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Your Daddy

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Posts posted by Your Daddy

  1. You must be from County...:lol:


    No, I have just watched all four teams play, and FC has more talent, better basketball players, and more depth than anyone else in the district. Also, if my memory is not failing me, you said that County would win the district also. You must be from County . . .lol!


    Your post from a previous thread:


    "I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Franklin County will win both the boys and girls district titles this year. Chalk and Thacker have their teams looking very good to start off the new year. County's two big men are monsters down low. Any thoughts?"

  2. Travis Whitley is the best defensive lineman in the state he stands at 6'5 and 350 pounds and I watched his 40 time and he got a 4.8 and he starts for harrison county's basketball team fun kid to watch


    Even though this has nothing to do with this thread, FC did play Harrison last week, and I don't remember seeing anyone 6'5" and 350 pounds starting, playing, managing, or even watching the game. If he was playing, he must not be very good, because FC's big men had their way in that game.

  3. Officials have no one to anwser to they do not know how much these players put into their preparation for these games. If they make a mistake no big deal to them, but players come to tears. I guess they have never played so they don't know that feeling.


    This post is pretty funny, since a lot of officals are former players. And for the record they do have to answer for how they call games, especially in the 11th.


    The referees do make the decisions on how much time they put on the clock. Sometimes they will ask the clock keeper if they stopped it immediately or if they hesitated, but they never ask them to make the decision on the time.


    Finally the time was an obvious issue, but the fact remains that if Frankfort hadn't turned the ball over on the inbounds this is a non-issue. With 3.2 seconds left and a two point lead, they should have never inbounded the ball under Western Hills' basketball. Period!

  4. While I will agree that Frankfort got robbed on the time at the end of regulation, I think they still had something to do with the outcome. I don't think Anderson got fouled on the inbound. To me it looked like a very bad pass, and a good steal by Western Hills. However, the real question is why Frankfort didn't throw the ball down court. The inbound should have never came under Western Hills Basketball.

  5. That was a gutsy effort by the Flyers over the final 4:30 seconds of the game. It seemed like Shelby just quit playing when they got the lead into the mid 20's. I agree that Franklin would be a force if they could play that way for the entire game instead of half of a quarter. At the same time we can't forget that despite Franklin's gutsy fourth they still were beaten. For as impressive as Franklin's four minutes were Shelby's first 28 minutes were even more impressive and at times amazing. They showed the folks in Franklin for three and half quarters, that when they were playing hard, that the Flyers were just not on the same level. I believe that is Shelby's biggest problem is that they tend to coast when things are getting to easy for them. Had Shelby kept playing with the same focus the game would have been a 20 - 30 point blow out but high school kids have a hard time realizing that they must keep playing even though they are dominating the other team. I would be interested to find out what Slaughter's stat line was for the game. He had to have scored at least 20, he also grabbed a number of rebounds, deflected and stole at least six to seven passes and dished out at least 5-6 assists. I don't know this for sure but I would like to know what he did.


    I am not sure what game you were watching, but the first half was a dead heat. Shelby got some baskets early, but FC kept it close throught the half. Shelby played a great 3rd quarter, and FC played a great 4th quarter.


    While Slaughter is the best player that played in the game, I didn't think he played exceptionally well last night. He finished with 21, 8 off of FT, but he also turned the ball over alot. SC's problem is Slaughter is the only true basketball player they have. The rest of their players are great athletes who feed off of what in going on in the game. I think they are real fortunate that Scott County is no longer in the 8th, because their season would end in the regional tournament, and it might anyway.

  6. Tickets are being sold at the schools and at the civic center. Each of the schools were given 500 tickets. I was told that 4 or 5 of the schools have already sold their allotment and are wanting more. I, too was at the prep classic at the civic center two weeks ago, and their was nobody there. However the match-ups and the teams involved should make this event a little more packed out.

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