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Posts posted by C-Squared

  1. What about when there is a Squeeze play on......I know in college it is taught to throw at the batter. I would think in high school it would be ok to throw at the batter in only that type of situation. With that said, in high school I would hope if coaches are telling the pitcher to throw at the batter (during a Squeeze) they are not saying to “head-hunt”. Gets a little touchy as most pitchers don’t have pinpoint control to hit a batter where they are aiming thus someone could get seriously hurt.


    Personally I would not tell a pitcher to throw at a batter (in any situation) rather tell them to just keep the ball down and throw a strike…but I understand it being part of the game in a situation such as a Squeeze at any level.

  2. Anyone have the times/place for the JV tournement.


    CovCath @ Campbell on Saturday (unsure time)

    Brossart @ NCC on Saturday (unsure time)


    Rest of the games to begin on Monday - unsure where and what time.

  3. Is this a case of running of the score or is SG that bad? Or both?


    CAMELS stopped taking bases on passed balls and did not steal from the 2nd inning on. This is a case of a bad pitching day for the TRAINS (lot of walks) and very good hitting by the CAMELS.


    Margin of victory could have been much greater.....good show of sportsmanship by CAMELS

  4. Never said they were more important simply defending the fact they should not simply take Varsity Umps assigned from other teams/games to do the ALL A because it is the ALL A. Whether you want to hear this or not the only people who care about the ALL A is the participating schools. Again, touchy issue.


    Not sure you read all my post?!?!?


    Now let me tell you what reality is. There is not supposed to be ANY bias as to how the games are assigned. ALL umpires are supposed to be assigned and accept games on apurely random basis with some consideration given to tournament play and maybe big rivalry or meaningful games. That is what the association claims it does. The truth is that umpires, while they may be assigned games on a random basis, have the option of "turning in" games they can't or won't do. What that really means is the smaller, lesser thought of, programs almost never get the top rated umpires because they don't want to do a "Dayton" game or a "Heritage" game (Please, no offense intended to either fine school) as if they're somehow "too good" or "too experienced" for those games. Let me tell you, that I know this to be a fact. "Big" schools don't pay any more for the assigning than the smaller schools do. Big school programs have no more right to the quality of service than a smaller school does. All teams pay the same price for umpires I have coached at both a big (4A then now 6A) and at a Class A school and I have seen it first hand.


    Now, with that said, not all top quality umpires feel that way, but certainly enough of them do that it becomes an issue with smaller schools. The shortage clearly doesn't help circumstances either becuase less experienced umps are forced to do games they're really not prepared for.


    But to say that bigger school games are somehow more important is the real biased thinking here.

  5. I disagree.....take your "School Name" out of it....your response clearly shows your "little school" bias....and to be clear I am using "big school" and "little school" to describe schools based on enrollment, you know, what is used to participate in the “ALL A Tournament”. I guess if it was a district seeding game we should still pull the Varsity umps from their ASSIGNED duties to call the ALL A games. Don’t think the other varsity players and coaches would think it was too fair to make that switch…..like I said, double-edge sword. Seems someone has sour grapes over a loss.


    This is an easy question. The All "A" is a TOURNAMENT, your so called "big school" games are JUST regular season games and really mean nothing at this point except for bragging rights. So, should the V umps do the All "A", most certainly leaving the big school games to the JV umps. I think the head of the umpires has something against Beechwood, just a shame that all the teams they play have to suffer along w/them.


    Sportsfan34, hello my old buddy! You and your wife are correct. He was safe. No, to the question as "did I have a good seat, I had a great seat!" The catcher did not block the plate, the Beechwood kid made a heck of a slide head first w/his hand crossing right over the plate. He was tagged up on the shoulder. The umpire, IMO, was out of position, he was up the 3rd base line instead of staying right behind the plate.


    As for coach getting tossed, a matter of someone having RABBIT EARS. Again, I had a great seat, all he said was "that was a terrible call, you blew it." W/that he got tossed immediately. This ump just wanted to be the big shot for this game and there wasn't even any TV coverage.


    You can think and say what you want, it was a horrible umpired game from behind the plate for BOTH teams. If I were a HC fan and had the great seat I did, I would also say "he was safe." As I said the whole game on balls and strikes, alot of balls that were strikes and alot of strikes that were balls, BOTH WAYS.

  6. Yes there is a shortage in both the 9th and 10th regions this year.


    Double edge sword here.....Would it then be fair to utilize the Varsity umps for the All A tournament games and then assign the JV umps to call the non All A games being played? Not sure that is fair to the schools too large to participate in the All A.


