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Posts posted by BCrules

  1. True, but I am sure the rest of the BC Fans on here feel the same way I do....Tired of some Negativity and Proud of our Lions. I mean we are actually Proud of ALL of them, and not just acting it, politics or no politics.:thumb:

    Well that comment wasn't for you, but since you want to respond that's cool with me. I've never said i wasn't proud of the boys at all. And I'm glad the bc fans have made you a spokes person for them but as I said, it's a forum it's for opinions, even those no one likes. If y'all can't handle it then don't read what i post. surely there's some way to block em out? I've not looked into that but there's bound to be.

  2. BC has played alot better and has came together as a team,but they are to young and are playing a very strong and good team, it may be close the 1st but thats all.A job well done for Coach Evans and the young Lions:thumb:




    I wish I could agree with you on this one, but there's way too much fighting within the team. They have played better, but let's hope over confidence isn't a downfall.


    I still think this JC team is tops and have earned it and I look for them to keep on charging too.

  3. Girls have just as much right on the football field as anyone. Rock Hill had a girl starter, she's graduated though. I figure if they can workout and take the hits let them take it. My daughter played football for school and she loved it She played two years and then kinda got out of the tomboy phase and wanted to date football players instead of be one.

  4. The Boyd Co. QB club will be hosting a pig roast at the tailgate party, at the top of the hill. Everyone is invited, be sure and stop by. Maybe, BC RULES can stop by and get some pig grease for that sqeaky wheel. It will start about 5:30.

    Sorry work duties called and couldn't make it for the pig grease, but I prefer keeping my squeek goin.

  5. Rude? Just a little humor...nothing wrong with that....lighten up a bit...:rolleyes:


    Plus, the way you have been so critical this year, and since you want to get away from Boyd's politics, then I figure you will soon be wearing Maroon too. Just my assesment of your posts, just wish you would be a little more positive of what Boyd is trying to do. :thumb:

    Didn't say I wanted to get away from boyds politics, just don't like boyd's politics and hopefully can make changes in the future. Atleast I'm at the school give'n them grief and trying to accomplish something. But unfortuneatly there isn't alot of people out in the county willing to stand up and make that school worth fighting for. It needs improvements and I hope to be the squeeky wheel that gets it the attention it deserves. Besides, maroon isn't a good color on me. Makes me look too pale.

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