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Posts posted by Cgrrrblu

  1. The game was switched to Conner because SK resodded the field.


    Conner JV looked good today and I believe the loss knocks SK out of the championship game and evens Conner's JV season at 4-4.

    Alot of contributors on offense for Conner and the combination of missed opportunities for SK and decent defense from Conner sealed the win.

  2. The Cougars get their first district win in a 31-14 ball game.

    I think Conner does have a chance to win this game......but I don't know about that score....I think the Cougars defense is much better than their offense as long as they don't get wore down. But I admit I dont know much about Scott this year. Unless Scott has no defense, I seriously doubt Conner can hang 31 points on them. I do pick Conner to pull out a win this week but I think it will be a close game more like 13 to 7 or 19 to 14. With maybe the defense scoring one. How is Scott's kicking?

  3. If the Conner defense doesnt give up the big play early Conner may keep it close for a while. If they do get down early it will be a long night due to the offensive struggles.

    Nice piece in the paper today about Scotty and Vince. Congratulations to them and Ryle for their on and off the football field activities.

  4. You may want to figure out who you are posting to before you call me "little buddy"


    As far as nerve goes . . . . . we will leave that one alone for now. But we can pick that one up at another time.


    Like I said--where was the "bickering" at. That was all I asked--then I gave some simple scenarios as to why each group would be "bickering".


    You have to understand--you make it SO EASY. Non biased observers talk about how Conner played hard and never gave up. You, on the other hand, are the one who brought up the "bickering".


    From where I am sitting, it looks like you have an axe to grind. And when someone actually calls you out on it--you bring up things that were never even said.


    The way I see it--a person can be either part of the problem--or part of the solution. So far, all you have done is bring up problems--when others are trying to be optimistic about the current play--and the future.


    Angry and bitter? That is the typical response of someone who has been called out on this board--who has no clue what they are talking about. Is that all you have? Seriously?


    With FANS like you--who needs enemies . . . . . . . . . . and I am sure that the team wouldn't lose sleep if you decided to take your "bickering" comments somewhere else. Maybe you should think about it.


    In closing . . .does everyone need to agree with me? Ha, ha . . . the world would probably be a lot better if it did. It has nothing to do with anyone agreeing with me. I could care less. But what I don't like is how you are more interested in pointing out the bad then stepping up to the plate and learning a little more about what is going on. Your "bickering" comments are a joke--and at this point--they are completely unfounded.


    Bring the evidence . . . . . or come up with something that may have actually happened. If you want to keep calling me "little buddy" -- send me a PM and do it in style. If you want to talk football (you know--about the game)--BRING IT--DON'T SING IT. (I am not holding my breath on that one).



    "bring the evidence"? this isn't CSI....


    "Bring it don't sing it"!!!!!! Are you serious? HAhahahhahhaha!! Whatever dude.

    You're right, don't hold your breath. I don't want to talk football (yeah the game) with you. We would BOTH be wasting our breath apparently.


    If you didn't believe I know what I am talking about you wouldn't be on here arguing with me and trying to discredit my comments.


    I am not going to name names and postions and who was yelling at each other and what they were saying (I can)....and certainly not put it on this board anymore than you are going to tell me what is really going on..... or whatever it is you keep eluding to for me to ask the coach about.

    I didn't go into detail about the bickering because I wanted to leave it a that.....you came crashing in tonight just like last week (which I was more vocal and descriptive) and start ranting and raving about how I am causing the problem simply because I brought it up. If there isn't a problem than how could I be possibly causing one. Whatever.


    "with fans like you, who needs enemies"? Good lord are there anymore 150 year old cliches and quotes you could throw out here? "Axes to grind" ......wow.....should we "win one for the gipper" while we're at it?


    I never said the Cougars quit or gave up tonight which is consistant to what the "non-biased" observers said. But I saw no leadership, and watched the sidelines tonight just as close as I did the game. This team appears divided.... and while I may be the only one currently with enough nerve to say it, I am NOT the only one that sees it. Maybe you should think about it. It is not a joke.

  5. Classy post as always Sandman . . . . . . .


    I find it very interesting when a fan from a rival school gives an assessment of the situation like you did. The interesting part is that you are doing that through none biased eyes.


