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Posts posted by BigCat23

  1. I was looking at each teams schedule and it seems that Morgan has as good a shot as any at the title.

    Morgan Played Rowan into overtime @ Rowan before losing by one point 55-54, and only lost to Ashland by six 52-46.

    Morgan seems to have learned how to scrap to the last buzzer.

    I know some will say throw regular season records out the window during tournament time, but if that be the case then all teams are at square one and the door is wide open for any one of the four.

    Good Luck to the Rams, Vikings, Tomcats, and the Mighty fighting Cougars!!!

    To say that Morgan beating Rowan would be an upset I think would be a stretch. I know Rowan is the heavy favorite to win the 16th but again anyone of the four have the talent to win and that is not a stretch.:D

  2. Would be nice if Caracter can stay out of foul trouble till mid-way through the second half giving Padgett opportunities to rest. Also if williams can get rolling early and they can apply good defensive pressure it may put G-Town on their heels enough to make a couple of 10-2, 8-0 scoring runs for U of L.


    I pick the cards 85-73 only by that much because of fouls shots in the last minute. Definitely closer game than what the final score will show.

  3. Louisville 78

    Georgetown 70


    I think that will drop in there real close.


    U of L has really become the defensive team that Pitino has been known to have in the past and they distribute the ball on offense as well as anybody I've seen. They also are not affraid to fire up the 3's and if they hit a couple early this may set the tempo for the most intensive defensive showing that the Cards have had all season.

  4. I'm not degrading Elliott, East, or West. When the ball is tossed in the air and the final horn sounds we will then know who will respond to the preseason hype, pressure, or low expectations. I believe Morgan will surprise anyone who takes them litely. Coach Perry will have them ready come regular season tip-off. If anything I think the 62nd district will be a tough call till time to tip-off the regionals.

  5. I did not take the time to go see the cougars play this year but listened to the game yesterday evening from about the 4th inning on. It was unbelievable at the way that these young men would compete. Even down to the last out anyone listening or watching was expecting another base hit that would tie the game and send it to one more inning. It is a shame that someone had to lose, but it was a well earned win for the Lions and a tough loss for the Cougars. Yet each team can hold their heads high knowing that they gave the best effort they could give. I am proud of both teams.

    Congrats to the Lions and good luck the rest of the way.


    Congratulations to Coach Evans, his seniors, and the rest of the Cougars on a really great season.

  6. Just because you lose one game in dec. doesn't mean you are overrated, and 5 20 win season's in a row is definately not overrated, and while you are at it tell ashland to get out of southern ohio come to ky and play some real team's!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    :thumb: The kids at Morgan will come together, not all teams in the region have the enrollment that Russell, Boyd, and Ashland have so for Morgan and Elliott to compete like they have been is a REAL accomplishment. No disrepect intended toward any team or players but lets give ALL teams and coaching staffs the respect they have earned!!


    Congrats to West Carter!

  7. He faces the same trecherous waters as Lebron did even though he will be attending college. I hope the faculty and staff of USC will do all they can to protect this young phenom from all the sharks just looking to make a buck off of him and his name till he reaches the pros. Yes ticket sales will soar as will T.V. coverage for USC, so in return they should make every effort to minimize the amount of pressure this young man will feel until he is able to shoulder it himself.

  8. The return of Katlin Haney is probably their strongest point, but I also will be interested to see how John Robert Henderson, Derrick Young, Logan May, and Wes Montgomery come together . Young and Haney are the two that saw the most playing time last year and should provide excellent leadership. If Logan May is 100% this year then folks will see an excellent ball handler and shooter. Montgomery and Henderson are good players as well. I see a talented roster teamed with a talented coaching staff producing a great year of basketball excitement here in Morgan County.

  9. Just like to say congrats to Chris. Excellent choice by the higher powers at Morgan County High.


    Great young man with an unbelieveable knowledge of athletics. I played junior high football for Chris's dad and have great respect for him and his entire family.


    Over the past few years Morgan County has come a long way in asserting theirselves as very competative in athletics. Being involved with different athletic programs for most of his life gives Chris the experience and understanding to be successful in this position. This is another great move for Morgan County and I'm sure Chris will keep the athletic programs moving forward.

  10. Seems like not to long ago there was a big stir about kasey leaving the team, some even thought it would destroy Russell's chances for post season play. For whatever reason Kasey left I wish him the best. Good win for Russell over a good Rowan team that just kept improving all season. I agree that u really had few games in the 16th region this season that u could call upsets. I like the fact that it was such a close region all year that it kept u guessing from game to game.

  11. Congrats to West on a well earned win.


    NETS, u got class.


    Good luck to the remaining competitors and whoever represents the 16th in the state deserves our support.


    Looking to the future, Morgan still has talent coming up thru the ranks. Young, Montgomery, Haney and Henderson all saw quality minutes this year. Also May, Barnett, Harris and Fergueson will be good contributors as well.


    Good luck to the Cougar seniors in all your endeavors as well as all the other seniors in the region.

  12. Yes Owens can fill it up but on how many attempts? Blake may be taking more high percentage shots (around the basket) but in the long run hitting more high percentage shots on fewer attempts is alot better than having to shoot more shots to fill it up. Blake also is able to lead his team with strong defensive play and good offensive distrubution of the ball. My pick Blake!

  13. the 64th may have a surprise come time to hand out the district trophy. I wouldn't count Ashland or Rose Hill either one out. We all know that the big question is who will be in the championship game after the Fairview/Boyd county game. This one is way up for grabs.


    I will however make a prediction(not that I'll even get close but just a gut feeling): Ashland/Fairview-Championship game.

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