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Read My Lips

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Everything posted by Read My Lips

  1. Don't worry, we know you didn't make it up. It really did happen. Sometimes people don't like to believe things when it comes to their team and or coaches doing the wrong thing. Don't worry about it. Those who don't believe will soon be a believer when their own confirm it! :thumb:
  2. Actually, it is true. I have talked to several people about the game, and they have all said the same thing. He did not shake hands, and made it seem as if he had no intention of doing so. It was deliberate. It really upset the fans, and not just the Mason fans. Someone told me that a few BB fans were upset that he didn't do it and stayed around after the game talking with some Mason fans about it.
  3. Maybe I should have just stayed out of that one. I must have been confused on what was being questioned. I thought we were talking about BB complaining about the refs. I didn't know that you meant refs causing the end result in the game, not just complaining. So, yes, you are correct on saying that no one said the refs caused BB to lose. But, yes I was correct in saying that BB announcers were complaining, and that had been brought up in a previous post. :confused:
  4. Actually someone did say that. Evidently BB's radio announcers were complaining about the officials. I am not sure who brought this up, but if you scroll up, you will see that. Not sure, I was listening to WFTM.
  5. :fire: I agree, that is NOT right. Come on now, these are highschool boys he is coaching. They learn from example, and their coach is the best example (or should be) of how they should act before, during, and after games. No wonder we have such bad sports in professional sports!
  6. No doubt about it - but I also think that is just how Kentucky Basketball is. You can't have a top 10 team rating without any given team in any given spot any given day out of the week. They don't call it March Madness for nothing!
  7. You beat me to the post! I was on my way to do this as well! Good job Royals! The game was not how I thought it would end - would have thought it would have been a lot closer.
  8. 1:10 left in the game. I think it is safe to say this one is over with Mason winning! Good job Royals. This game ended up a little different than most thought. I would have thought we would have had a lot closer game.
  9. Yeah, I know..just trying give a positive there! :jump:
  10. Wow! Setty has 4 three pointers! 12 pts total, with only scoring off of those 3's.
  11. Darius Miller only has 2 points tonight at the half. Imagine how ugly this could get if he gets on a roll! BB had better watch out...Mason has been a second half team most games lately. They will probably come out hard again, if not harder.
  12. Setty hits a big 3 to send us into Halftime. 27-9 I believe Mason on top.
  13. You can't help but wonder what the score would be like without all the fouls coming from Mason. I don't know what the percentage is, but most of BB's pts are from the free throw line! Mason by 14 now
  14. :laugh: It was just a joke. You had said something about BB needing to make a run, but you said "we". I am just kidding with you though! Mason 20-7 2:45 left
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