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Riverside 157

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Posts posted by Riverside 157

  1. Some interesting data to accompany the above comments:


    Glaser took the HC job in 1982. The first three years: 9 - 3, 10 - 3 and 10 - 3.

    29 - 9. . .


    It took Glaser less than 5 full seasons to collect 15 defeats!!!!


    Wolford''s first three years: 7 - 5, 8 - 5 and 7 - 5.

    22 - 15. . .


    The slope is headed in the wrong direction folks. I do not forsee any change to the current situation. Just continued marginal and mediocre football. This is NOT what St. X football is about. The Administration better be working on something because dammage is being done to the program and the more damage is done the harder it is to restore the program to where it should be... It is truly a shame!!!! Nothing personal against the players, parents and coaches (nothing against Coach Wolford). This current state is simply NOT acceptable. Winning takes care of alot of things, and WE are not winning games we should!!! Thirty regular season games is enough to figure out what needs to be done and CORRECT the issues. The track record of little improvement throughout the season and between seasons is convincing enough for this fan that changes have to be made!!!! Speaking for myself and many others of the X fan base, the time is critical. ACTION IS REQUIRED.

  2. back on topic --> I feel that the X program has slipped a bit!!! Still looking for something to get them over the hump and slinging mojo!!! Just have NOT seen it the last three years. This years team is 6 - 4 and really this is NOT acceptable. Now here is the catch. Losses have come against very respectable teams. The Central loss being a real head scratcher. OK, played very competitively against some tough competition!!! Now come the playoffs!!! X will have to face some of these same opponents which they played close but came up short. Can X find a way to MAKE ENOUGH IMPROVEMENT to win these games???? My head tells me, have to see it to believe it!!!!! Heart says GO TIGERS!!!!


    This is a big change in the thinking process for many X fans. One could say that X was prepared and ready for the playoffs and avenged some of those losses, but in the end, X was prepared, improvements were made and fans had CONFIDENCE IN in the product on the field. Nowadays, not real sure what to expect, other than what we have seen!!!! Mediocore and marginal football!!! No disrespect to the kids, the parents and coaches!!! What it is, is what it is!!!! And its not like it used to be!!!!!

  3. Speaking of long snapper snaps over the punters head, is the Trinity long snapper still enrolled in school? For those of you that have been around a few moons recall that this situation (snapping the ball over the punters head) reared its head and cost Trinity a big ball game. I understood that the young man never graduated from Trinity!!!

  4. LTR - Given the Wolford era is 20 - 12 as it stands today, this is a big game against a No.1 ranked opponent. 2013 ended up 7 - 5 with a loss to Male (21-23) in the 2nd Round of the playoffs. 2014 ended up 8 - 5 with a loss to Trinity (3 - 9) in Regional Final. 2015 is 5 -2 so far!!! A W would be huge for the Tigers to gain some late season momentum heading into the playoffs. YES it would be a game for the Wolford administration to say we accomplished something!!!!! Wish I , Would A, Should A gets you nothing. Its time for the Tigers to play Tiger Football!!!!!!

  5. Well this is a BIG game to say the least! St. X needs to play a very inspired, focused and opprotunisitic game. IF ( yes I know thats a big word ) X can prepare well, through in some wrinkles, have a very good game from the coaching perspective, X CAN win this game! With the game at X, the Tigers should use this to their advantage!!! Seven weeks of film and scouting should be enough to put together a game plan to get the W. Even in a close game, X should hold the cards! Yes I know Male has been the team all season. We are talking one game folks!!!! I'm taking the Tigers 24 - 21.

  6. Im kinda surprised that many if not all posters on this thread believe that UL will escape this mess with a slap on the hand ( loss of schlorship(s), post season ban etc. ) ! I see these charges as very damaging to UofL, UofL Basketball, City of Louisville etc.!!!! Don't miss understand me, I support UofL, however, this is a very serious situation/accusations and in this politically correct world we live in, just cant see NCAA giving a light hand slap.!!! Potentially => Multiple felonys, prostitution, underage prostitution, satutory rape charge(s), money mismanagement, etc...! You think the NCAA (IF the accusations are TRUE) are going to treat this like a $50 hand shake or giving a student athlete a car???? Time will tell. Lets hope it doesnt come to this, but its going to be a long battle for UofL to save face and keep credibility. I believe UofL is in complete damage control now. Only way to avoid the Death Penalty (again IF TRUE!!!) is to replace Pitino and Jurich. Now a days, its not if you knew or participated in the infraction, WAS it ON YOUR WATCH!!!! Things my friends dont look good!!!

  7. St. X golf team captured the 2015 State Championship today giving the Tigers "Back to Back" crowns. Contrats to all players, coaches and parents for an outstanding job!!!!


    Results were as follows:


    1) St.Xavier -19 for a 36 hole team total of 557


    2) Franklin Co. +18 ; 594


    3) Mason Co. +22 ; 598


    4) Owensboro Catholic +28 ; 604


    5) Union Co. +31 ; 607



    St. X was led by:


    Michael Sass at -7 and Tied for 3rd


    Allen Hamilton at -7 and Tied for 3rd


    Matt Liston at -4 and Tied for 5th


    Congrats to all!!!!!!!

  8. This game will seal the fait for the 2015 Tigers. A loss vs. Manual and a Win against Male really does no good. X must win vs. Manual (and convincingly) to have any chance vs. Male!!! A loss vs. Manual and well, you can pack it in!!!!! Lets see what kind of character these Tigers have!!!!


