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Posts posted by pallex32

  1. This is the best thing that could happen to this program with Banks leaving, a couple yrs. ago these young men that was coming out of Middle School that will be Jrs. this year should have completed not only for the region title but also the state title that how much talent they had. If Supt. Turner was smart he would try and hurry up and hire Doug Noble because he could get most of these players back. I know that Nick Noble would come with him and also the Salyers kid that is playing with perry central this summer would maybe be back, so they need to make a quick move.:banana:


    Josh was at Jackson City last time I checked. Who knows though. Banks was a good coach but wasnt really that great with the kids. Ive spoken to some of the players that played for him and he didnt relate well to them at all is what they said. You have to have some give with kids, it always cant be his way or the highway. I for one would love to see Doug coaching Breathitt next year and Nick playin in blue.

  2. I have heard from several reliable sources close to the schoo system and have heard that Doug Noble, current Owsley county coach has been interviewed and they are interested in him.


    Same here, and he is bringing his nephew with him Nick. I have been saying that coach Banks wouldnt be back and noone beleived me. O well....

  3. I was surprised with Breathitt's numbers last season. Seemed the Bobcats only had 35-45 players, alot less than they used to dress. Did numbers seem to be up for spring practice?


    From what I looked, it seemed like they had a few more, but not many more.

  4. I can see meeks running the show but I dont know how capible he would be and how good he would be with the ball in his hands. If we sign McClintock we will see how good his is off the bat I think because if leggins doesnt get in he will more then likely be running the show. Still we have to see if McClintock will sign with UK.

  5. Breathitt is gonna have to have become bigger and meaner in the trinches. The line on both sides of the ball needed to get another year under their belt before they really challenged for the state title. Breathitt also needs to just give the ball to Channing. He is the workhorse of that team and I expect to see his name as an all stater.

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