlands faithful and they dont need a running QB when they have two or three good backs year in and out... the only time you need a dual threat QB is when your running backs are not producing and Highlands seems to never have that problem...


  2. You don't know Ft Thomas very well. If Highlands scheduled their games in the sarasota area there would be no Thread about Highlands Spring Break. Trust me, the Sarasota area would be the answer to everybody's problem. I could care less whether the kids play or not. Highlands Baseball will take second fiddle to Football as long as HHS has a football program unless it has a better commitment to the baseball program by all parties. When they get to be 30 years old, they will wonder if that one week of fun in the sun with the jones's was really worth it

    My senior year the baseball team went to Daytona Beach for Spring Break. The kids got to have their fun and it kept mom and dad from having a nervous break down. It seemed that everybody was happy even if it was Daytona Beach.

  3. That is still not a solution because the kid isn't worried about the team - they are still selfish. If you start doing that and one season you have one kid / group who wants to go to Sarasota; another kid / group wants to go to Orlando; another kid / group wants to go to St. Augustine and then the parents want to go Cocoa Beach - where do you go then? If you go to Florida it is because you are wanting to work on baseball; it is not a vacation. The parents can treat it as one but their kid is there to work. I think a coach needs to find time during the week to do some fun stuff but that is not the focus of the trip. People lose perspective of this.

    You don't know Ft Thomas very well. If Highlands scheduled their games in the sarasota area there would be no Thread about Highlands Spring Break. Trust me, the Sarasota area would be the answer to everybody's problem. I could care less whether the kids play or not. Highlands Baseball will take second fiddle to Football as long as HHS has a football program unless it has a better commitment to the baseball program by all parties. When they get to be 30 years old, they will wonder if that one week of fun in the sun with the jones's was really worth it

  4. This did effect me personally when I played at Highlands in 79-80 season. I made the choice to go to Florida for spring break. Lost my position when I left. Several other players went also and when they returned ended up quitting the team because Coach Petty told them before they left that their position would be filled by someone else. He told us up front if we left your position was gone. By the way, we won the region that year even after 5 starter's had left the team. It just seems that something could be work out. I think that last year HHS had 7 games scheduled during the break and only played 1 because of the weather.

    Sounds to me That Highlands needs to start traveling to Florida like everyone eles does. Start playing games in Florida during spring break. Now, just find a location that everybody will be happy with. I know one kid that would play if Highlands played their games in Sarasota;)

  5. Did I really see an advertisement for a Head football coach opening at CCH in the "Odd and Ends" in the classified section in The Post on Friday? Are they doing this as a formality or do they really need to be looking in the classifieds for a Head coach of any sport. What's up with that?

    I saw the same thing, right next the 9 old girls soccer tryouts. I would think this type of job doesn't need a formality ad posted in the local newspapers. Or is this standard procedure!!!!!

  6. Because it is being handled in a proffesional way unlike the Mason job where every applicant was made available to the world causing some problems including Elders coach who is a good guy. Why does everyone have to know who is applying. If I was applying for a job I sure would not want my present employer knowing I was out looking. Cov Cath administration from the the principal to the athletic director are good people doing this the right way.

    I guess i will have to wait a couple more weeks to decide where my kid goes to school!!! We have waited 14 years, what is another couple of days. ;)

  7. I don't have feelings one way or the other towards Roger Bacon.


    And all the football state championship trophies are impressive, even if they aren't most in the state any more.

    Yeah i guess you got me there. I guess it would be interesting to see how many trophies Highlands would have if the state awarded State Championships before the 60's. Somebody might be able to figure that one out. Hey Henry, how many would it be!!!!!

  8. :lol:


    Awesome. Yep, that's one too. Even better is the double awesome. "That was just an awesome, awesome atmosphere for a high school football game."


    I'm trying to get a 15 minute slot to speak at the Highlands football banquet next year. Eight hours can be tough to fill, so it shouldn't be too hard to arrange.

    :confused: Why would you want to go to a Highlands Football banquet. Wouldn't that be like going to a Roger Bacon Football banquet. We all know there is no love loss for either school. Or is it that you have never seen that many state championship trophys in one room at one time!!!!!:D

  9. This thread can be postponed for some time because no one has even interviewed for the job.Interviews will be given the first week of Febuary and the announcement of the coach will be given on the 15. End of Story

    What's to interview, what kind of questions do you ask. Do you promise to do everything in your power to help us beat The Team On The Highlands and not jump ship after two years for another school!!! I don't get it, Yes a private school with a not so great retirement according to most people but were talking about a school with some pretty impressive backers.

  10. I have just one question to the "in the Know crowd" Why is Ft Thomas school district employing Keith Faust as their Vice Principal for the Middle School but yet they allow such a young,smart, and upcoming coach to instruct at back to back state champion NCC. Why would we employ from outside the district when we have such great talent within. Isnt there some type of rule that says if a district employee wants to coach then a non-employee is out. Seems to me we should get what we pay for and get this guy on board at all costs before he jumps ship. I don't know if its just me, but seems like Coach Schneider gets the last laugh again.

    This should be an interesting reply!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

  11. For the record, Coach Vilardo DID NOT call the plays and does not call the plays and will not call the plays. If you have a gripe with the play calling, it lies totally with Coach Mueller. Vilardo does nothing more than signal in the play called by Mueller. If you think Vilardo calls the plays because you do not see him and Mueller talking before the play is signalled in, its because they are connected via head phones and that is how Dale tells Vilardo what play to call. Admittedly, in blow out games, Dale will let Vilardo make some of the calls so Dale can concentrate on watching the jv players on the field performing to evaluate them, but other than that, Dale calls all the plays. And that's a fact!


