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Posts posted by Flash

  1. I don't see the game being all that close. I think Breathitt will control the game but maybe give up a couple of big plays for TD's. I think they win by at least two touchdowns with a final of maybe 27 to 14. I don't think the previous meeting means a lot right now nor do I see the last two Breathitt games as being too important. The truth is several of Breathitt's players have been gimpy the last few weeks especially the QB. I think most evryone is healthy for this Friday. I know Estill will bring a ton of fans and it should be a great atmosphere for HS football!

  2. That's the point that is lingerin in my mind, however, I don't hink Harlan was 40 points worse than the Bobcats then. Breathitt broke their backs early and the Bears laid down, let's hope that doesn't happen this time around. I can see the Bears hanging around and pulling the upset, but I figure Holcomb will have his teams attention after a slow start to the playoffs last week, Go Bears.


    Ha, I actually kinda hope that it does happen again. :cool: but I can understand Estill maybe prefering to play Harlan if the Engineers win this week.

  3. I think the first and third quarters are going to be the keys to the game. Garrard wins the first normally but for whatever reason the Lions come out flat in the second half. Turnovers will also be a huge factor. If Garrard can get Breathitt down early and get momentum going their way, Breathitt may try and force a big play causing a turnover.


    Could happen. But it would be uncharactoristic of Coach Holcomb. If they fall behind you'll likely see more and more of what has brought the Bobcats this far and that's Channing Fugate. Once he starts having some success and the defense keys on him, you'll see some passing or the other running back step up. Breathitt teams are some of the best diciplined teams out there and whlle they have some missed assignments, they're infrequent. We haven't faced a real good passing team imo. How does Garrard pick up their yardage?

  4. I usually try not to post predictions in football because I end up being embarassed but I think Breathitt wins this game. I've watched Breathitt football for a long.. long time and believe me, crowds on the road do not seem to bother Breathitt much. Someone hit the nail on the head when they talked about the Breathitt receivers not quite being there yet. I think Jade has come into his own. The receivers are good and are fast, just a matter of confidence more then anything else I think. If ayone watched the Breathitt/Estill game you had to have notice that if Fugate had ran the whole game like he did on the last series and the line had blocked the whole game like they did in the 4th qtr. that game wouldn't have been real close. Plus Breathitt took a knee on like the 3 yd line 3 consecutive plays to end the game instead of scoring. I think there's a good chance Breathitt wins tonight by 7-14 points... but they have to limit turnovers. If they shoot themselves i the foot, it could turn out differently.

  5. I was there and Breathitt didnt really look that impressive and thats coming from a Breathitt fan. If they were playing aginst anyone that was any count they would have been beaten. Breathitt has along time to go if they think they can compete with Russell and Belfry let alone Harlan and Estill in their own district.


    I thought the Bobcats looked better in a couple of areas. First off, both their offensive and defensive line play was much improved. The passing game was also improved. Haddix hit a receiver in stride for like a 60 yd. TD pass and showed some scrambling ability, moving out of the pocket and hitting receivers down field. Are they where they need to be at the end of the season? Probably not but I see improvement each week. Boyd played Russell tough last week so I'm not sure they are "no count".

  6. Farice Woods has his own Coliseum named after him here in Breathitt County. The Farice O. Woods Coliseum. He still made it to some home games and was always recognized on the PA system at some point during the game, often coming out onto the floor for a round of applause. I know that a few years ago he would still take a couple of minutes to visit the locker room and offer encouragement to the kids before a big game. After all these years, in Breathitt County Coach Woods was still "the man".

  7. I've heard the same but we won't know until game time. I've also heard that the incident last week either has or will be on YouTube. Can any of the Breathitt fans give any advice on where to eat in Jackson for all of the hungry travelers from Johnson County?


    I stand corrected. Everyone is playing for the Bobcats tonight. As for eating, the Dairy Bar on hwy 15 just opened back up this week also as well as a Little Ceasers. There's a Long Johns and the regular McDonalds, Hardees and Wendys. For set down, I'd choose Mexican by Wal-mart. Travel safely and lets hope for a great game reguardless of the outcome.

  8. Breathitt will have all of their players for this game with the exception of the ones that are hurt or either out for the year. They didn't have any suspended for this week's game. I think that this will be a high scoring game. Look for it to be a touchdown or less for either team.


    I'm hearing 3 Breathitt players are having to set out this Honey Bowl. I'm guessing it's T. Bailey, D. Allen, and another lineman. These are 3 key players but I think this is accurate information.

