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Posts posted by commodore4life

  1. This is what is soo wonderful about PCC/Hazard fans. When you get beat this year, you'll just crawl in your hole & not come out. When you do, I'm sure you got cheated. I mean the might Commodores & the god-king Holland, could never lose a fair match!!


    (from wayne's world) We're not worthy, we're not worthy of being in the same region as the all mighty al holland & his commodores!!!


    Please, keep posting we love your unbiased accounts of high school basketball!! Its like watching the fair & balanced fox news!!


    Why thank you,and you are not worthy,jealousy and envy are 2 very bad characteristics!you just keep doubting the commodores and keep being proved wrong again time after time after time,I can't ever remember anyone from Perry Central crawling in a hole as you put it .As for your cheating complaint,you need to direct that elsewhere.

    (from tombstone)"I'm your Huckelberry" :fire:

  2. I think its about time Hollan has to coach, he's been blessed with great players since PCC started.


    Great players are usless unless you have a great coach with a great system,which is what Holland is and has.He is hands down the best coach in this region,head and shoulders above the rest.One of the all time greats!

  3. Yoy are correct about one thing the rest of the region see's thing clear and only the PCC bunch wear rose colored glasses when it comes to the officiating. Everyones knows you need a few extra points just to be even when playing PCC in Hazard. Ask Leslie from last years regional finals. But I don't blame PCC for enjoying it I wish we had such an advantadge in our area. Anyway it is the way it is and the responsability is on each team to beat PCC. So you take the hand you are dealt. Hazard at Hazard. Tough draw.


    We are the evil empire! :fire:

  4. I would be a little more worried about the district than the regional. But if you make the regional and Lee makes it. I would love to play PCC you have to play everybody to get to Rupp. This year the regional is not in Hazard so everyone else has a little better chance for a fair game. Still got to see who officiates to be sure.

    You are just like the rest,make excuses why you can't and won't win a regional championship.Good luck against Powell,you will need it and i hope to see you in the regional tournament. :fire:

  5. You said he couldn't beat Holland. If he has beat him before he can beat him again.


    Is there something wrong with you?He cannot beat holland in the district!3-0!

    After Buckhorn upsets the eagles 64-61 and we beat the dawgs 71-62 you can switch over to the baseball threads and tell us how good Leslie is in baseball,and after they are defeated you can say"we will get them next year"

    Leslie is like the Loctus-they show up about every 7 years and then disappear! :fire:

  6. It was not too hilarious for you when JBS went to Perry Centrals home floor and beat them. I'm not saying JBS is the favorite but I bet if you asked any coach in the 14th and they would tell you they dont look forward to playing them in the tourney. I looked at JBS season and besides the Henry Clay game they have lost 3 games by a total of 6 points. If you think that JBS only has 2 good players then you have not watched them play much this year.


    I give JBS credit for beating PCC at PCC,but one game doesn't make a season!They only have 2 good varsity players now,tell me more!I pray that they meet PCC again in the regional tourney,I know they both have to get there first but I hope this happens! :fire:

  7. Once again it will probably come down to the draw. Last year, there is no way that Perry beats Hazard at Hazard. They draw heads-up in the district at Perry-- Perry wins and goes on to win the region. ---- This year I feel that the 56th (Estill and Lee) and the 54 (all teams) will place 2 teams capable of winning it in the region. The 53 and 55 are a little weaker and depending on the draw may not place the best two teams in the tournament. I feel that the winners of the 54th or 56th that draw a loser of the 53 or 55 will be the favorite.--- However, if Knott comes out as a loser in the 53, I am sure that no one will want to play them at Knott. --- So, to sum things up, I think just about anyone can win.


    I like that "no way Perry beats Hazard at Hazard", you can keep telling yourself that if you want,the bottom line is that when it counts,Spurlock can't beat Holland.Its like going to a gun fight with a case knife! :fire:

  8. I think there are about 10 teams in the region that could get hot and win the region. Everyone could argue from now until region time why certain teams can or can"t win the region. However if I did have to pick 3 teams I would say Leslie ,Lee Co, or June Buchanan.


    saying that JBS is a favorite to win the region is hilarious!They have a couple of good players and yes they beat Perry,but to win this region you have to string 5 games together all of which will be hard fought battles this year.

  9. You guys say Hazard is overrated when really they are the most underrated team in the 14th. Everyone always talks about PCC, Leslie, and Lee being at the top when Hazard beat Leslie and had them down bad late and they had PCC beat and they threw it away in the final seconds. Everyone has already counted Hazard out of the district saying Leslie and PCC are coming out. You guys are in for a surprise come March.


    The same remarks have been made each of the past 4 years with the same results,Hazard 1 and out.Nothing different this year,they do get a head start on baseball though.

  10. :laugh: You got to be kidding me.


    SL plays Clay at Clay in the region tourney....... SL wins, period.


    The only way SL doesn't win is:

    1.) SL gets absolutely, obviously hosed by the refs


    2.) SL just plays downright terrible and Clay plays the best game of their season


    It might be a close game, it might not, depending on how well SL and Clay play comparatively. I personally dont think it would be a close game. But the outcome will be the same...... SL with a win.


    #1 could happen..

  11. Yea im sure when the perry central player went for the rebound and knocked it out of bounds and the refs still gave pcc the ball was not a questionable call.

    The only call in question was the one where a Leslie player went after the referee and 2 players held him back and nothing was called. :fire:

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