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Posts posted by Eagle'01

  1. Apparently a few of the players are really not liking each other right now. That might explain the appearance that a certain player was looking the other way when Meeks came open a few times last night.


    If someone is taking it to the extreme of not passing the ball to an open player then they need to be kicked off the team.

  2. There was a fast fuel in Henderson that use to carry it but quite last year. Last time I bought any was at the Wally World in Princeton. I know Henderson Wal-Mart carries it too. I didn't realize but it is made by the company that makes Kodiak and Grizzley.

    Anyone ever tried Beech Nut Wintergreen? What's it like?


    I didn't realize that either.


    As far as trying to get it somewhere other than Wal-Mart here in Winchester most people at gas stations or tobacco marts look at you like your stupid when you ask them if they have Hawken. I just say never mind and drive on over to Wal-Mart. :lol:

  3. I love Hawken but wasn't going to post it, was afraid I would be called a sissy. I'm with eagle, it is the only thing I can dip and not blow grocerys.


    You can chew because it is not close to being fine cut. I don't dip it much but enjoy one every know and then. I really enjoy it sitting in a deer stand. Most dips have a pepper taste to me and burn my mouth, Hawkens doesn't. It taste like wintergreen candy. It is getting hard to find in Henderson though. I think Wal-Mart is the only place that carries it and it's like $5 a can.


    That's the only place I can find it in Winchester.

  4. Any of you all every dipped Hawken? It comes in a green can and is wintergreen flavored. It isn't very stout and almost taste like having a Cert in your mouth. It's about the only stuff I could ever dip without getting sick.


    Anyway, I used to dip occasionaly but haven't in a couple of years.

  5. ^ There is a wireless adapter you can buy for the XBOX360 that way you don't have to use a cord, if not then you need an ethernet cord running from the back of your xbox to your router.


    Thanks SV, I thought there was something like that out there but wasn't sure.

  6. Maybe one of you all can help me...

    I've got the 360 but I don't have XBox Live and never have had it. We have wireless internet at the house along with the router, do I need a cord running from the router into the back of the XBox or can the XBox pick up the wireless internet without a cord running into the back or it from the router. Only reason I ask is the router is upstairs and the Xbox is downstairs.


    And I just finished off my last regular season game, went 13-3 with the Raiders, I think my Madden IQ is in the 670's.

  7. On a funny note... I am watching the game tracker on Fox Sports MSN and they have Eddie Guardado's picture up with Edwin's name under it during his last AB. They look so much alike I could see how they made the mistake:lol: . First time I saw it I laughed out loud because it was unexpected. I mean geez, I might could understand the mix up if Eddie was even still on the team.

  8. Something to think about.


    "one thing is clear: Gillispie prefers to be out of the limelight – and he’d have that opportunity in Stillwater. "


    I think Gillispie has actually gotten pretty comfortable in the limelight, it just took him some time to get used to it.

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