    I am not certain but I think by numbers there would be more BIG SCHOOLS games in the NKY area than ALL A games.

  7. JV CAMELS finish the week strong by with a 10-5 5inning game @ Lloyd, running their seaon record to 6-0. Believe two pitchers combined for a no-hitter today.


    JV CAMELS have really hit the ball and had strong pitching this week. It is early so hopefully not too much weight is put on this hot start as what truly matters is that they continue to work to get better each game as the season progresses.


    Nonetheless, great start to the season.....keep playing hard boys!!!!


    Agree with some of the other replies JV Regional needs to be seeded.

  8. I will definitely agree with that but when he does he needs to be called up. As a sophomore he is definitely a better hitter than anyone on the varsity as a hitter with the possible exception of Woodruff. He just does not strike out. He is also more athletic in the field and with a lot stronger arm than anyone attempting to play short.



    Your post leads me to believe that you are either a high school student who doesn’t know any better or an adult who doesn’t have a clue. You seriously want to promote a player who has missed games and practice time due to behavior and academic issues. That just blows me away. Is this message you want to send the other student athletes within the program? Society is quick to blame others, whether it is teachers, coaches, bosses, co-workers, etc. How about being responsible for your own actions. Organized sports, in general, is a great avenue to teach many of life’s lessons; teamwork, pride, humility, and responsibility.

    Let the coaches’ coach and as fans cheer for your team! Yeah you have the right to critique and be the “Monday Morning Quarterback”, that is your right as a fan. But please at least make your opinions intelligent in nature as when you are pushing the point of seemingly wanting coaches to overlook issues with grades and behavior inside the classroom you are truly sending the wrong message.


    You also question the credentials of a coach….what are your credentials to criticize, oh yeah, you paid to voice you opinions on blog site. I am quite certain the coaches credentials were looked at and taken into consideration when was hired. A Regional Finalist and few district championships during his tenure seems pretty good to me. Should we live in the past, no, but let the season play out. I have faith in the program, the coaches, and in the player’s ability and their desire to do well. Keeping playing hard guys.....GO CAMELS!

  9. CAMELS JV have played 3 thus far....

    Beat Beechwood 3 - 2 @ Beechwood on 3/24

    Beat Conner 11 - 5 @ Conner on 4/2

    Beat Beechwood 14 - 3 @ HOME on 4/5


    Three games this week....

    Monday vs Dixie

    Tuesday vs Highlands

    Wednesday @ Lloyd


    Hopefully the weather will allow for all of this weeks games to be played.

  10. Agree, way too early as not nearly enough games played....however:

    Would think RYLE is still the team to beat.....with traditionally tough CovCath and NCC JV programs being very good year-end and year-out would think they will be solid again this year. CAMELS beat Beechwood so as of now I give the edge to CAMELS over them. Honeslty many times it comes down to who's varsity is pulling guys up and when they do so.


    The following programs are very close


    1. RYLE

    2. CovCath - NCC - CAMELS - BEECHWOOD

    3. HC - BOONE - DIXIE and

    4. Highlands as a sleeper (heard turnout for them this year was very good).



    Way to early, since there are not enough games in the book, but thoughts?



    1. Cov Cath

    2. Beechwood

    3. Ryle

    4. Campbell County

    5. Dixie



    1. NCC

    2. Boone County

    3. Campbell County

    4. Ryle

    5. Brossart

  11. Again the tones of your e-mails suggest you are taken this very personal and serious…..the puzzling part, which I still, can not grasp, why you continue to blow all this “smoke” out here on the message board instead actual doing something? Do as I say not as I do, more like “all talk and no action”. If you were such a civic minded individual as your posting make you out to be, why are you trying to get this “so-called” issue resolved on a message board? To my knowledge this is definitely not the appropriate venue for that.


    Correct me if I am wrong, but who said anything about offending the coaching staff…..I responded back regarding your posting regarding players. Who cares about that….I would think any level-headed adult. Questioning a players character is something, at least I feel, that crosses the line. As for the coaching staff, I am quite sure they can handle all criticisms that come their way. I would think they're more concerned about their next opponent and hoping the weather will permit them to actually get a couple of games in.


    This will be the last I post on this topic as honestly I am tiring of the theme….but before I go, I ask you, if you’re a true CAMEL Baseball fan leave the comments and posting about the players out and try to be more positive for the betterment of the program and its players. If you have questions or concerns then please are an adult and take the necessary steps to either enlighten yourself on the situations which you question or resolve the concerns you have to the best or your ability.


