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Posts posted by PurpleHaze

  1. I miss him so much. He was and still is the love of my life. Michael was the best thing that ever happened to me. He taught me so much. His mom passed about a year ago and his brother passed six months ago. It is so hard to think that whole family has passed. His dad, mom and all of his siblings are gone. Michael “Bulldog “Drake was the life of the party. He endured so much pain and it never got him down. He loved life and people to the point of never giving up. My heart hurts so much. Time does not take the pain away. With time it just gets different. I love you Michael. Always have and always will. So proud of everything you did when you were alive. 25 years of marriage was not enough. It was just the beginning. RIP my love for you deserve it!

  2. This was One if PurpleHaze’s favorite days! Happy Veterans Day in Heaven my sweet and precious husband! Also, Happy Veterans Day to my wonderful and caring dad in Heaven. Also, have a wonderful Veterans Day to all of you! Thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for keeping all of us safe and free!! Love to you all!!! As PurpleHaze would say.... everyone twist!!!

  3. I am heartbroken. We have lost so.many people on here. ..She could make me laugh even when I did not think I could...I did not know about her illness...was just trying to get a hold of her on the 13th....also, Rockmom...was trying to find a way to get a hold of you also.....anyway, Mike and I loved Kathy...I think everyone did.

  4. I'm glad to hear about the positive things at work in your life! It is a diminished world without PH, but his impact can still be felt all over.


    Thank you for that!!! He always wanted to leave something that would want to be remembered....he was a great guy!!!! He was amazing with his wanting to make the world just a little better.

  5. Michael (purplehaze) passed away two years ago yesterday. I miss and love him so much. He always told me not to give in or give up. I just want everyone to know that, even though I still have a hole in my heart I am doing ok. I am now engaged to a wonderful man whom Mike and I have known for 18 years. He is a single dad of two amazing kids....Gavin is 13 and Chloe is 10. Because he works a lot, they live with me until we get married. They are excited about me adopting them. Their mom was a real loser. They have not seen her for 3 years and don't want to. They call me mom and keep me busy lol. Eddie is a great guy. He would do anything for me. I will never stop loving Mike and I still cry some. Eddie is there to hold me and listen when I do have my moments. I just wanted to give you all an update...I love all of my BGP family.

  6. Tomorrow will be one year that my loving, wonderful, caring husband passed away. Michael, purplehaze, bulldog....my husband, I miss you so much. You were a hero to many. You were and still are, my rock. You told me you did not marry a quitter....well, I am holding on. Michael was my everything. Sometimes it feels as though he has been gone forever...other times it seems like yesterday. Time has no meaning without him. Please don't take anyone and anything for granted. Little did I know when I left the house o e year ago today that I would be coming back alone . He gave me 25years of wonderful memories and life lessons that I witnessed first hand. I love you Michael and miss you more than I could ever know was possible.

  7. mike has been gone for about 6 months now. I lost my dad 3 months ago.I have just been watching the neighbors kid neighbours two kids. I'm doing okay but very sad still. my life is so different now and empty. everyone tells me it's going to get better with time but it seems to be getting worse. I miss you all, whateverGod has planned for me I will do my best to fulfill. I haven't been on much because this time of year is extring Mike around not having Mike around anymore. I don't even know how Bowling Green High football is doing. I was thinking about going to a game but I don't think I can. I love you all.

  8. You all have always been such a wonderful support system! Dad is now not at home. He was struggling to breathe today. He is now in the Hospice House. He is now out of pain and is resting very well. It is so hard. I really love and believe in God, however, my faith is really being tested right now. I am so angry at God ever since PH, Mike passed away. I hate being mad at Him and I am really trying to get over it. I am so thankful for your prayers because I do believe in the power of prayers, however, I have been unable to pray, I just can't. I want my dad to go fast and with no pain....Later in July, Hospice will be having group grief counseling. I will be going to that. Hospice had a Chaplin to talk with me. I told him how I felt. He said that it is alright to be upset with God because he is our father....I have never been this angry with Him, nor have I found it impossible to pray. Maybe this counseling will help with that. Again, thank you all for picking up the prayers for my dad as I just can't....my heart is so broken right now. I have never lost anyone that I loved before Mike....I just can't believe dad will be leaving so close behind him. Please know I love each and everyone of you as I have always....We have a wonderful BGP family!

  9. I just wanted to ask for prayers. Dad is in the last stages of his life. Hospice has advised us to stop dialysis and stop his tube feeding. He is getting medications for his comfort. He is at home. My heart is very heavy. As most of you know, I lost my husband, PurpleHaze in March....now my dad will be joining him soon....we were told it could be a couple of days to a couple weeks...He is not suffering at all....We, his family, are. All I can ask for is prayers and not to judge on stopping his dialysis and feedings. I am feeling guilty enough already. Mom, my brother, and I will not let him suffer...we did give him half of his feeding tonight. As his body shuts down...as it has started, feedings will only make him suffer more. Just please pray for him to have a peaceful passing with no pain as my beautiful husband, Michael did...Thank you all so much!

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