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Posts posted by DeerHunter2007

  1. I think it's funny years ago people complained and complained about the old 38th district with Pendleton, Augusta, Bracken and Deming because of all the weak teams in that district. I have even heard Lee Kendell say the fact that he was assured going to the region 8 out of 10 years was a big reason he took the Pendleton job in the middle 90's. But, here we are after all the switching and we once again have a weak and I mean weak district that for three teams the most important aspect of their season we be decided by drawing paper out of a hat and not on the court. I think better decision making should have avoided again the same thing everybody complained about to start with! Mason county district champs from 2006 to the end of life on earth.

  2. Here is the complete schedule:


    Friday, December 8, 2006

    6:00 Bourbon Co. vs. Louisville Manual (Girls)

    7:30 Mason Co. vs. Lincoln Co. (Boys)

    9:00 Paris vs. Rose Hill (Girls)


    Saturday, December 9, 2006

    11:30 Paris v. North Laurel

    1:00 Lexington Henry Clay v. Louisville Moore

    2:30 Lexington Bryan Station v. Milwaukee Custer

    4:00 Lexington Tates Creek v. Owensboro Senior

    6:00 Bourbon Co. v. Harlan

    7:30 Oak Hill Academy v. Cincinnati Withrow

    9:00 Clark Co. v. South Laurel

  3. The schedule above was last years Kentucky Bank Shootout I am looking for the schedule this year and can't find it. I looked on Oak Hills website and it says they play Cincinnati Withrow at 9 but then on another post it says Clark Co. and South Laurel play at 9. I would also like to know the other out of state teams that are going to play in it becuse in the past their has been a few. So will somebody clear this up for me please.

  4. I agree and I've said on here before it takes a moderate campaign to win the presidency but not a moderate administration. I personally would like McCain or Jeb Bush to get the Republican nomination with Tom Vilsack getting the Democratic, I just don't think you can go wrong with those three. It would worry me personally if a radical left winger assumed the presidency with gay marriage, no defense and reduced social standards on his or her agenda.

  5. Can she really appeal to voters in the south and midwest? NO! I want to say loud and clear I don't like Bill or Hillary Clinton but I do want her to run so she can be defeated and that will be the end of both. They are both a joke to themselves and would be better suited going to Hollywood and trying there hand at the soaps because they are phonies and actors. It is pretty sad when you have lived in either Illinois and Arkansas your entire life you have to pick the most liberal state east of the Mississippi to run for senator. Mrs. Clinton did this because outside of California this is the only place she had a chance of getting elected and probably wouldn't have pulled that off if Rudy hadn't gotten cancer.

  6. I didn't say you have to govern as a moderate you just have to run as a moderate! Compassionate conservatism was a moderate campaign slogan by Bush and it worked, it got him into office to do as he wanted. It's called politics or bait and switch. I just don't see Newt having the moxy to pull it off the way Bush and Clinton have, Bush is pretty smart at leading people to think what he wants them to think while he is doing what he wants. As far as Clinton he ran as a Democrat but what true Democrat tries to alter welfare, another bait and switch tactic.

  7. Football is the same as the basketball state tournament when you put an event in Louisville the casual fan will not turn out which lowers attendence. I realize Commonwealth Stadium is not suitable but unless you have Trinity versus St. X this is what you get far as Louisville attendence.

  8. Yes he can hit it from there and he can hit it from three range, Kane Belcher is a good/steady high school player but he has to get the ball. This team has to work on getting the ball up the floor first and then work on creating passing lanes to work the ball somewhere so Kane can operate. Inside/outside basketball will benefit this team big time, Kane gets his points, and Lambert, Mudd, Harden can knock down outside shots. I still have a feeling this team will be peaking at money time because Coach Simms is too talented and wants to win too much not to.

  9. I know it is early but it is sad that a program as proud as Bourbon county has been down this much lately. It just seems for whatever reason the talent is not there like it used to be and this is hard to understand with the size of the county along with its resources. People truly don't give Russ Day the respect he deserves for building a powerhouse and sustaining it for coutless years becuase let's face facts since his ouster in 1996 they have had only one loaded team which was in 2002.

  10. They need to learn from the Holmes game and then quickly erase it from their memory banks. In my estimation some key adjustments might have kept that game closer because at a point Pendleton just lost their will. Instead of Kane taking out the ball have Mudd do it with Kane serving as a stady receiver on the inbounds and have Mudd run a slash cut and he is off down the floor. If they get the press solved that will be a big hurdle for this team, it has been to easy the past years to leave Mains back there to bring it up by himself. Also, if they can't get the ball into Kane in the post flash him free throw line extended and let him beat people off the drouble.... which he can do. Pendleton 65 Conner 57

  11. I'm not discounting any of the contributions of the players for Pendleton county in the Ashland game, the reason I'm saying Jeremy Mudd's performance is so vital for the Wildcats is because of the inexperience he brings to the point position. If people want to talk about big shoes being filled Jeremy Mudd and Chad Sims are in the same situation with Mudd taking over from Tyler Mains that started I would assume in excess of 110 high school basketball games. I agree totally that they played well as a team, 7 or 8 players, and I like the idea of the bench being utilized more this season.

  12. I thought the Wildcats looked good, or better than expected, and really played fired up. Kane Belcher played great and really showed what he is worth to this team by bringing the ball up the floor against a three quarter trap and banging around for 18 points. It should be a mandate he touches the ball everytime down the floor on offense. Jeremy Mudd played well, just has to learn you only pick the ball up to pass or shoot not when defenders get close to you and apply defense. The Lambert kid was also a surprise with 13 points.

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