    I also find it to be very cool that the Dixie fans have been very honest and complimentary of their own team--plus their opponents. If they lose--you guys pick them up (pretty much everyone of you)--while looking and speaking about the positives. A lot of fans could learn from that approach.


    There are a LOT of great fans at Conner. But there are also a few who are more interested in their own agenda as opposed to supporting the program.


    The interesting part is-I am 100% sure that, if they actually found the nerve to talk to Coach Tom (and ask the questions that they want to ask), that they would GET THE ANSWERS. The issue here is--they don't want to hear the answers. They just want to get on to a message board and complain.


    I can't wait to hear all about this "bickering".


    Good luck to the Colonels. I get the feeling that I it was a good thing that we saw them in the first game.


    Hey QuickSlick,


    You sound like a broken record little buddy.

    I have no agenda. I didn't say anything bad tonight about the coaches.

    I don't need to know any answers from the coach. Why do you keep saying that? If he has all the answers like you say, then why isn't he fixing the problems? I have plenty of nerve and I have eyes and I have ears. Let me ask YOU a question though little buddy....Does EVERYONE have to agree with you and your rosy view of your world to escape your wrath? Or were you just born to jump on somebod's post that doesn't agree with your assement of football as you live in it? My...My....you seem like such an angry, bitter person.

    I have JUST as much right typing what I see and hear..... as you do sticking your head in the sand.

  6. Congratulations Dixie nice game.

    Two very tough losses in a row for Conner. I hope they can keep their heads up and keep working and playing for each other. I saw some behind the scenes bickering tonight. Not a good sign. Keep working guys and get over the hump. We are still behind you!

    Dixie your new complex is very nice. You should be very proud of it. Not many fans on your side tonight. I thought there would be much more for Homecoming.Good luck the rest of the way.

  7. I don't think the "home attendace crowds" have been too bad this year but we only have 4 home games this year. There was a decent crowd at Dearborn and the Fern Creek game was in Lousiville. Not very many traveled to that game. The CC game on Friday was low due to weather and not many showed up on Sunday for the re-do even though the weather was perfect. NFL and the middle of the last day of peoples weekends was probably the excuse. Last years home attendance was weaker than the year before, but the "fair weather" crowd was spoiled from the previous two years.

  8. Agreed. Enough about what someone sees as problems within the ranks at Conner. These are young men who work hard and don't need to hear this garbage. As to the game, I don't see where Conner will be able to get more than 7 points but I'm sure the Cougars will play mad after such a bad effort vs. Campbell. Should be an easy win for Dixie.


    Good Lord...:rolleyes: I posted my prediction near the top of the thread. That was it.

    Since then,

    I have had to explain/defend my prediction.

    Affirm my loyalty.

    Defend my manhood.

    was accused of dividing a team.

    was accused of being illiterate.

    was accused of posting game details then removing comments.

    eating sour grapes.

    being a bad weatherman.

    being negative.

    bashing coaches.

    bashing players.

    setting a bad example.

    jumping off the wagon.

    Hijacking a thread, (which I am sorry about)


    and let's see what else? No, I do NOT know where Jimmy Hoffa is. And NO I did not assist Lee Harvey Oswald. I did not report the light on at the Watergate Hotel. And as far as I know there was no money transfered to my account from the Enron scandal.


    It is a good thing there is not a "penalty flag" for piling on in the forum rules or ya'll would be punting from the back of your own endzone.


    As far as your thread...If C-O-N-N-E-R executes like they did at the CC game my original prediction stands Dixie 28 C-O-N-N-E-R 0

    If they bring the "A" game and execute it will be a close one.


    Here's the shocker for you "piler on-ers" I will be there "like I always am" cheering for C-O-N-N-E-R!!!

    until the horn sounds just like I did last week at the 42-7 debacle.

  9. I do not have a problem with calling a spade a spade. We played badly over all and we must improve. I know that, you know that, the kids know that, and the coaches know that. I only disagee on the specifics. I don't believe in publicly critizing a coach or a player during the season. I have never seen it be constructive only destructive and I have years of experience in these matters. Go to him privately and do it all you want. It's one thing to say the team played badly but to start calling out the coaches publicly now is not going to help any of the players perform or play better. Keep it in house. You can get your point across very well without going too far, and I am sure you do not want to cast doubt in these players, but what you said can and will do that. As far as effort is concerned, if you are talking about the players as a team, I have not seen them quit yet. I think they have shown plenty of effort.


