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Big Fig

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Posts posted by Big Fig

  1. The wife suprised me with tickets to this local beer tasting tonight. Biggest diaappointment was the Smoked Porter from Stone Brewery (too thin for my taste) and the biggest surprise was the excellent IPA from Ballast Point Brewery. I also liked the Hefe from Rock Bottom Brewery. Unfortunately some of my favorite local breweries were absent from the event: Pizza Port and Lost Abbey.


    Double Arrogant Bast*** Ale from Stone Brewery is chronic. :isurrender:



  2. What was going on with the TIME KEEPER? The refs were really getting upset with him. The refs over the course of the game had to tell the time keeper to start the clock 6 times that I know of. I think it was 4 times in the last qtr. Was something wrong with the clock? Or was it the keeper himself? Was he new at it? Or did he just keep forgetting? I know that when the refs told him to run the clock down to get it readjusted it worked fine. Does anyone know? I had never seen it happen in a game more then a few times. Could they have thrown a flag? :idunno:


    During the webcast the Broadcasters had to frequently direct the clock operator to adjust the time. The Broadcasters refered to the clock operator as "Coach"

  3. OldRambler, I like you a lot and enjoy your posts, but you sure don't have a career as a play-by-play guy!!! ;-)


    The last I saw on the update thread, C'ville had the ball with a minute left in Raceland territory and was driving. What happened to seal the win for Raceland? Late game interception? Turnover on downs? Fumble?


    Hopefully you know I'm kidding about your play-by-play abilities, but I am just curious as to how the ending went.


    Thanks for the updates OR......the webcast feed was horrible. Did the Cville QB spike the ball on fourth down to end the game? That what it sounded like but I could only hear every 4th word of the broadcast.

  4. No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse

    with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given

    her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and

    star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo

    Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst



    We apologise for the fault in the subtitles. Those resposible have been sacked.:popcorn:

  5. There have now been over 100 deaths in Mexico from swine flu. There are 40 confirmed cases in the U.S. including 1 in Ohio. Is it time to close the border? Do we use National Guard to seal the crossing points? I say yes to both as a temporary measure.


    I live in San Diego and the 20th death in the county was confirmed this week and we have had over 1,000 confirmed cases. I see this increasing rapidly with the start of the school.


    In the event of an H1N1 epidemic, transportation out of southern California/Texas (not just Mexico) may be limited.

  6. You did a great job and it was greatly appreciated when we couldn't get the radio or webcast to come in.:thumb:


    I sorta fumbled the updates in the 4th quarter. I was trying to eat dinner, watch the LL World Series, listen to the Charger game and do the updates on the BC/Raceland webcast. BUT I did hit the trifecta: Rams won, Chula Vista won and Chargers won. Oh Yeah, dinner was good too.

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