    Lot of ball yet to be played.….go CAMELS best of luck this season!

  12. I disagree with what you are writing and I will tell you why.

    First…You state your intent is not malicious however is it fair to write “players are missing practice for personal and convenient reasons” as this type of statement unfairly lumps all players on the team in that category. As you and I both know players read the postings on this site….should they have to read things of this nature that are, well questioning their character and integrity? If you have this true and factual information why not list the player’s names and incidents your writing references. Oh, that is right that would be malicious. Your rhetoric is not fooling any one. It is quite clear you have an axe to grind with the coaching staff….again if your questions/concerns needed to be addressed in the urgent manner which your postings suggest why don’t you go to that source and have them addressed? I don’t understand your logic in getting the answers you seek.


    There is nothing malicious asking questions and/or posting facts. It is done freely and fairly strong on student/athletes. It only gets testy when coaches or teachers are held to the same standard?! Not sure I get that one. The bottom line in my opinion people who are paid to do a job, any job have a responsibility to that job. To option out for something fun instead of doing the job is not responsible. There really is no explanation that should be given. It simply should not happen. In many places it is called respect for the program. When it starts like that everyone will fall in line with the respect. When it falls short of that the same consequence will happen. Frankly, teachcoach1 this is an excellent reason for this site to post what is expected and desired. And bottom line, the most important thing you state is kids playing sports, no question about that and those who are paid to do perform those coaching tasks have obligations to do just that. How can you call this malicious?
  13. (Is it true players have missed practices for strictly personal and convenient reasons?)

    What defines a personal reason….Doctors appointments, eye exams, tutoring? If that is the case, then I would hope the coaching staffing would be understanding in those circumstances. Regarding convenient reasons I have no idea what you mean by this….could you elaborate???


    (Is it true some players took it upon themselves to hold their own practice because the varsity had none scheduled?)

    Players getting together and practicing on their own is great and I don’t see it as a negative. To me that shows their dedication and desire…..and it is my understanding it wasn’t the whole team, six players to be exact. The athlete that pushes themselves when no one is around to see them or give them praise tends to be the type of athletes that excel and make it to the next level. Again, I see this as a positive sign.


    In reference to your other questions, directed to me; I suggest you go to the source just like OLD SODA stated in his reply. It seems you have all of these questions and concerns centered around the coach…..why not simply go to that person to resolve your issues/conflicts in lieu of posting them on this site??? If you truly want the answer why are you dancing around getting the answer…..might it simply be your best effort to stir the pot, to keep a dark cloud over the program….I truly hope not.


    GREAT win for the CAMLES last night. Good all-around game by Woody. Still some mistakes are being made but it is early and with the limited amount of time on the “FIELD”, because of the weather, that can be expected.




    C Squared a question for you:


    Is it true the head coach attended a regional basketball game instead of the last day for tryouts and has a pattern of attending the Sweet Sixteen tournament and cancels all weekend baseball practice on the eve of the start of season? Is this acceptable in your mind? Is it fair to the players? Is it a responsible action?


    Is it true players have missed practices for strictly personal and convenient reasons?


    Is it true some players took it upon themselves to hold their own practice because the varsity had none scheduled?


    Is it true the coach has already stated this is his last year and has been quite clear in his negative opinions?


    Is it true the assistant coach has been MIA from virtually day one and has been on a cruise or something? Add in the games but missed virtually all the practices?


    Should the school, players and parents simply sit back and say this is all OK?

  14. 2008 - Camel Varsity Baseball


    # - Player – Class – Position(s)

    34 – Jordan Woodruff – SR – (SP, 3B, 1B)

    12 – Chris Wheeler – SR – (Mid-Inf)

    22 – Jon Verst – SR – (C, 3B, P)

    27 – Austin Studer – SR – (OF)

    16 – Mark Hinkel – SR – (SP, 1B)

    4 – Cory Gray – SR – (3B, OF, P)

    8 – Justin Franzen – SR – (OF, P)

    20 – Andy Franzen – SR – (Inf, OF, SP)

    19 – Ben Dreyer – SR – (1B, SP, OF)

    3 – Alex Combs – SR – (3B, 2B)

    17 – Ben Franzen – JR – (OF, P)

    5 – Bobby Estes – JR – (OF, 3B, SP)

    21 – Matt Coffman – JR – (3B, C, SP)

    14 – Adam Broering – SO – (P, 1B)

  15. Every player is told that grades are part of what goes into making the team along with discipline within the school setting and of course the players skill. All of these things are monitored throughout the season and are taken into consideration when it comes to playing time. I am quite certain a PLAYERS NAME has nothing to do with it. I know for a fact the past three years there have been two players, relatives of a coach, who have been cut, so I am positive there is no sign of nepotism when it comes to making one of the teams. To me sounds like someone still has sour grapes and is looking at the Varsity slow start to harp on non-issue once again.