    If nothing else I guess we can agree to disagree on this. I really appreciate your passion for our team. They know they have areas that need BIG improvements. When they read this I want them to know that they can do it with what they have. I want them to know that I am behind them 100% and they will only loose if they quit giving 100%.



    Thank you for the discussion. I hate not seeing other threads on this board about Conner except the "how bad are we going to beat them" threads. It just looks like no one cares about Conner football. Obviously a few people do. I am one of them. A couple years ago I am sure there was plenty of talk on here. Winning has a funny way of doing that. The proof is in the pudding when it is a down year. Who cares then? They have to want to play for each other and their coaches, and dig in when it gets tough. I know talent wise better days are coming. But I believe in them THIS SEASON. I just hope that nothing is being left on the shelf.



  10. Originally Posted by Cgrrrblu



    We care but I do not think the public forum is the place to air your problems during the middle of the season. What possible good will come from it at this time besides making yourself feel better and the damage it may cause is even greater.




    Nice assumption, easy way out. You get to voice you criticisms against faceless challengers without concern to the dissension it may cause during the height of the season. Who knows you might make believers out of each other. But no, it's easier to assume the worse and then act on that assumption as if it was the truth rather than find out what that truth really is.




    :confused: Really? What about all those athletes who were perceived to be too short, too slow, too dumb, yet went on to achieve greatness in their sports. Perception varies with the individual, the circumstances, and the situation and so on. Truth is reality. Perception is only the way we look at it.




    No they are not above criticism. But timing is everything. The middle of the season is not the time. For this team to improve, they or any team must come together as 1 unit. Do you really think criticizing the coach in public at this time will help that unity?




    :thumb: Well said. I can tell you are very passionate about the Cougars and care greatly about the team. When the season is over let's come together and address those answers we seek. And while we are at it, let's make sure we are asking the right questions.




    :dancingpa We can agree on that!!!




    Thank you for your input. Really.

    I am not trying to tear the team apart. I am not trying to cause doubt in these players. I do not have sour grapes even. I have no agenda other than "what the hec is going on out there"! If I saw something at the begining of the season, I would have said it then, but my timing only is inspired by these last two games, I not only do not see improvement but I don't see any effort. That is a problem no matter what time of the year it is.

    My perception becomes reality schpeel was probably not the best analogy because I was not talking about just the players. I am fully aware of the overachiever underdog. My favorite species. Buy my point of my perception analogy is...if it smells like crap, looks like crap, it is probably crap.


    let's make it clear for the record one last time.....my original post criticized the entire effort. I did not blame it all on one coach or coaches. I said it stunk from top to bottom and I cited instances and reasons and observations.

    I believe that everone that participated already knows it was a bad performance all the way around top to bottom. I did not intend for it to be a revelation. I described the effort on this forum for those that were not in attendance. The ones that asked for a score or an update or details about the game. I called it as I saw it (see comment: smells like, looks like)

    apparently others do not like me calling it as I see it. That has now become obvious. I do not see where I am doing damage to the team or the coaches pride by letting them know that we saw it and it was ugly. Two games ugly. And unless someone gets the pooper scooper ( which I will gladly man if it would help) it is going to get uglier.


    In the meantime.... GO COUGARS!

  11. As far as asking the coach--you REALLY don't think that you will get a straight and logical answer?


    Is that a joke?


    No offense--but could the real reason why you don't ask is because you are not real interested to hear the answer?


    If there is one thing that I know about Coach Tom--he doesn't have integrity issues. And that is exactly what you are implying (which is pretty funny from where I am sitting). I think that you should man up and ask him--see what he says--then decide for yourself whether you feel like the answer is straight and logical.


    I think that the reality of the situation isn't that everyone isn't on the same page ...... I think that they have inexperience at some very key positions. Not to mention that there isn't a lot of skill/speed at those positions. In time--that may change. If there were better players on the sidelines--I am confident that they would be in the game.