    My wishful thinking pick: St. X 31 - Manual 10

  9. Without passing any judgement on this situation, I really believe IF the acusations are True, the NCAA could impose the "Death Penalty" on UofL Men's basketball. Again, I said if True!!!! Then again, I think enough damage is already done to give the collaterial "death penalty".... All of this is NOT Good!!!!! I for see Pitino, Jurich and all of the Men's basketball staff to be relieved of their duties!!!!! This will not be pretty folks. Hang on to your seats, the show is just starting for the next 12 months!!!!!!!

  10. St. X JV soccer continues to roll over opponents!! The JV Tigers traveled to Trinity on Wednesday night to pin a 2 - 0 shutout on the Shamrocks. X scored twice in the first 8 minutes of the game!!!


    St. X Frosh soccer enjoyed a 2 - 1 victory over the Shamrocks earlier in the week. Word has it that this St. X Frosh team beat the Trinity JV team a couple weeks back in a JV tournament!!!


    Congratulations Tigers on a job will done!!!!!!

  11. A lot of football to be played !!!! A couple of games that could really rearrange the brackets:


    Male at St. X


    Just when 100 % of folks believe it cant happen, watch out!!!!


    Although the St. X - Trinity game really has no influence on playoffs, it is a good barameter of where each team is at... A St. X win over Male would put Male and

    Trinity as second round opponents!!!!! Dont count your chickens just yet!!!!!

  12. Greatest comeback I have seen was the 1999 4A State Semi-Finals where St.X played at Hopkinsville. Hopkinsville dominated the first half and led 21 - 0 with 13 seconds left in the first half. St. X returned the kickoff after Hopkinsville's 3rd TD of the half to the Hoptown 27, setting up a 44 yard field goal for X on the last play of the half. St. X had 5 plays from scrimmage in the first quarter. 2 INT's in 2nd quarter. Hopkinsville 21 - 3 at the half! St. X clawed their way back into the game and was down 21 - 16 with 1:53 remaining in the game. Hopkinsville had a 4th and 2 from the X 12 yard line and decided to go for it instead of the field goal to seal the game. Hoptown was stopped for a one yard gain. St. X marched 89 yards and capped it with a game winning TD pass of 25 yards with 14 seconds left. The extra point failed. Final St. X 22 - Hopkinsville 21.


    St. X went on to defeat Bryan Station in the 4A final by a score of 34 - 31 in OT. That Bryan Station team was lead by junior Eric Shelton who in the quarter finals pinned 229 yards rushing on the Kevin Wright Trinity defense.

  13. This is a very interesting topic! In my view (for what its not worth), its up to both teams to prepare for the game, play the game and make adjustments during the game and learn from the game after it is over!!! If BOTH teams can do this and apply what was learned to future games this season, then, why not play again!!! Then the issue boils down to: Was the loosing team in these games treated with respect???? Was the score run up???? Did the winning team call off the dogs in second half???? I honestly believe that this is the reason many of the JCPS schools refuse or have refused to play big T on a consistent basis. Just my opinion!

  14. Seeing a lot of passionate posts from Highlands fans, parents and fair weather fans.... Just remember that a team is never as bad as it appears and never as good as one thinks!!!! My hat has always tipped to the Bluebirds for the outstanding program they have established and maintain. Keep working hard, keep the faith and good things will follow!!!!

  15. LTR -> The only positives I can see are as follows:


    1. X QB can run the ball and very effectively. Should be able to build an offense around this concept . . . other RBs etc....


    2. Highlands is not the Highlands of yesteryear!!! There is some hope for a W next week at Highlands. NOT counting on it but, Hope!!!!

  16. These were the questions I had about this St. X football team after the victory over BG last week . . . ( We have some answers . . . )


    One scrimmage, or for that fact, one game, DOES NOT make a season!!!! Very nice Win for the Tigers, however, more challenges lie ahead! Questions at this point that need to be answered:


    1. Can St. X bring the same intensity at the start of all their games? OK, lets just see if X can start fast at Central???


    2. Can the Defense have another outstanding effort and shut down the Central O??


    3. Obviously, many did not see this BG game turning out as if it did. Does this mean that X is back in the hunt??? Several more key games on the schedule which really need to answer this question: @ Highlands, Trinity, Male and Cincy X!!! Time will only tell!!


    4. Can this X team take care of business against: Central, PRP, Manual and Butler??? Still a lot to prove!!!! Way, Way to early to be counting any chickens and making plans of grandure.


    Answer 1=> NO, Tigers barely showed enough enthusiasum to get off the bus at Central. Very poor showing and they earned exactly what they deserved!!! Sorry folks, no suger here!!!


    Answer 2=> NO, Defense too soft. Given the poor play and questionalble officiating, the Defense still had a chance to win the game on Central's march to the end zone late in 4th Qtr. No excuses!!!!


    Answer 3=> NO, St. X is not in the hunt. Maybe in the hunt for 3rd place in the district. Congrats to Central, they deserved the W. Of all the games the past two years, this one has to leave you scratchin your head. X had an opportunity to pretty much seal the game in the 4th Q and came away with nothing!!! Combination of penalities, poor coaching and refusual to use a timeout when it was 4th and 2 at the Cental ~ 25 yard line with X up 17 - 12!!!!! This team, Coaching staff has a LONG, LONG way to go in executing during game conditions. At this point, getting to the third round of the playoffs would be and over achievement!!!!


    Answer 4=> Obviously NO. Schedule became much more difficult last night as a result of not taking care of business and not being prepared. Anticipate a 3 - 4 record from this point forward.

  17. ^ I have been a CJ subscriber for 30 + years and have followed the Lit Ratings. Please correct me if Im wrong, as I understand it, the Rating system is computer generated based off of information (stats) when state teams play each other. More data is generated at the season goes on!!!! Games against out of state competiton do not count in Lit Ratings. It is to a teams advantage to run the score up to influence the rating, if that is the objective!!! Help me understand this system better!!! Thanks!!!

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