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Posts posted by Bosox1

  1. So, it's gonna be Bart Bruner if the traditional X folks have their way, and Stefan LeFors if the folks who want to go "in a new direction offensively" have their way.


    Am I right on this? I don't know Mike Glaser very well, but I feel like I know who he's backing.


    I’m not sure how they can pass over Todd Walsh again, pretty much been on staff since the late ‘80’s & has more than earned his shot!

  2. This list makes me wonder what the criteria really is to be considered for Mr Football. While all these kids are very good players who meant a lot to their teams, the list should be no more than 4-5 deep and contain the players in the state who had the best year this year. I know the criteria or definition of "best year" can be defined many different ways, however, leaving Nick Bohn off the list is inexcusable. His stats dwarf all others on an all time national record setting level against a tough schedule. If that is not good enough then I don't know how you can defend many others on the list. I am not saying he is Mr Football but excluding him is just wrong.

    Just like the all-state teams the list smacks too much of politics. The award just lost some of its status. Give them all a plaque or trophy and call it a day. And yes, this has gone on way to long.


    Well said, couldn’t agree more!

  3. The biggest advantage private schools have over their public counterparts is parental involvement. Anything regarding district boundaries are more a case of the public schools choosing to handicap themselves, which in turn certainly provides an advantage for the private schools, just not sure how that can be construed as the fault of the private schools...

  4. Mark Higgs Owensboro I watched him run 80 yards for a TD against Henderson County with only one shoe on!


    Are you sure you're not confusing two different games? I'm sure what you describe certainly could have happened twice, but I know for a fact (I was there) that the very scenario you describe occurred at the end of the first half in the 1983 State Final against Trinity at old Cardinal Stadium. I believe it was the only points O'boro scored (if memory serves) in a 26-7 Shamrock victory...

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