    That isn't meant to be a knock on those kids--and they shouldn't take it as such--because most of them have time to improve.


    As far as the phantom post goes--I don't think that it was against the rules . . . . . . but I do think that it was somewhere been hypocritical and uninformed. Naturally--you feel different. But I have been around Conner my entire life--and I can tell you that I wouldn't call you a Conner fan . . . . .more like someone who wanted to air their dirty laundry on a message board when you could take the time and find out the truth . . . . . . . . . . if that is offensive to you--I apologize. But that is what I thought when I read it.




    Wow this just keeps getting tougher and tougher. I go from being a snake to now not being man enough to ask a question I already know the answer to. You seem to be more bent on defending your friend than actually "hearing" what I have to say. That's ok. I am giving up on trying to convince you that I am not out to get anybody. I am giving up on trying to convince you that I am a Cougar fan, which by the way you really don't have to be around Conner all your life to be one.

    I have no dirty laundry.

    I already know the truth.

    I am not offended by any of your remarks and name calling.

    I NEVER said EVER that there were players on the sideline that were BETTER than the ones playing.

    I originally made the comment that there are players on the sideline that are not any WORSE than the ones playing and that it seems odd that they are not being used to keep the starters fresh so they can still have gas for the end or second half which appears to be only part of the current problem.

    IT IS OBVIOUS that we do not have experience (see previous comment about players on the sidelines) at key positions.

    And yes, everyone that actually watches the game can observe that we are a wee bit short at speed/skilled position players.

    Are we tanking the season because of this? I hope not!!!!

    Now, to finish let me just say that if I ever needed a friend to defend me (of course if my integrity was up to standards) I would hope that I had a person like you in my corner.

    I will go crawl back in my snake hole and let everyone else go about their team first..... character building business.....

    and I will know better next time than to give my opinion and account of what I see with my own two eyes and hear with my own two ears. Heaven forbid we have to row on both sides of the boat.


    Go Cougars!

  12. I am not defending anything other than the fact that YOU--being such a big fan--can't even spell the school name correctly--that and the fact that and the fact that you are trying to act like you didn't post a very classless reply in the Campbell County thread.


    You can try to slither and hide with these comments . . . . . but I was one of the few who was "quick" enough to read your original post about the Campbell County game before you or someone else got rid of it. And if I remember correctly--it was directed at the coach.


    And even if it didn't (which it did)--when you start to question who is playing over who isn't--the last time I checked--that was the coaches decision.


    If you want to know why others are not playing--do yourself a favor and give Tom a call. I have this crazy feeling that he will tell you exactly why others are not on the field at this point (which is probably exactly what you DON'T want to hear).


    As a Conner graduate--things could definitely be better. But--it isn't for LACK OF TRYING. I agree--the kids of Conner deserve better--but you fail to mention that that is a two way street. It is easy for people to point the finger--especially when you are not sitting in the coaches office--hearing what goes on behind the scenes.



    Well I am not sure why you are implying that I am a snake and am hiding from the comments. I would gladly post them again if I thought I wasn't breaking a rule. Like I said, I didn't edit them. Apparently someone didn't feel they needed to be out there and like I have said before, if I broke a forum rule, I did not mean to and I apologize for it.

    I care about Conner and the sweat and devotion of these kids.

    I gladly take ownership of my comments It was NOT directed at the head coach only, but you are right, it is ultimatley his responsibility.

    You and I probably already know why the others aren't playing, I am amazed that no one else appears to care about that.

    I believe Conner is better than what is out there right now. And I don't see any kind of committment on either side to improve it.

    As far as asking the Coach,

    if I thought I would get a straight and logical answer I would ask.

    I DO know what is going on behind the scenes, and it is showing up on the playing field.

    All I am saying is, it doesn't appear that EVERYONE is on the same page, and perception ususally/eventually, does become reality.

    You seem to imply that a coach, not just this coach, at the high school level is above criticism, or questioning. Whether it be on a board, in person, in public or behind closed doors.

    Pee Wee is long gone. When salaries and taxes are involved, performance will always be an issue. And the people that pay the taxes and donate their time and money and effort will eventually expect an answer.


