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Posts posted by LiveLife

  1. Congrats to coaches AND the SK girls. I'm just saying every thread is so negative about the coach. He did a good job getting him team (and sounds like facility) ready for another district tournament. What would it hurt to swallow your pride and give him a little credit. Hoping for a good draw for the Pioneers at the region.


    Well, There's one thing we can agree on!


    Give me the stats on posts where I mention negative things about the coach? My responses have been to turn the credit back to the players because people are so addoment about sticking up for the coach all the way back to other threads. Let it go people,coaches are always under fire, and always will be. Now you're going to hit on my pride? Oh boy....how about we just stick to softball?

  2. Congrats to Coach Morgan. You can't help but root for a guy like that who is constantly bashed on here. Should SK run the district again next year?


    I don't understand all the congrats to the coach and taking away from the girls who played so hard to win it....refer back up to prior thread "

    I attribute the win to the SK girls...it's not all about winning games that determine a good coach or bad coach, that could be discussed in a totally different thread.
    , so again, great job SK GIRLS! If y'all want to discuss coaches, start a new thread and let the girls have there much deserved congrats!


    Macy Krohman pitched for SK yesterday, yes Macy, not the coach ;)


    SK is a great place for districts. They have great fields, with lights, and a great facility. Maybe one day they will make a nice addition of a concession stand.

  3. Christine Valvano pitched a great game for the Bearcats. My thought is if she started the game the final score would have been different. Walton wasn't ready for SK's big bats.


    Isn't that always the thoughts that come after a loss :lol:


    Valvano did do a great job...I think both Bearcat pitchers did. My opinion is that it took defense a few innings to wake up and that's what really cost WV the game.

  4. So much for that bad coach.


    Congrats to Jeff and the gang at SK.


    I attribute the win to the SK girls...it's not all about winning games that determine a good coach or bad coach, that could be discussed in a totally different thread.


    What matters is, the SK girls showed up with big bats in the first couple of innings and woke up WV defense. Both teams played defense well with SK only earning 1 more run in the next 5 innings. WV went on a two out rally in the 7th scoring 2 more runs and rattling SK defense for a moment, but was unable to keep the momentum. Great game and good weather. Kudos to SK for working hard to get the field playable after heavy rains just an hour before game time.

  5. So easy for a "travel team" to be good. These are generally girls that are willing to spend their summer traveling and playing ball along with their families-a big time and money commitment. Sometimes at the high school level, coaches get what they get. No knowledge of this situation, but travel teams by and large should be better than high school teams. I have been involved with many summer teams, and I really don't see a lot of coaching going on there. The girls are good, and the coaches main responsibility is organization, raising money, scheduleing and setting lineups. High school ball would be much harder to coach in my opinion.


    I must be living under a rock! Every travel team I've seen and have been a part of coach on the field during games, coach at practices, coach in the dugout. Some even carry on the coaching through winter to continue developing pitchers, catchers, and batters. On many teams, parents pitch in to help with the organization, raising money, lining up hotels, etc.


    I'm not sure how it's easy for travel teams to be good either. I've seen several that would struggle beating a rec-ball team. You tryout for travel teams just as you tryout for high school teams. You may get a better selection when it comes to a travel team, but that doesn't make things easier, you still have to work with them and form them into a fluid team. If coaches weren't needed to coach because travel ball girls as so much better, then what is the purpose of college coaches and pro coaches? Just to make a selection and a lineup? They have staff that takes care of promotions, scouting, scheduling, etc.


    Just curious, but did you know most travel coaches don't even get paid, don't get hotel rooms paid for, really have no fringes...they are typically their because they have a player on the team, but even that isn't always the case...some do it for the love of the game, to promote girls fast-pitch softball, to be able to feed schools developed players, etc. My opinion is that its harder to coach travel ball because they have full-time jobs like everyone else, no fringes, its time consuming, expensive, and a huge commitment in summer while most others are vacationing. I'm not saying its easy to coach high school ball, but to say its easy to have a good team and easier for travel coaches...that's ridiculous!


    High school coaches get what they pick in tryouts. From their, it is the purpose of an athletic program for coaches to start developing players, that's what they are paid for (not saying it's worth the $, but it's something). By the time players reach Varsity, coaches should be getting what they have developed through the program. Varsity coaches should be communicating guidelines and expectations to the Freshman and JV coaches who should be teaching skills and fundamentals (even to non-experienced players). Varsity coaches should be teaching advanced offensive and defensive skills to girls that have come up through the program (or another program for transfers). All teams need coached.

  6. If anyone would have seen the Cooper field Saturday, you would have said no way. We worked 3 hours Saturday, actually dug some holes in the filed to let water run into and bucketed water off, got there at 9:30 Sunday and kept at it, a big thanks to our parents who helped, the players and the coaching staff, it truly was a TEAM effort. Thanks to all. It was one of the biggest crowds I have seen in a long time for Softball.


    You all did an amazing job! A great big KUDOS to all the grounds team staff and volunteers (hoping there were some involved) that made it happen! Hope the forecast holds off to allow for more tournament play this week!

  7. Yes, a great day for some ball games indeed! There were definatly some exciting games today! Congrats to Ryle for coming back and taking the win. It was back and forth between Boone and Connor with Boone finally taking the lead and holding on. Congrats to Boone. Good luck to both Tuesday.


    Wind was definatly a factor today, holding back some potential home run hits, but all in all, great games and a big crowds today!

  8. Who typically replaces a coach once they move on? Possibly one of the other coaches, a local travel ball coach?

    I've heard the freshman coach, which happens to be an SK hall of famer, really works well with the girls. Looking at the current lineup, could it be she develops them so well and that's why the Varsity team is so young?

  9. Can someone answer this, how does Highlands 2nd basement not get nominated with 1 error all year? This is a total joke by the coaches. JMO.


    There are so many great players, I'm sure there is much more than defensive skills taken into consideration when choosing nominees...leadership, team spirit, offensive abilities, attitude, effort, possibly academics, etc. This is just something else coaches do that will never make everyone happy though.

  10. Forget ballliver, curious if your just following his posts, he's not the only one who has spoken of the coaching, or lack thereof...check prior threads and read other member posts. Did you create a trial account to stick up for your SK coach?


    Historically speaking, an 8th season coach who has 147 wins is barely average. Looking through stats on KHSAA, most of those wins came from lower level teams. Yes, it's nice that he's taking them to out of town games, but I wonder, what caliber of teams they are playing and how they hold up against them? Is it doing them any good or should they stay home and focus on dominating their region?

  11. Miller is a well rounded player with excellent fielding skills, the ability to cover lots of ground, has a great slap and bunt that leaves a lot of players confused when they go to throw her out but find she's already crossed the bag, but also able to jack a ball (1 grand slam this year)...look forward to seeing her progress over the next few years!

  12. I don't think the attention should be turned to attacking ballliver, these posts shouldn't be about attacking anyone. Coaches are used to being under fire and should actually expect it, how long has this been going on? I think the point is that there is a lot of notable talent at SK and people would like to see it better managed, to see what they could really do.


    Any team managed and coached properly has the potential to be a "powerhouse". From my knowledge, powerhouse teams in high school aren't typically pieced together by talent alone. Great teams usually grow together, develop together, and move together. That's what high school sports programs used to do.

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