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Posts posted by Frmwaydwntwn


    I heard Dave McFarland has applied and that Snapp is someone Ryle really likes.


    Dave is not an option at this point too green right now. Funny thing is Ryle is having a committee go over the candidates, kind of hard for "Ryle" to like any one candidate at this point.


    I think Snapp, Goetz, Blevins, and one outsider will be interviewed. Just a hunch no big inside info. Have been told some head coaches from Louisville and Cincinnati applied.


    Why are you so defensive? I'm just stating my opinion and those of the players that my nephew hangs with. He and about 4 of his teammates all feel the same about Bowman. If you knew anything about JV basketball it's about developing and not winning. Blevins and Sullivan have developed.


    I would agree with this sentiment. I think Blevins is a better choice than Bowman but not quite convinced either will get it. I'm sticking to a young but experienced coach getting the job. Don't have a name just that is going to be his makeup.

  3. I don't think some of the applicants for the other jobs will apply for this one. I keep hearing they won't look outside the box. I attended an AAU practice of one of the major teams in KY. The assistant coach says the coach at the school he is the assistant on is going to apply. I can't say who it is right now because I am going to verify with him this week.

  4. NA, just because I don't think they are right for the job doesn't mean I do not like them as individuals. I look at what Ryle has coming back, they will be very raw and need a lot of work. In my opinion, which i have the right to, Ryle needs someone who can build on that raw talent and draw/keep the basketball players that will come to their school. Blevins and Bowman do not have that experience yet as head coaches. This could be a rough season for Ryle and Demler and the coach will be under fire quick. This isn't Cooper where everyone knew they'd struggle out of the gate. Ryle parents have, and always will have, unrealistic expectations.

  5. Bitter? What standards?


    I'm not bitter I just know for a fact what happened. I do not like kids leaving schools because they're not happy with coaches and our schools and kHSAA allowing it to happen. If you don't physically move, you should not be eligible. The standards of coming to tryouts, practice, running for bad grades and missing practice, being accountable for your attitude, etc. It's no lie that coach Olivario is a tough coach but so is Fooks. Ryle would be better if the Moss' would have stayed and the kids would have learned a valuable lesson too. You can't leave/quit when things get tough.

  6. Incorrect. There were some serious issues at Ryle (which I will not elaborate) which is how both the Moss kids ended up at Boone. There was no "lousy excuse" as RHN may have insinuated, that one was legit. They never used anyone elses address they took it to BC BOE and it was approved. I won't deny there are some "head scratchers" that do take place but that was not the case in this situation.


    I know for a fact the situation and it was bogus! If you can live in the area of the school with no problems, then you can go to the school with no problems. I know what "excuse" was given to the board and it was not the real reason. I will not elaborate on what excuse was given but the real reason the kids left was because one of the kids didn't feel they should be held to the same standard as the others on the team.

  7. Alan Mullins - Ryle


    Exactly, but technically he was the freshmen coach, and he was hired by Demler. I just don't see Ryle going this route again. It's like when Kentucky hired Gillespie, and I am not comparing Alan to Gillespie, Barnhardt knew he had to make a splash with the next coach. Demler will not repeat his mistake of hiring Alan. Mullins had success at the freshmen level and everyone assumed it would transfer over to the Varsity level. Unfortunately, it did not. You are taking a big gamble with hiring JV/Asst Varsity coaches with no previous head coaching experience.

  8. Ellis Myles is Rick Pitino lite. I know his coaching style is controversial but the Magic program has grown each of the last two years so he must be doing something right.



    So it's possible to be a classy AAU program when everyone involved is self serving? Interesting perspective.


    Maybe that's why Pitino let Ellis go.

  9. First of all I think the ASUN is a horrible conference with about three teams any good. Mercer, FGCU and Stetson are good but the rest are bad. Holmes could have competed with the lower half of this league. I don't think the new Pres and incoming new AD will stand still and accept this mediocre team. The games I saw at NKU showed not much talent on the floor and noone in the stands. That place should be rocking and was dead as heck. Very disappointing. Hopefully Bezold can get rid of these present players and step it up. Had years to get ready and again what I saw was mediocre at best. Just my opinion. BOK should be getting jam packed on every home game without any gimmick marketing.


    Robin Hood


    The problem with NKY right now is that they are not able to compete in Conference or NCAA Tournament until 2016-17 season. The incoming freshmen will be able to play in NCAAs only when they are seniors. Hard to recruit kids with them knowing they have no chance to be on CBS at this time until their 4 years are over. No coach can overcome that disadvantage. Good season by the Norse, proud alum.

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