    Go Cougars!

  13. For someone who has been in the county for 20 years . . . . . . you would think that you could learn how to spell C-O-N-N-E-R . . . . . . .


    The skys are not as overcast and as gray as you try to make it out to be.


    I think that it is pretty easy to come on a message board and share one side of the story. Especially you know that Coach Tom isn't going to waste his time replying to your negative threads.


    The truth is one thing--but the post that you wrote up--then took off on the Campbell County thread doesn't speak to a very complete understanding of the situation . . . . . .


    There are things that need to improve . . . . . but to imply that they aren't means that you are not paying very good attention.




    Thanks for the spelling lesson. If you are defending the state of CONNER football right now by correcting the spelling of it, that only the proves the "head in the sand" mentality that is apparently going on.

    My comments were not directed to Coach and were in general if you paid attention to what I wrote, and to be most clear I did not remove or edit the comments on the Campbell County thread. Someone else did that.

    The fact that you are saying there is another side of the story and that there is a situation that I am not understanding, only confirms that there is one, which is what I was talking about in the first place.


    As far as things not being as gray and overcast perhaps you have another color that you would call the Holmes game or the 42 to 7 yesterday, I can assure you they weren't Cougar Blue.

    As far as paying attention, I pay plenty attention and I only see it getting worse.

    You can call it a negative thread, but I call it reality and the team deserves better.

  14. 6 or was it 7 turnovers by Conner? I lost track. 1 was a fumble by the quaterback on the exchange and the rest were interceptions with at least 3 underthrown to wide open recievers. Two others were overthrows into double coverage. This is not to take anything away from Campbell County they deserved every point they got, but it helps when they are getting great field position to start most drives from Cougar mistakes. Still it was up to Cambell County to take advantage of Conner's mistakes and they did. They had a great punt return for a TD by the way. There are a couple of bright spots for Conner. #30 Sr running back Shane Taylor had to have another 100yard game or close to it, #59 Sr Kyle Scruggins came into the game leading the state in tackles, and Soph cornerback #8 Jayce Jordan picked off 2 more passes.


    Yes, Vintage. I agree about the few bright spots, there were others that made some catches and runs. McQueen, Bentley, Samad, Dillion. I didn't know about Scruggins leading the state in tackles. NICE!

    The point I was originally trying to make is that some of the standouts maybe wouldn't get so tire if we could find a way to get some of the other 30+ players standing on the sidelines to get in. Then maybe we wouldn't be so winded in the second half. If they aren't good enough to play, then they shouldn't be there.

    This game with Campbell was over in first half. But we didn't have anything left in the tank for any kind of comeback the second half even if we could have. IMO.

  15. You are being awful tough on the Cougars. I never believe in one team making the other team look good. A team looks good based on its own play and can many times make the losing team look bad.



    Well, I beleive that you can't really rate a teams value based off of another teams mistakes or other things that I guess I am not allowed to talk about. I didn't say Campbell Co. didn't play a good game or that they are not a good team. I just said the Cougars made them look better.


    What I posted (that got deleted) is real, and is there plain for anyone to see if they go to the games or practices. Also, I did give props to the Cougars (which I don't think should have been deleted) that played in spite of everything else.


    Anyway, the bottom line is, I am a Cougar fan, and a football fan. There is some talent on the team, some never came out this year, some has left, or been run off, some are just hanging on. It is a shame, and I am not going to pretend everything is ok and just make a comment that they are just having a bad season, when in my opinion that is not the case.


    I am sorry if that offends anyone, or if I have broken any forum rules.


    Good Luck to Conner and Campbell County the rest of the season.

  16. Conners Defense keeps it close early........but then just like last week.......they will give up a big play due to running out of gas......which is due to not running enough players in when they can... to keep the starters fresh......and then the game will get away from them.....again.......IMO


    Conner has decent early season practices where everyone seems to contribute......then as the season kicks into gear.....they leave about 8 to 10 players on the side while the starting O hammers the scout 11 and there is no rotation of these 8 to 10 kids that are standing around on the side for the ENTIRE practice..... until it is time to run drills at the end of practice.....


    I've seen better Pee Wee practices..........

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