    Varsity plays of tough schedule to begin the year, there is a great deal of promise and expectations are very high for this year’s team. Let’s try having some patience and see how things play themselves out. The goal is not to win every game, it is unrealistic for that to happen, should they strive for that, absolutely, but the true focus should be on getting better as the year goes and to be peaking when it counts and to compete and win district and regional titles.


    FYI – there were at least two basketball players cut that tried out and a few others who seen the writing on the wall and decided to concentrate on basketball. CCHS had tryouts last longer (# of days) than just about every other NKY school.


    JV Team: 1 – 0 (beat Beechwood)

    Freshman Team: 2 – 0 (beat Ryle and Dixie)

    I have faith and confidence in the program and the players.

  16. .......why don't you ask Derek Smith if lifting and working out while at and after UK would have helped him reach the next level????


    Having well rounded athletes is what coachs should strive for.....you only get one shot at playing sports in HS and it goes by fast.....let them enjoy as much of it as they can.


    Coach Johnson is doing a fine job, hopefully he continues to get more kids coming out.

  17. Poor numbers in the Senior Class in 2007 really hurt the Cats...I know they have some athletic Sophomores on the way! I believe they will be much improved in 2008 and should be back in the Class AA playoff picture.

    Who are the top returning players for the Cats in 08?

    Has there been any off-season staff changes?

    Jeff Smith, Daniel Kim, Willie Price, Jacob Ilg, Cody Short, Sam Schwalbach all contributed last season and will be back.....Marsean Oden (if back) could make a big difference on both sides of the ball. Freshmen class has good talent, so that should help.


    Truly feel Coach Hyder will learn from last season and do a great job in 2008!

  18. Mason Co. is very fortunate to have the sports complex.....wish the folks at Campbell Co. would follow suit. Parking lots are used as well by the Camels....gym does not have a indoor (drop-down) cage area. The school complex has plenty of space for it. To create something could be utilized by multiple sports team would be advantageous. Ryle has a nice gym facility for baseball (cage up on the track area) as do many other NKY schools.


    Good luck to Coach Murph and the boys!


    At last... Baseball... Mason Co. uses a parking lot as well during the cooler months when they can't get on the field. As well as the school purchased the old Jockey warehouse and turned it into a sports complex. They put up two batting cages, two indoor mounds, as well as an indoor track, with a long jump pit. And a few other things.
  19. Gray had shoulder problems last year and didn't pitch much at all. If you are saying he only has one pitch you haven't seen him pitch very much, as his Knuckleball is nasty. Big question mark will be how he responds coming back from the shoulder issues. Also, no one is saying anything about Andy Franzen. Andy did not pitch last year, injured shoulder. However, during his Freshman and Sophomore years probably the best pitcher in that class.


    Camels have a deep staff this year. No doubt Woody will be the ace. Gray could be a great closer (he likes that role and was unhittable in it his Sophomore year). What they need are leaders like they had with John Franzen and Eric Fuldner (Regional Runner-up their Sr. year) not only on the mound but in the dugout as well.


    Someone hit on this in an early post, tremendous speed in the outfield. Key positions will new SS and honestly a team leader (someone will need to step up). Also, very talented group most all of the position players can play multiple positions which will help if the injury bug is to bite the team. Harrison Co. is on top until they are knocked off…..Clark Co. will be strong, and because of them being district rivals and very close, never can look past Brossart or Scott. This could be the year for the Camels but the fans, parents, coaches, can’t make it happen, the players have to go out and perform. We shall see…..should be a great year in the 10th Region all around.

  20. Absolutely cshs81.....totally agree with you.

    I love all three sports....don’t want to seem like we are taking anything away from the other two sports, but things need to become more equal. Allowing baseball to start working out earlier in the school year would help.....wouldn’t it be nice to have a week or so in October to get together, you know like football does in the spring.


    The schools with the sports turf football fields are truly luck as that really helps allow baseball and softball to get things done in February and March as they are avoiding the usually wet, muddy, and/or hard as a rock surface of the baseball diamonds during those months.

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