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Posts posted by NamecipS

  1. Devil's Advocate here:


    Scenario 1) So, your appointment starts on time. Doctor rushes in the door, glances at your wrist, writes a few notes, barely even checks out what is going on with your wrist, never even introduces himself, and then moves on to the next patient so he can keep things moving on schedule with his appointments. Are you a happy patient?


    Scenario 2) Doctor has a patient come in on a "sore ankle" referral. Patient, a teenager, limps into the exam room using a cane her mom borrowed for her from her great-aunt. Doctor comes to discover through talking to the patient that patient "fell" down an entire flight of stairs. Upon further discussion while mom is out of the exam room, mom's drunk of a boyfriend pushed teenage daughter down the staircase. Ankle is broken in 2 spots, one of her toes is also broken, and there is a torn ligament in the ankle as well. Exam takes 3.5 times longer than scheduled - particularly when you take into account a required call to child protective services. Should the doctor ditch all of that so he can keep his patient schedule?


    I would have preferred the in/out non-personal deal since this isn't a doctor I will see on a regular basis. I don't need pampering and the warm fuzzy stuff. Address the issue and we'll both move on with our day.


    As for the other scenario and the actual visit, if someone would have come in and said "The doctors running behind", "The doctor is caught up with an emergency and will be a few more minutes" and then "Thank you for your patience", I probably would've just chalked it up. The fact that his response was "I'm doing the best I can" didn't fly with me.

  2. Hahahaha


    First article I find


    Can't type 'i' on iPhone? Text glitch isn't only iOS 11 issue for Apple fans | syracuse.com


    Well, this is awkward. Some Apple users can't even type "iPhone" on their new iPhone 8 or iPhone X.


    The Verge reports the company's latest mobile operating system, iOS 11, has a bug that autocorrects the letter "I" to an "A" with a unicode [?] symbol (also known as FE0F, or "variation selector-16"). The issue, found in iPad and iPhone devices using iOS 11.1, appears to be caused by typing with the predictive keyboard function suggesting random characters like "A," "#," or "!" followed by the unicode symbol, affecting how text appears in iMessage, Twitter, Facebook and other apps.

  3. Call them out!! Who was it????


    If you are an hour late they don't see you and charge you a fee anyway. If they are an hour late you get the screws put to you.


    My dentist ran very late one time. He had a patient that took him a very ling time to work on. He apologized profusely and told me to book early in the day (before kids got out of school) and I've never had to wait again.


    I gave enough info for most to figure it out. It's a big practice near the hospital. My son has a friend whose dad works there. Next time I see him, I'll let him know about my experience.


    I had a similar issue with my family doctor. I explained the issue to him and he was super cool about it. He told me when making future appointments to either schedule the first one in the morning or the first one after lunch. I've never waited more than 5 minutes to see him since then.

  4. I am over doctors. Tired of them not respecting other peoples time. If the appointment is at 8:45, then you shouldn't have to wait more than 15 minutes before your seen.


    Today I went to a local prominent orthopedic place(in Edgewood). Appointment was at 8:45. Yeah, doctor walked in at 9:40. Then instead of actually talking about and looking at the issue(bump on my wrist) I was there for, he wanted to talk about my smoking and how bad it is for me. I told him I was there for my wrist and he should look at that. No, he continued to talk about my smoking. When he finally looked at my wrist, it took him less than two minutes to tell me "It'll go away over time". WHAT????????????????????


    I let him know how I felt and he stated he was doing the best he could. I called shenanigans.


    I didn't even mention how short the girl was who reviewed my information with me before the hour long wait for the doctor. She came across like I was a burden for her to have to help me. Sighs and eye rolls. Little advice, if you don't like your job that much, find another one.


    Based on this visit, I will no longer be recommending this place to family or friends. No one should be treated this way.


    I did feel a little better when I told the billing lady to send me a bill and my estate will pay it when I'm dead.

  5. I think he had to be relieved he was not going to Cleveland. Why would ANYONE want to go to that dumpster fire. Wait until the end of the year and take your chances at being an UFA and go play in a better situation.

    If he does well (better than the other clowns), he increases his payday. If he flops, it was Cleveland and that place is The Devil. He was probably looking to showcase his skills. Think about it, if he goes up there and wins 2-3 games, he’s getting big bucks as a free agent.

  6. The hypocrisy isn’t even amazing anymore.


    AJ Green threw multiple punches and almost choked out Ramsey and he wasn’t suspended.


    I’m not sure if I’m happy as a Bengals fan that he won’t be suspended. Just another example of not being held accountable.


    Whatever Ramsey did or said doesn’t give AJ freedom to throw down on him. But since he did, he should have more of a price to pay than to have to write a check.


    Take that outside the lines of the field and that’s assault.

  7. If we're talking strictly wins and strictly regular season, SK has the most wins. Doesn't mean they're the most dominant. They schedule to ensure they have an undefeated season and then flameout in the 2nd or 3rd round of the playoffs.


    I'd guess Highlands, Beechwood or NewCath would be the most complete potential candidates. Of course Highlands has had a down couple of years, but the first 3/4's of the decade were owned by Highlands. Beechwood and NewCath have been consistent in that same stretch.

  8. That may be true this year, but over the last decade, SK has been BY FAR the most consistent winner in NKy and better than Cov Cath most years.


    Furthermore, BW and Cov Cath both are benefitting from substandard football programs in Boone County. Take that player migration away, and both programs come back to earth!


    "BY FAR"


    Regular season champs, post season flameouts. Thanks for playing. Win some hardware and then beat your chest about how good SK has been.

  9. I don't have a dog in this fight but I don't know how you can put Schollman back in. Grady provides that spark and has the Birds playing better and better. Nothing against Carl but what does he do better than Grady at this point? I get that maybe Grady just wasn't ready at the start of the season which is why they went with Carl but he looks much better now and Carl hasn't done anything to keep the job or to wow you as the season progressed.


    Arm: Grady

    Mobility: Grady

    Accuracy: Grady (both could use work)

    Decision Making: ???

    It Factor: Grady




    Matt Moore came in to the Dolphins game a couple weeks ago when Cutler got hurt and looked like an All-Pro QB. The next week when he started, he looked like a 3rd string QB.


    Not saying that would happen in this case, but have to think if Grady was actually better than Carl, he would have played more than he did this year.

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