    Also hear that several Letcher players are out also.

  9. Coach Hall was the Coach at Breathitt County a few years ago. He had success there winning 20+ games one season, winning the district, before being defeated by Perry Central in the Regional Tourney. Coach Hall is a class act, glad to see him back in the region and in the 56th district.


    Good Luck Coach.


    Brian's first year at Breathitt he went 26-4 before being defeated by 2 points in the regional final by Perry Central. His second season at Breathitt he went 24-6 with Perry knocking him out in the regional semi-final. His third year everyone had graduated and he went 4-23 in a rebuilding season, really just playing for the future knowing it wasn't Breathitt's year. "They" got rid of him which was unfortunate I think. He went to Jackson City and had a competitive team up there and then moved on to Betsy Lane last year.

    I'm glad he's back in the 14th!

  10. :confused:

    Breathitt will do what is best to improve the basketball team which is hire Doug, because he is bringing kids with him and one of the top players in the region. They only want him because of Nick and Josh nothing more. I just hope Doug can see throught the flase front that Arch is putting up.

    :confused:Well I'm afraid that hasn't been the case over the last few years. For example, Coach Denny takes Breathitt to Rupp in 95 I think, fired the next year! One mistake follows another and another. They hire Jim Rose who was in the twilight of his career and really never could or did get anything going. Breathitt sank to never before lows. Then they hire Chris Baker, a good move by all accounts. He revived the program in a couple of short years and played Whitesburg for the title falling just a bit short and the next year getting beat out in a fiasco in Powell Co. Fired for his efforts even though the next year looked even more promising and 3 straight 20 plus win seasons under his belt. Enter coach Hall who had two great years with 20 plus wins and regional challenges and then a rebuilding year which was used to fire him. Enter Banks, who should have never been placed in that position imo. Now he's gone. Out of every firing and hiring above every move with perhaps the hiring of Baker and maybe Hall was political in nature, mostly driven by parents of disgruntled players or parents who wanted their kid's star to shine.

    With all of that said I don't see it getting a whole lot better. In most programs if you win you can fend off the special interests. Not the case here, as evidenced by the firing of Denny! I'd sure like to see things get on a good track, but I don't hold out a lot of hope. And as someone mentioned, it's our fault for continuing to vote in the administrators!

  11. I know for one that many of those old timers are not happy with the effort. We played cards the night after and thats all they could talk about is the lack of effort.[/QUOT

    Just keep playing them cards and talking. The effort was there and the kids that stuck around will benefit in the next few years. I am proud of the young men that played and I see them being a strong team in the next few years with the experience they have gained this year. I would take a bunch of kids that are tough enough to stick around through times over a bunch that will quit when they don't get their way anytime.


    If things stay as they are, Breathitt Baskball will continue to languish. It's a very hollow argument to say that starters quit a team because they aren't getting their way, especially when they have played sports all of their young lives with no apparent problems until this year. The team effort was not there for whatever reason. You seem to think that people are downing individual players when they point out Breathitt's weaknesses and that's not the case. The basketball program has problems, and contrary to what you seem to believe, it's not the kids who left the team. This is high school ball and not the local pee wee league. The team fell apart this year but actually began a couple years ago. There's no getting around that fact and ....it's not due to a few spoiled kids. It's the program, something has to give or it will continue to get worse.

  12. So you are saying that if a kid Sprints down the floor after trying to get a loose ball, gets into position and takes a hard hit from an offensive player who is going full speed, that he should be rewarded for that effort by a no call because it is late in the game. A charge is a charge no matter if it is in the first 10 seconds of a game or the last 10 seconds. How can you even suggest that a player should not be rewarded for a great defensive effort because it is late in the game. Should the defensive just step to the side and not take the charge because it is late in the game. If Breathitt blocked the shot instead of taking a charge, should they give it back to Jackson and let them try again because it is late in the game. A charge is a charge and I applaude the kid for having the instincts and determination to get in position and take the charge. He saved the game with this great defensive effort and your trying to say it shouldn't have been called.


    Questionable calls should not decide the game. Case in point a few years ago at Powell. Referee calls a foul on Breathitt, under Breathitt's basket as time expired. They walk the length of the floor and Powell makes one of their two shots (double bonus) and wins by 1 point.

    Your great defensive play could have gone either way. Your ref helped Breathitt from the time he called the T on Jackson City when a kid (incidently the same kid he wrongly called the 5th foul on on the above play) for telling the ref to call it on both ends, no cusing or anything like that. Most referees would have said "shut up and play".

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