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Posts posted by IAmAFan

  1. It probably (I won't say I have a source,,,,I know, I'm the only one on here without one) went something like this;


    Rick: "Yo, Bill, it's a real freakin' (sopranos accent added) fishbowl, know what I'm sayin'?"


    Billy: "It wasn't back in the day, you know, when you were king,,,,badda bing!"


    Rick: "Dat's very true, paizan, very true, but circumstances have changed that have altered my view, know what I'm sayin'?


    Bill: "Please expound Obi Wan."


    Rick: " In my recent travels, young William, I've come to understand you can't spell SUCK without including UK!



    Bill: Thanks Richard, I mean..............






  2. They may not have talked to Tubby before UK gave permission but I'm sure they talked to Tubby's "people" to guage his interest and to make their offer known before they ever contacted Mitch.



    So you are sure Minnesota is committing NCAA infractions????? Wasn't Mitch contacted in December? No leaks since then..... He left 3 months later..... and that's plenty of time to talk to Tubby. Lord knows he wasn't spending the time cleaning his office or recruiting.......

  3. UK was not blindsided by the Tubby news.

    This has been in the works for a while.



    Being blindsighted is impossible. Minnesota couldn't have talked to Tubby unless UK gave permission. When he left the first thing I thought was, boosters just forced him out because Billy D is coming.


    Take the CATS roster, add PP, Lucas, and any Florida player who follows him and UK might not be "down" at all next year.

  4. Smith was a better high school player, surrounded by better players. I know Smith only played one year of college hoops, but Corey will be much better in college. Pelle won't have to face the double and triple teams in college like he did in high school. Corey still has room to mature physically and his best ball is in front him.



    Smith didn't play college hoops because he was so good at football. Then he went to NKU after he had gained a lot of weight. He was better at Highlands at B-ball than he was at NKU. His size was a huge advantage over Pelle. Pelle isn't very tall and Smith was 6-6. Smith could also play guard with relative ease.


    Does anyone know if Pelle is playing for Pelle's this summer in softball? He's a pretty good hitter.

  5. Durant being 18 and Oden is 19 and there isn't any difference. It's a pointless point. If I call someone 18 or 19 there is no (significant) difference.


    Melo did what Durant did several years ago and did it better. He carried his team to and through the NCAA Final 4. Durant didn't and neither did Oden. Being the best freshman in college basketball has nothing to do with who will be better in the NBA.

  6. I honestly would never boo Pitino. Look at what he did for UK. He restored the program to one of, if not the best in the country. Who wouldn't leave for the money he received? I could never fault a man for that. I still believe that UK, and the fans whole him a great deal of gratitude.



    I agree, I just HATE that he's at Louisville. However, it's bitter sweet because it adds to the rivalry and makes me follow U of L a lot more than I ever thought I would. I wish both UK and U of L would return to NCAA Elite.

  7. The last three wins were with Oden on the pine just as much as he was on the floor. When he went out against X with 5 fouls his team blew up. Foul trouble against UT? Big deficit and a charge back with him on the bench. He did have a good 2nd half against Georgetown and the best game of his career last night. 3 halves of basketball does not make a player the next hall of fame big man...



    Ok how about Memphis......... How About Florida?????????? How about the teams that look more like NBA guys????????????


    5 up with him against Memphis and 5 down without him. Tehn he returned and dominated. How about dominating 2 lottery picks (3 counting Hibbard) in the final 4? If you don't see potential mixed with talent mixed with freakish size and athleticism you're watching someone else. If he "fails" he plays in the league for 15 years. College basketball is guard dominated and has been for a LONG TIME!!!! The NBA isn't.

  8. It's more clear with every post you didn't watch him much this season. He was more often than not disinterested, in foul trouble and a liability on offense. I watched 20+ games for each Durant and Oden and I'm giving my opinion. My guess is you saw each maybe 5 times before the tournament...



    Other than....."I've watched them more" you've made zero points. I've watched him way more than that, more than I've seen Durant, and I can't find anyone or anything anywhere calling him lazy. He's developing yes so he struggled some. Not that much. The foul trouble I give you, but often big guys get into foul trouble early in their careers. When Oden bumps a college player that player moves resulting in a foul. He was punished for being bigger, stronger, and more physically gifted than others in college basketball. Against Horford and Noah who physically match up better he didn't get ANY cheap foul calls.


    Look at the past centers who have struggled with foul trouble.

  9. And I thought my man crush on Durant was bad. Now Oden is a "once in a generation" player? Rich... :lol:



    Why couldn't he be??? There's been nobody in college basketball that even compares at the 5 since Duncan. Before that there hasn't been anyone since Shaq, before that Ewing.......


    Why is that a reach?????????? Did you watch him this year at all? He's got every single tool, great heart, great moves, unlimited potential, and freakish athleticism. Since when has that not been the recipe for success in an NBA center?


    The last highly touted "scorer" that couldn't miss (ALA Durant). Freakish skills, body, the college numbers, and a scorers mentality........ Who was it? He missed. He was 1 overall and never lived up.

  10. In their first 4 tournament games Conley was clearly better, and was fantastic when Chief was riding pine. Without his play the Buckeyes went home a lot earlier...



    Ok without Oden do they still go home earlier. Surely they would have lost several games through that winning streak and there is no chance they get as high a seed without Oden.

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