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Posts posted by CharlieWeis

  1. He never said anything bad about Bullitt East? Ellaborate for me what you mean. I know several on his staff out in Mt. Wash and he has been very up front with them and BE about what is going on. It has more to do with family than anything.


    I hope your sources in Mt. Washington are more credible that those on Dixie Hwy!:devil:


    I made no comment that implied that Coach Settles made any negative comment(s) about B. East. I was taken back by the fact that he was so candid about the factors that would lead to taking or turning down the job. It certainly sounded as if Coach Settles is leaning towards taking the position if offered.

  2. Don't know where you heard that, here is the most recent info from the local media.





    I think Settles will be the next coach.


    Wow. His comments are a bit shocking to me. One would wonder the opinion of his players and staff if he were to not get the job. It certainly could change perceptions of him in Mt. Washington if he stays.


    Given that Buchanon is out, I certainly think that he is best man for the job. He is proven and a very respected coach and man.

  3. I know that these guys were or did apply and then pulled their names. Carmony is the coach, Butler program in shambles.


    Hearsay or fact?? Regardless, its not fair to these men to sling around their names if we do not know for 100% certain. Coaches can loose their job for interviewing for others. Ask Doug Lucas what happened (or was threatened) to him at Fairdale and look at what happed to Ty Scroggins last year at Doss before he eventually got the Central HC position.


    And it appears now that all three did not even interview. That was my point.

  4. They should have talked to Joe Hood or Bobby Morehead if they wanted a "proven" winner at Butler. The only thing that compares to this was when they hired Steve Jewell a second time. A "do-over". Best of luck to Mr. Carmony and "da Bears". They are going to need it!!!!:banana::banana::banana::


    Scott will do a great job! He should be offered the best of luck. He is taking over a program in shambles.

  5. They are interviewing today with 4 candidates.


    Brunner, Holtzclaw, Cattlett and I do not know the 4th.



    Your are incorrect on 2 of those three names, and I could not confirm the third. I don't know who your source is, but you got a bad beat!

  6. The "spread offense" is a term that is too widely used. The are many variations. Some view the spread has using NO Tight End - Some say it is 3 wides, 1 Tight End, and 1 Back - Some claim it must be multiple. Then you have the variations of the West Coast offense which the Ewards/Mumme/Franklin offense is a product of that.


    Recently, spread offenses are commonly identified by their run game. Zone / Zone Read, Spread Option, Double wing, etc.


    Running a spread offense makes a defenders make plays in open space. Many coaches say that running a spread scheme is a great equalizer. No matter what the title or influence, ALL offenses will come to a point where you have to be able to run the football. CHAMPIONSHIP spread offenses can do that effectively.

  7. The posting on the KHSAA website stated that applications will be accepted through January 3. Probably a good move to allow that. I think a great deal of reflection occurs over the holiday break for coaches. The time away allows them to weigh their options and assess things in their current position. If Harlan County is looking for a proven HC, then that is the case. Young asst's or head coaches in bad situations would apply at any time. Should be a good situation for someone.

  8. Not suprising to say the least.


    If HE chooses, Mark Catlett will be the next HC.


    Coverdale will not coach in a public school in Jeff. Co, Bruner has said that he LOVES Nelson and wouldn't leave, and I would see it as a step down for Nichols. You mention Oldham from Oldham Co. its sounds like the community there is beginning to get restless with him and things a getting a wee bit ugly. We will have to wait that one out. I am not sure that the way in which he left Seneca will help him return to JCPS. I know he has always wanted to replace Coach Redman at Male. If the Redman to Ballard rumor holds, then we will see . . .


    What a crazy off-season thus far!

  9. There will obviously be a fallout and an snowball effect IF some of those scenarios play out. PRP is rumored to be all but done by hiring asst. coach Jason Stinson.


    These two jobs may not be as good as people think. Truthfully, will they ever compete with X and T year in and year out?? Ballard has made the statement if you don't win your out . . . tough deal there. I wish Coach Redman or whomever the best!

  10. Truthfully, the best wishes should go out to the players.


    As this coaching madness trickles down from the college ranks to high school with winning and money being major motives, the kids are often an afterthought. I agree with many of the posters that Ballard has made a mistake. They need to be careful what they wish for . . . They just might get it!!!

  11. ....don't be surprised to see Redman back with the Bruins....


    Coach Redman will not get the same or even a similar "deal" to what he has at Male at a school like Ballard. He teaches 2 periods of PE during the first semester, works on football, the field, and then is off the remainder of the year. I can't see Ballard wanting that, or dealing with the perception that it would create.


    Times have changed DRAMATICALLY in public education since he took the Male job and was at Ballard for that matter. If Redmond does return, the softball coach/president of Ballard has more pull than I gave him credit for.


    Ballard let go a GREAT man, teacher, and football coach in Mark Catlett. People questioned his success and W/L record, but he did things right and his teams were competitive. I wish the Bruins the best with their search.

  12. Interesting that John L Smith is back in Louisville....... High expectations for the Cards not met this season............ Very curious.


    John L is in Louisville due to health problems with his wife. I heard this on 790 am a while back. I don't think that there is anything more to the story.

  13. Not sure what your point is there .... I'm pretty sure we weren't throwing 30 yard fly patterns in the second half ... but once again I don't care that they tried to run up the score but to pretend it was smart strategic play calling is a joke.


    Getting petty boys . . . let it go. Both of these two schools have have too quality of programs for banter about play calling and scoring


    Best of luck to the Rams and Chargers to make a deep playoff run.

  14. Bullitt East has a very efficent run offense and throw enough to keep people honest. Defensively they do a great job and put pressure through gaps and are very aggressive. I would say that their biggest challenge would be handling the athletes of Manual in open space. Which can lead to points that in the end will make the difference.


    Manual 35 Bullitt East 14

  15. PRP needs something postive to happen in this game. They have X then North Hardin to finish out their season. The will have two weeks to prepare for a first round game with Manual at Manual stadium. PRP really had high hopes for this season and early losses to Ballard and Eastern seemed to deflate them pretty badley.


    St. X has things rolling and seems to be playing as well as they have in past two or three years. I looks like they will have a home first round matchup with Butler and a rematch with Manual in the second round at St. Xavier.


    Don't see this game (X vs. PRP) being much of a contest. X too much to early and will never look back.


    X 35 - PRP 7

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