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Posts posted by JackieMoon

  1. Congrats to the Colonels on getting it done.


    The nice thing in my mind about this - if it is true that there is disgruntlement and defection, those 20 wins are a big up yours to the players that bailed out. I hope they enjoyed their spring of leisure. The Colonels and Coach K were fine without you.


    Congrats to CCH on the 20 wins!


    However, I would not saying any CCH players, coaches, or fans, are "JUST FINE" with losing the District Championship to Beechwood.


    Beechwood owned CCH in both basketball and baseball District Tourneys this year. That has never happened!


    If Coach Krumps is "Just Fine" with the season thus far, considering the superior talent CCH has walking the halls, then there truly is a bigger problem. Losing districts should never be acceptable to them!

  2. Checked CCH rosters for 2018 vs. 2019. I see 3 Jr's on last year's roster not on this year's roster, one of whom was listed as a pitcher. All the sophomores on last year's roster are on this year's roster. Checking rosters, I don't see an exodus of key players. The one pitcher not playing is McGinness. Perhaps he is not playing because he plans to play football in college? The rosters don't support your story unless some of the players on the roster quit. So I checked a little further and it looks like that may be what happened. Sean Casteel, who is committed to playing college baseball, does not appear to be playing. He is the only one that I saw who may have quit after 2019 rosters were posted.


    This has turned into commentary that likely belongs in another post because it has nothing to do with Campbell County.


    I will leave it at this: I speak the Truth - good ball players are not playing specifically because of Krumps.


    And McGinness is not playing college football.

  3. Dude has been coaching 30+ years. Suddenly he changed something that "ran off" players?


    My comment has nothing to do with the last 30 years as I can't speak to that.


    What I can speak to is that there are 5 seniors and 1 junior not playing specifically because of Krumps.


    All of these players would be impactful in the current roster. 4 of them are pitchers. 2 of them would be in the top 4 of the batting order. All of them could have played at some level in college.


    Again, lack of seniors and pitching is hurting the tea. These are two reasons CCH can't compete this year. They easily won the freshmen tournament 3 years ago.

  4. Let there be no doubt, this is a huge factor.


    Agreed. If the question were best programs, you could easily go with SC, CCH, and Trintiy.


    But SC has lost more than once with the best talent.


    And CCH has won primarily due to their talent.


    Trinity lost some big talent from last year and just won it all.


    Sullivan is the easily one of the best coaches in NKY.


    There are many others from across the state that that have won despite their talent.

  5. Dumb game plan by the CCH coaching staff. Worse in game adjustments. And at halftime, zero adjustments.


    I agree. The offense looked stagnant in H1 and we hoped for some big changes and a run in Q3 but it was just the opposite.


    CCH started both halves with the point guard turning it over at midcourt which led to 2 easy layups.


    Then, as Q3 slipped away, still no changes were made ...

  6. Covington Catholic was down 60-41 with 1:34 to play and cut it to a one point game at 60-59 in just 1:08 seconds that is pretty remarkable. If they could have pulled it off it would have had to went down as one of the greatest (if not the greatest) comebacks in Sweet 16 history.


    CCH seemed afraid to shoot until they had too. Three of the players that helped them rally were on the bench the majority of the game. CCH coaches choice in players rotations were baffling.


    Davin played the first 90 seconds of the game, does nothing wrong while others turn it over and make bad fouls, yet he is yanked and doesnt play until the final 2 minutes where he drains 2 threes.

  7. What teams did he play against in his 13 games?


    Both DA and Kyky played against Cooper, statistically one of the top 3 defenses in the state.


    DA scored 10.

    Kyky scored 22.



    Personally, I think the senior season should be the primary indicator in voting. If you look at careers, some kids get to play in the 8th grade, especially in smaller school systems which I feel is an unfair indicator with total points scored ...


    My vote would got to Kyky.

  8. There was some heartburn in the discussion last night about CCH dunking with a couple of minutes left in the game during their 16 point win over Beechwood in the 9th Region finals. I already have seen numerous angry tweets about Mayfield dunking today when there were 2 minutes or so left in their 12 point win over McCracken County in the 1st Region finals.


    So what are the unwritten rules governing when a team is okay to dunk in a game, and when they need to quit dunking in a game?


    If a team losing team is still pressing, still fouling, and still playing defense, then it is still an active game and I say go for it - which is exactly what happened last night at NKU and last year in the state championship!

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