    As for your 9 yr old knowing what play is going to be called, I assume you are being facetious. If not, then your son needs to apply to be the offensive or defensive coordinator next year some where. While I admit we never developed a passing game to the extent I wish we would have, we need to be a little more fair in our criticisms of "our" coaching staff. I've been around the game for a really long time, and I did not know what play was going to be called and neither did your son.


    As for the passing game, if you attended many practices you know that we spent a whole lot of time practicing passing. Much more than running. Dale came into the season knowing that the strength of the team would be the offensive line and running backs. Thus, he decided to go with a run based offense and choose Cecil (a running qb) over Draper. That was a strategic decision that Dale made. Perhaps at this point with hindsight it was a wrong decision, but it sure looked smart on all the long runs that Cecil made. Admittedly, Cecil never developed the passing touch that all hoped he would have, but also keep in mind that he threw a lot of balls that were catchable, but were not.


    As you assess Dale's play calling and the offense's performance this year, I think you have to keep in mind that in every game except the last game, we moved the ball extremely well on offense. And that's playing against some really, really good defenses. So I think you have to somewhat forgive Dale for thinking that in the last CovCath game he'd be able to move the ball doing what had been successful the entire season: running the ball and keeping the ball out of the hands of the other teams defense and occasionally mixing in the pass.


    As for the lack of adjustments criticism I've read on here a lot, I want you to recall the first CovCath game. They based their defense on shutting down Kramer and did a very good job of doing it. If your "lack of adjustments" criticism was accurate, Dale would have kept forcing the ball to Kramer regardless of its lack of success, right? What did Dale do however? He instead ran Cecil up the middle in that game with great success and utilized Conner on the counters. Seems like adjustments to me.


    In the second game, CovCath overplayed the short side of the field. We exploited the short side of the field the first game with the Conner counters. So when he observed what they were doing in the second game, he made adjustments and did not call the short side counter more than once or twice. Thus he made the adjustment and tried to attack the wide side of the field. And what happens? Well of course people get on here and criticize him for not running Conner on the counter in the second game when it was so successful the first game. Danged if you do, danged if you don't I guess. Further evidence is that in the second game coming out of the half (with mo on our side-we scored right before half to make it a 12-7 game and got the ball in the beginning of the second half) he does what so many people on here seemed to be clamoring for and passed the ball on a sideline route to Conner. Brown intercepts the ball on what I think was the most decisive play of the game. Brown returns it for a td (its called back because a block in the back to the 15). CovCath scores anyway to go up 19-7 and the entire complexion of the game changed imo. For what its worth, the pass was not thrown to the primary receiver. Brown made a great read, came off his receiver going deep and intercepted the pass. So at the end of the day, Dale's detractors get their wish, we pass the ball, and in my opinion the whole game changed.


    I also think people need to remember that the last two years we've been eliminated by two very good football teams that went on to win state. If you put any stock into the All BGP selections (and I obviously do:laugh:) CovCath must have been an exceptional team if they placed 5 kids on the All BGP team. Do I think they were significantly better than us? No I don't, I really don't. But I think its impossible to argue that we got beat by a lesser team this past year or the year before that. We had some weaknesses on this team, which I won't discuss out of respect for the kids playing those positions. At the end of the day, those kids played the positions to the best of their abilities and worked their tails off for three years to be the best players they could and thats all you can ask for.


    Could we have made some player moves to shore up the weak spots? Perhaps, then again, unless you saw what was happening in practice and were familiar with injuries that limited some people's abilities to play even more than they did, its somewhat unfair to be too critical of the coaching decisions.


    Was I happy with the way the season ended? With a senior on the team who worked his tail off the last several years to transform himself into a pretty good football player and who was devastated by not winning state, the what should be obvious answer is NO. And logic would conclude that I as much as anyone should be griping about coaching decisions if I felt it was coaching decisions that cost us the championship. But in fairness to the coaches, it was not those decisions that cost us that game. Our players simply failed to execute our offense in the second game as well as they did in every game throughout the season. Perhaps it was because our kids were tight going into that game (as I've heard several players talk about since the game). If you had a crystal ball that told you in the second game that we were not going to be able to effectively run our offense, I sure wish you would have shared it with Dale.


    Do I think every thing is perfect with the coaching staff and coaching decisions? No I don't. I hope and expect Dale to spend the off season critically examining what went wrong and what can be improved. If you know Dale at all, he's obsessed with winning. And I certainly don't think the sky is falling at Highlands because we have lost the last two years to the eventual state champions. Man I hate to think what this board would have been like if it had been around when CovCath was winning state championships back to back. Ru would have needed to hire psychiatrists to prevent people from jumping off bridges.


    We'll be fine next year and I again expect us to again challenge for a state championship. We are not, as a smaller team playing against larger teams particularly next year when we move up to 5A, going to win the championship every year. Unlike Trinity, a very, very good program that has the advantage of in almost every game playing teams smaller or equal in size, we have won our championships with a size disadvantage. As we continue to win them in the future, it will be with an even greater size disadvantage. We won't win as many of them as we would have if we stayed in 3A, but that will make the state championships that we do win even more worthy in my opinion. Keep the faith my friend. We'll be just fine.

    If your right, which i'm sure you have the inside about Dale calling the plays. Then why is he considered the offensive coordinator. What benefit does this guy bring to my beloved Birds. People have often asked me what we owe this guy and i say not a darn thing. I mean he kind of reminds me of the guy last week over the holidays when we flew into Cincinnati Airport and directed our plane into the tarmak(SP). What did he do at Milford that was so special that could have landed him such a great job at Highlands.

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