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Hoptown b-ball fan

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Posts posted by Hoptown b-ball fan

  1. We're all right. I failed to mention that a 3rd school could object to the transfer even if the sending school signs off on the transfer.


    In this case it's almost certain what happened. Receiving school (marshall county) sent sending school (adair county) the transfer paper work with the "bonafied change in address" box checked. Adair county likely signed off on it.


    But... In the process a 3rd school (let's be real, probably in the 1st region) sent in a complaint to the KHSAA about the transfer. They likely argued that he was transferring for "athletic purposes" which is prohibited in the transfer by-law.


    The bottom line is... For the khsaa to rule somebody ineligible there is typically a complaint by somebody. The KHSAA doesn't just do that on their own. (typically speaking). Though harmon's dad's very public comments seem to completely fly in the face of the bylaw.

  2. Do we have any details on the "ruling"? Was this an official determination by the KHSAA? Did the KHSAA deny Harmon's request for a waiver of the ineligibility rule?


    I ask these questions because the way the rule works a player who changes schools and has participated in a varsity sport at the sending school is automatically ineligible for one year. The receiving school and player then apply to the KHSAA for a waiver of the one-year ineligibility rule.


    In other words, Harmon was officially ineligible the moment he changed schools and he then had to request the KHSAA waive their ineligibility rule and allow him to play. My question is did the KHSAA receive valid forms requesting the waiver of ineligibility and deny the waiver request?


    This is not the case.


    When he transfers the receiving school sends the form with the "reason for transfer" to the sending school. In this case I would assume that marshall county checked the "bonafied change of address" box. When Adair got the request they had two options. To sign off on the "change of address" or contest it with the KHSAA. If they had signed off he would have been eligible. I suspect they contested it and cited the part of the by-law that says you can't transfer for athletic reasons. They probably included Harmon's dad's comments about him picking a school for basketball reasons.

  3. I think part of the issue here might be his father's public comments a few months ago about the schools that his son is considering. There is a part of the by-law that says that you can't transfer because of athletic reasons. Now... proving that is tough. However, public comments from the dad may give the KHSAA a leg to stand on. But I'm not sure a judge would allow the KHSAA's ruling to stand on that part of the by-law.

  4. To be honest, I didn't see anyway possible for him to be eligible. The way all the hype this summer about where he was going.


    I say this as respectfully as I can... Have you ever paid attention to situations like this? Kids ALWAYS get eligible. As long as he moved, he'll get to play.

  5. I love pre-season hype but that is all it is. Until the playoffs begin, these predictions mean very little. I am really interested in how the new seeding system for the State semis affects regular season play. Will teams run scores up trying to impress the powers that be or will the way a team is playing in the playoffs matter more? It's going to be interesting.


    Can you refresh us on how the semi-finals will be seeded?

  6. AAU offers little to no coaching. But for higher level prospects It provides a median for better competition as typically, the only kids playing aau basketball are serious basketball players.


    So a kid Like Allen or Tandy gets time against other good/elite prospects. AAU in the younger ages is meant for development and may actually help as the teams are more local. But don't fool yourselves. The higher age groups is all about "better competition" and exposure.

  7. Does the new head coach have any experience as a head coach? What is his background?


    If I recall Thompson has been the offensive coordinator for a couple of years and was the defacto "head coach in waiting" last year. I've known Al for 30 years and he wouldn't have turned it over to somebody "in-house" if he didn't have supreme confidence in them.


    From what I've heard he did Thompson a huge favor by leaving the cupbard as full as it's been in a long time in Marion. It would have been easy for Al to stick around for one more year to make another deep playoff run. But that's not al's character. Setting up Thompson is what a good man does. And Al Starnes is as good as they get.

  8. What does he teach? Tommy Johnson isn't leaving as a teacher and FCPS is cutting A LOT of positions. You don't coach in FCPS and do nothing as a teacher. Especially at a priority school like Bryan Station. That's a tough adjustment if he is used to just coaching and not teaching a full load.


    He's taught special education since he got to Hopkinsville.

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