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Lucky Charms

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Posts posted by Lucky Charms

  1. Clyde, I follow you all the way on this one. We have a lady living the neighborhood and she walks her dogs every morning and evening, right down the middle of the road. And the funny things is, when you pull up behind her she makes no effort to get out of the way. Keeps on strolling along. That irritates the crap out of me, there are two perfectly good sidewalks on both sides of the road.

  2. Cruz is simply whacky and not good for the country. Period.


    Are you disagreeing with that assessment of him, or do you simply not like articulate conservatives who do not go to Washington simply to go along to get along?



    Still didn't answer the question.


    Look at it this way, Obama is simply whacky and not good for the country...period.


    You tell me what the difference is.

  3. Interesting National Geographic documentary on Heroin:


    Afghan Heroin - The Lost War - Nat Geo (FULL DOCU) - YouTube


    This particular documentary doesn't go into the CIA's connection to the global drug trade, or how the US Military helps protect Afghan poppy fields, but it is interesting nonetheless. For information about the CIA and the US Military's relationship to the World's, and the United State's increasing Heroin problem, there's a decent amount of information available on youtube.


    Bottom line: It needs to stop getting into the country.


    Do you really think Afghan heroin is making into the US? And if so, do you think the military/gov't is assisting? I have no reason to judge otherwise...just an honest question. I hope the answer is no. And, NO I didn't watch the video yet, but I will.

  4. Florida Stand Your Ground


    Again, SYG was not the defense's defense in this case...but here is this. This is LAW...think about it the next time you want to ATTACK someone.


    (3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

  5. Put me on record.....there will NEVER be a conservative black president in the next 50-60 years of my life.


    Its a pretty sad narrative. I would hope you are wrong. But...until the culture within the black community changes then I see this holding true. At some point the blame has to fall on someone's shoulders. The SITUATION needs to be accepted within the community.

  6. 1. Naw. No link. That's what made me ask if it is true.


    2. I don't disagree there.


    3. The musicians will cave before the state. I'm sure the boycott will end in 2014.


    4. Who is Daryl Dixon? :lol: Justin is a bad dude. I can't wait.


    He ain't now where close to being as bad a dude as Daryl Dixon. PP92, meet Daryl Dixon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1dWfMkaiYc

  7. 1. I saw it on Facebook and not the news.


    2. How are they making money if they are canceling tour dates? Seems to me like they lose money if they don't perform there.


    3. If the list I saw is true and it is still growing doesn't Florida stand to lose a nice chunk of change of these stars refuse to perform there?


    4. As long as Justin shows up at the YUM in December I really don't care. Just found it interesting that more significant performers are appearing to jump on board the Florida boycott.


    1. If you saw it on facebook I will assume there was some kind of link...news. Again, who cares. Hollyweird freaks.

    2. Its all about name recognition...nothing more...nothing less:down:

    3. Maybe initially....but that is two fold...how much money are they going to be missing out on. Tell me who will cave?

    4. When Justin comes to the YUM in December I would rather be a zombie attacking Daryl Dixon with a loaded crossbow.

  8. I'm hearing the list has grown and now includes current stars such as Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Mary J. Blige, Madonna, The Rolling Stones and many others.


    Can anyone confirm?


    Why would anyone care? If this is news, serious news...than I can start to report to the world every time I change my underwear (which is once a day, if anyone cared). The more we look up to these buffoons the more we dumb down our children. This is all about headlines, nothing more. And it makes me sick, using a dead 17 year old to make money...count me out of that one.

  9. Yes you can play after graduating from a JUCO right away...

    So, her going to TMC is really confusing me. Got to be a need/want to be near the family. But again, X, UC and NKU are all DI programs that are 15-20 minutes away from Florence. I got nothing against TMC, it is a fine school. Just not the place I would have ever thought to land her services. Hope it works out for her, heck I will definitely try to catch a game now, being the wife's alma mater.

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