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  1. Two Raceland transfers joined Osborn on that team--Holly Reed and Sabrina Lynch.
  2. I don't think the region was "a little down" during Kasi's time. If I remember correctly she was in the region just before West Carter made it's run for a state championship. You have Kandi Brown and Megan Gearheart at West, Mandy Sterling at Ashland before the transfer, Nikki Young at Ashland (who walked on at UK). Natalie Dial at Russell (who was mentioned previously in this thread). Fairview makes it to the final four of the All A state tournament about that time as well. The competition was there. There was less parity among teams in the region at that time, but I think we will see the same thing next year after this class graduates. The old standbys will go back to the top while everyone else reloads. That doesn't mean there won't be great players. And you can knock Kasi and say her stats were only great on an individual basis, but she was also a pretty good distributor of the ball as well. Maybe some animosity because she left the region and still had success?
  3. She may have "peaked out" by her freshman year, but she could play circles around most nonetheless. I would add Alison Osborne from Russell to that list. She led Russell to a regional championship in '94 I believe.
  4. I don't think RH is the dark force. Someone else mentioned it and i just thought it was too amusing not to poke fun at.
  5. Hey, I apologize to all the RH supporters. My intention was not to attack, condemn or otherwise. I just thought this was a forum to state opinions, but apparently I was wrong and won't let it happen again. I don't have a personal problem with the Faulknes or RH. I have a problem when kids transfer only for athletics, whatever the school or sport. I don't think RH is the dark force in area athletics. I do think it was wrong when Sterling transferred to West Carter the year they won the championship. I'm not just out to get RH. I don't think transfers "are evidence of problems at the school." I didn't say there were problems at the school. I would never want to take anything away from what RH has accomplished this year. I'm sure there's a bull's eye on my back for having an opinion that is contrary to the RH supporters who keep this board hot. It's not personal, it's just an opinion. And like I said before, it's just a game. You can blame parents and the all about me attitude or whatever. I just initially posted because I thought credit was being taken away from Rayburn & Easterling, whether or not you would ever acknowledge it. I guess I'll go swim in that mud hole now and think about how foolish I've been in taking on the dark force in area athletics.
  6. Thank you scooterbob for the welcome. I'm a longtime admirer of your staunch support of your team. You're not at all unreasonable in requesting the voting criteria. I do have a quasi-vested interest in seeing kids gain the valuable experience that high school athletics offer, no matter what school they attend. But I think the value of high school sports is knocked out of perspective by kids transferring here and there just because they are unhappy with this or that. I apologize if anyone thought I was attempting to disrespect the play of any RH players this year. And I was only addressing the paranoia and instant defensiveness I have sensed on this board and in attendance at RH games this season. I am not including everyone, but there are RH people who seem to think the 16th region is against them and I just don't think that's true. I think we all want to see each of these kids succeed not only in athletics, but in life. And I think the RH situation this year gave the wrong message to kids who don't necessarily agree with their coach. And let me reiterate what I said earlier--I don't know the entire RH situation and will not act as though I do. I am only stating my opinion of what it looks like to someone on the outside, just a fan of the 16th region.
  7. Thanks for the benefit of the doubt SMOKEANDMIRRORS. I truly have no interest, other than being a fan of area high school basketball. Like I said, RH is a great team and they have consistently proven that this season. But can you not understand why people at other schools would be a bit perturbed about the situation at RH? I don't know the entire background at RH and I won't even pretend that I do. Ms. Queen & Ms. Terry are superb players and deserve the utmost recognition. But when it comes to the Faulkners & OJ Mayo, that is a different story entirely--whether you want to admit it or not. People work hard at these schools year in and year out building programs on tradition. Children come up in these schools wanting to wear the school colors they've come to bleed. But for people to transfer in and out like has been going on at RH, it takes away from the essence of high school sports. Like you & "just like everybody does in every thread on BGP" I am stating my opinion. There are several young ladies in this region very deserving of this award. I think Rayburn was a good choice & Coach Easterling is a class act guy. They got these trophies, but maybe RH will get theirs later this week.
  8. I don't have a dog in this fight, but I have sit back and watched this dialogue all season. Why is it that no matter what happens in this region, Rose Hill always asserts they have been shafted? RH has a great team this year. They won the region handedly. Congratulations. Good luck at state. But, these awards were voted on and either the school is not a member of the association or your coach and player didn't receive the most votes. Either way, that's life. If RH is so great and everyone there is so sure of this greatness, why do you have to be validated by some end of the year award? Quit whining and just play basketball. It's just a game.
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