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Posts posted by Lefty6

  1. Actually I would have to say, "Nothing like fire works in Boyle County on a Friday night!"


    But I do agree 100%, the kids actually want to play for Coach French like they did when Coach Smith was there. I wish Pardue the best at C-ville, but Boyle County seems to be better off without him. So his decision to leave was the best for both sides.


    LOL... Fireworks were going off all night in DANVILLE. Being as how BC resides inside the city limits, right?

  2. The Woodbine Rebel Tourney was held here in Corbin over the weekend I believe. It usually features teams from all over central and eastern KY. I haven't heard who won the tourney.


    I have always had a good time traveling to Corbin to play in the Woodbine.

  3. Worked out well for Danville, but they were playing Wayne County...a game they should win with #1 or #2, and probably #3 on the hill. Rain and graduation helped get everyone rest. Perhaps it wasn't great planning for the Ads, but rather good fortune.


    Key word is "SHOULD". Its hard to plan for a game you aren't playing in yet. And yeah, rain and graduation didn't hurt.

  4. Danville pitched 3 of their pitchers (including their #1) in the opening game of the 12th. They played game 1 on Monday and the remainder of the games on Monday were rained out and pushed to Tuesday. No games Wednesday due to Danville graduation. So the Semi's are now today (Thursday) and I think Danville has all pitchers available based on the amount of rest required.

  5. The West vs. Rock game had some poor calls made behind the plate, i believe a coach from west got ejected due to a strike call in the dirt. But umps don't decide baseball games.


    From where i sat there were some questionable calls in the Danville/Wayne Co. game as well.

  6. That is not correct because the agreement is to work a full baseball game in varsity which means there has to be a winner. The J/V agreement is to work 5 and only 5. In today's world this would be a lawsuit.


    So 5 innings is a standard for JV games? Set by who?

  7. One thing to think about is that if the game goes longer than it should have and a player gets hurt the umpires are the first to get the lawsuit. It is bad to think about but insurance companies are making this a reality.


    Would in be correct to say that your statement also implies that if a varsity game goes more than 7 innings the umpires could get sued if someone gets hurt in extra innings?

  8. JV is for players not good enough to play on the varsity. To get them some at bats in game situations and see how they play defense in game situations. After 5 innings and it's 9:00pm or later, the only people that care are the mom's and dad's, whose little boys are not getting into the varsity game. 5 innings is enough for them, if they care about winning, then they need to do it in 5 innings or less!



    Are you saying that if a team shouldn't have the same players on both varsity and jv teams? Or if a team doesn't have enough players to have a completely separate varsity and jv team are you saying that they shouldn't have a jv team?

  9. JV is for players not good enough to play on the varsity. To get them some at bats in game situations and see how they play defense in game situations. After 5 innings and it's 9:00pm or later, the only people that care are the mom's and dad's, whose little boys are not getting into the varsity game. 5 innings is enough for them, if they care about winning, then they need to do it in 5 innings or less!


    I am not a mom or dad of a kid who plays varisty or jv. So much for that theory...

  10. Agree! Go home and enjoy the evening with the family.


    I'll have to agree with something that Cooperstown posted earlier in the thread. That this view of the fact that it was "only a JV game" is very short-sighted. But its your opinion nonetheless. I guess that's why situations arise as they did during this game.


    Maybe your family would enjoy the evening at home. My family enjoys being at the ballpark.

  11. Since you have umpired before, wouldn't that have been a wonderful opportunity to serve the community as a volunteer?


    Yes it would have been, what a wonderful idea. However, I was already at in a volunteer capacity at the game. You see, I do serve the community as a volunteer. And due to those volunteer duties, I would be unable to officiate the game.


    Thanks for the insight.

  12. Just wondering if anyone passes the hat to pay the umpires more for extra innings? Umbrella in the pouring rain? Gas money for travel to the field and back home? Uniform and equipment allowance? We all want to see kids get in a full game, but remember to put yourself in the other person's shoes every once in a while.


    Travel costs to the field and back home is the same regardless of how many innings are played, as is the cost of uniform and equipment. I've been in the other shoes. Both an umpire and coach.


    Passing the hat brings up a good point. Would umpires think of giving back some of the pay if the game only goes 5 or 6 innings instead of 7? No. And I wouldn't if I was an umpire either. Brings me to my point... should there be a base rate for 5 innings, since all games must go 4 1/2-5 innings. And addition pay for each inning afterwards?

  13. L6,

    Typically a JV game is for a finite number of innings determined before the game begins. It does not matter if the score is tied, at the end of X innings, the game is over. Just because both coaches and teams wanted to continue to play because the score is tied does not really enter into the equation. And, since the pay was referenced as their reason for leaving, JV in our region only pays $25 per game, regardless of the number of innings. Since varsity is $55 for two more innings, the math does not add up. (With gas at $3.60 a gallon, we're not making much after expenses anyway.) If you want to get umpires to stay, pay them more money. The innings in a JV game typically take longer than a varsity game, so the school gets more time for the buck. JV games in our region are more like controlled scrimmages and they usually go three to four innings (to a maximum of 5). Our JV games after a varsity game are not hard scheduled or assigned, typically we don't know if the schools plan on playing JV until we arrive at the site. If they do, we stay another hour and a half for another $25 bucks. When schools start trying to take advantage of the cut rate and playing more innings, we would do what the two umpires mentioned did, we would say game over. If schools wanted to pay for the longer games at a higher rate, it would be no problem. With the pay differential the way that it is, you're fortunate to get umpires period. Their professionalism is not in question, only your judgement of their professionalism.


    PS...I'll bet that you had a son or relative playing and they had a good game going. :irked:


    Before I state with 100% confidence what they were paid and how many innings they agreed to I will find out. But I will find out and be back with the answer.


    As for it being scheduled... it was scheduled and scheduled as JV / V doubleheader.


    I know umpires & coaches, and I will continue to respect the time that both umpires and coaches put in. As I have done both as well. However, from the information I have, I have every reason to believe IMHO that it was unprofessional the way it all went down.


    PS... No and No.

  14. What time did the Varsity game start and end? What time was it, when the Umpire left the field?


    Varsity game started at 5:30. Not sure exactly what time it ended, but it was a 5 inning game.


    I left the field at 9:30 and that was after I stayed after the game to socialize for a bit and get the rundown on what happened. I was probably one of the last 3 or 4 people to leave so I'm guessing the JV ended around 9, but can't be positive.

  15. This is really upsetting you isn't it. I see your point and everything, but maybe the coaches agreed on 5.


    I have it on good account that this wasn't the case.


    Yeah I'm a little sore about it. Both from a supporter and spectator standpoint. It was a great game that was going and the kids deserve better.

  16. This may possibly be, the situation. In 5 inning games, the pay is less than a regular 7 inning game. Perhaps it was agreed, the game would be 5 innings.


    A varisty game is agreed to be 7 innings, however, I don't think they would walk off the field at the end of 7 innings in the same situation in a varsity game.

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